社区首页 >专栏 >SAP最佳业务实践:SD–带变式价格的销售报价(663)-4创建订单


发布2018-03-28 16:20:27
发布2018-03-28 16:20:27

一、 VA01 Deriving Order from Follow-On Quotation

Aftercomparing various quotations with various configurations for configurable material, the customer decideson the last quotation. To optimize the order creation process, the order iscreated with reference to this follow-on quotation. All the relevant data iscopied from the follow-on quotation to the order. Creating the order withreference to a quotation also ensures consistency in the document flow.

The productordered by the customer is configured individually and interactively on thebasis of attributes predefined in the sales order. This data is passed directlyto the assembly process, so that an assembly order includes these specialproduct attributes. Depending on the Strategy Group in the material master of the configurable finished product, the assembly order can becreated in the background during sales order processing. The product is manufacturedin make-to-order production and the relevant stock records are kept.

Checkthe Strategy Group in the Material Master of the configurable Finished Product(F2000):

In caseof Strategy Group is YI (default for scenario), in sales order processing aproduction order for final assembly is created in background.

In caseof Strategy Group is 81, in sales order processing a planned order for finalassembly is created in background.

In caseStrategy Group is 25, after saving the sales order you have to run the MRP toobtain a planned order with all customer specific product attributes.

You canderive an order from the follow-on quotation in various ways. You can copy allthe quotation data to the order or only copy individual items with or withoutquantities. These items must be independent of the configuration (manuallyadded quotation items or alternative items). You cannot select items that arepart of the BOM.

1. On the CreateSales Order: Initial Screen, enter the following data:

Field name

User action and values


Order Type


Sales Organization

<enter your sales organization >(for example: 1000)

Your sales organization

Distribution channel

<enter your distribution channel >(for example: 10)

Your distribution channel


<enter your division >(for example: 10)

Your division

2. Choose Create withReference.

3. In the Createwith reference dialogbox,on the Quotation tab, enter your quotation number younoted down before.

4. Choose ItemSelection.

5. Choosethe relevant items. Choose Copy, and confirm information dialog box: Document / 000020 has no checking group(material master – plant data), withEnter.

6. Optional (For Strategy Group YI) – If there is any missing part, theProductionOrder Create: Missing Parts Overview screen appears. Makea note of the missing parts and choose Back. In this case, referto BPD130 – Procurement without QM to obtain initial stock for these components.

Different Strategy Group (here the material ismaintained defaultly as YI, you can also change it to 81 or 25) maintained inthe material master determines the system action. The exact description hererefers to Strategy Group YI.

7. (For Strategy Group YI)– If there is any missing part, on the Productionorder Create: Header screen, choose the Check capacity availability buttonto perform the capacity availability check, and confirm the information by choosing Enter.

8. (For Strategy Group YI)– If there is any missing part, on the Productionorder Create: Header screen, choose Back.

9. Optional (For Strategy Group 81) – On the StandardOrder: Availability Controlscreen, choose Back. In this case, referto BPD130 – Procurement without QM to obtain initial stock for these components.

10. Confirm the following informationdialog box:Document/ 000020 has no checking group (material master- plant data) with Enter.

If there are missing parts, the system may bring upa dialog box with message: Deliverygroup 001: Item 000010 contains no confirmed schedule lines. Confirmthis message with Enter.

11. On the CreateStandard Order: Overview screen, enter the following data:

Field name

User action and values


PO Number

Your PO number

Any entry

12. Choose Save.

13. Confirm the following informationdialog box: Delivery group 001: Item 000020 contains no confirmedschedule lines,with Enter.

The orderreferenced to the last quotation has been created.

二、 VA03 Outputting Order Confirmation Document

After theorder has been created in the system, an order confirmation has to be outputand sent to the customer by fax, e-mail, or post. The output of the orderconfirmation is controlled by message control, in other words, the correctmessage is found and printed on the correct printer.

The salesdocument can be output in two different ways. It can be displayed on the screenin virtual form or printed out on a printer. The document is output automaticallyat a given point in time or is triggered manually.

1. On the DisplaySales Order: Initial Screen, enter your order number.

2. From the menu, choose Sales document ® Issue Outputto.

3. In the Outputoutput dialogbox,choose PrintPreview.

4. Choose Back.

5. In the Outputoutput dialogbox, choose PrintOptions.

6. In the Logicaldestinationfield, choose a printer using input help and choose Execute.

7. In the Output outputdialogbox, choose Print.

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2017-04-24,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • 一、 VA01 Deriving Order from Follow-On Quotation
  • 二、 VA03 Outputting Order Confirmation Document
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