Holt Winter季节性指数平滑本质上就是三次指数平滑法,添加了一个新的参数c来表示平滑后的趋势。
Holt Winter季节性指数平滑有累加和累乘两种方法。
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* 三次指数平滑预测,最多外推一个周期
* @author Administrator
public class HoltWintersTripleExponentialImpl {
static double[] alphas=new double[]{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9};
public static Double getbetterforecast(List<Integer> y, int period, int m) {
double[] result=betterforecast(y,period,m);
return result[result.length-1];
* 求出最佳预测
* @param y
* @param alpha
* @param beta
* @param gamma
* @param period
* @param m
* @param debug
* @return
public static double[] betterforecast(List<Integer> y, int period, int m) {
double[] result = null;
double avg=0;
for(int i=0;i<alphas.length;i++){
int sum=0;
double[] temp=forecast(y,alphas[i],0.25,0,period,m,false);
for(int j=0;j<y.size();j++){
return result;
* This method is the entry point. It calculates the initial values and returns the forecast
* for the m periods.
* @param y 数据集合
* @param alpha - Exponential smoothing coefficients for level, trend, seasonal components.
* @param beta - Exponential smoothing coefficients for level, trend, seasonal components.
* @param gamma - Exponential smoothing coefficients for level, trend, seasonal components.
* @param perdiod - 一个完整周期的长度,至少需要两个周期
* @param m -预测的个数
* @param debug - 是否打印详细信息
public static double[] forecast(List<Integer> y, double alpha, double beta,
double gamma, int period, int m, boolean debug) {
if (y == null) {
return null;
int seasons = y.size() / period;
double a0 = calculateInitialLevel(y, period);
double b0 = calculateInitialTrend(y, period);
double[] initialSeasonalIndices = calculateSeasonalIndices(y, period, seasons);
if (debug) {
"Total observations: %d, Seasons %d, Periods %d", y.size(),
seasons, period));
System.out.println("Initial level value a0: " + a0);
System.out.println("Initial trend value b0: " + b0);
printArray("Seasonal Indices: ", initialSeasonalIndices);
double[] forecast = calculateHoltWinters(y, a0, b0, alpha, beta, gamma,
initialSeasonalIndices, period, m, debug);
if (debug) {
printArray("Forecast", forecast);
return forecast;
* This method realizes the Holt-Winters equations.
* 计算进行预测
* @param y
* @param a0
* @param b0
* @param alpha
* @param beta
* @param gamma
* @param initialSeasonalIndices
* @param period
* @param m
* @param debug
* @return - Forecast for m periods.
private static double[] calculateHoltWinters(List<Integer> y, double a0, double b0, double alpha,
double beta, double gamma, double[] initialSeasonalIndices, int period, int m, boolean debug) {
//整体平滑 st=alpha * y [i] / It [i-period] +(1.0 - alpha)*(St [i - 1] + Bt [i - 1])
double[] St = new double[y.size()];
//趋势平滑 Bt [i] = gamma *(St [i] -St [i-1])+(1-gamma)* Bt [i-1]
double[] Bt = new double[y.size()];
//季节性平滑It [i] = beta * y [i] / St [i] +(1.0 - beta)* It [i - period]
double[] It = new double[y.size()];
//预测Ft [i + m] =(St [i] +(m * Bt [i]))* It [i - period + m]
double[] Ft = new double[y.size() + m];
//Initialize base values 初始化
St[1] = a0;
Bt[1] = b0;
for (int i = 0; i < period; i++) {
It[i] = initialSeasonalIndices[i];
Ft[0+m] = (St[0] + (m * Bt[0])) * It[0];//因为Bt [0] = 0,所以这实际上是0
Ft[m + 1] = (St[1] + (m * Bt[1])) * It[1];//Forecast starts from period + 2
//Start calculations
for (int i = 2; i < y.size(); i++) {
//Calculate overall smoothing 计算所有的平滑值
if((i - period) >= 0) {
St[i] = alpha * y.get(i) / It[i - period] + (1.0 - alpha) * (St[i - 1] + Bt[i - 1]);
} else {
St[i] = alpha * y.get(i) + (1.0 - alpha) * (St[i - 1] + Bt[i - 1]);
//Calculate trend smoothing 计算所有的趋势
Bt[i] = gamma * (St[i] - St[i - 1]) + (1 - gamma) * Bt[i - 1];
//Calculate seasonal smoothing 计算所有的季节趋势
if((i - period) >= 0) {
It[i] = beta * y.get(i) / St[i] + (1.0 - beta) * It[i - period];
//Calculate forecast 计算预期值
if( ((i + m) >= period) ){
Ft[i + m] = (St[i] + (m * Bt[i])) * It[i - period + m];
"i = %d, y = %d, S = %f, Bt = %f, It = %f, F = %f", i,
y.get(i), St[i], Bt[i], It[i], Ft[i]));
return Ft;
* See: http://robjhyndman.com/researchtips/hw-initialization/
* 1st period's average can be taken. But y[0] works better.
* @return - Initial Level value i.e. St[1]
private static double calculateInitialLevel(List<Integer> y, int period) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < period; i++) {
sum += y[i];
return sum / period;
return y.get(0);
* See: http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/pmc/section4/pmc435.htm
* @return - Initial trend - Bt[1]
private static double calculateInitialTrend(List<Integer> y, int period){
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < period; i++) {
sum += (y.get(period+i)- y.get(i));
return sum / (period * period);
* See: http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/pmc/section4/pmc435.htm
* 计算及季节性指数
* @return - Seasonal Indices.
private static double[] calculateSeasonalIndices(List<Integer> y, int period, int seasons){
double[] seasonalAverage = new double[seasons];
double[] seasonalIndices = new double[period];
double[] averagedObservations = new double[y.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < seasons; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < period; j++) {
seasonalAverage[i] += y.get((i * period) + j);
seasonalAverage[i] /= period;
for (int i = 0; i < seasons; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < period; j++) {
averagedObservations[(i * period) + j] =y.get((i * period) + j) / seasonalAverage[i];
for (int i = 0; i < period; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < seasons; j++) {
seasonalIndices[i] += averagedObservations[(j * period) + i];
seasonalIndices[i] /= seasons;
return seasonalIndices;
* Utility method to pring array values.
* @param description
* @param data
private static void printArray(String description, double[] data){
System.out.println(String.format("******************* %s *********************", description));
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
System.out.println(String.format("*****************************************************************", description));
* 求出二次最佳预测
* @param y
* @param m
* @return
public static double[] betterSec(List<Integer> y, int m) {
double[] result = null;
double avg=0;
for(int i=0;i<alphas.length;i++){
int sum=0;
double[] temp=getSecExpect(y,m,alphas[i]);
for(int j=0;j<y.size();j++){
return result;
* 二次指数平滑法求预测值 预测线性趋势
* @param list
* 基础数据集合
* @param year
* 未来第几期
* @param modulus
* 平滑系数
* @return 预测值
public static double[] getSecExpect(List<Integer> list, int year, Double modulus) {
if (list.size() < 20 || modulus <= 0 || modulus >= 1) {
return null;
double[] ft=new double[list.size()+year];
Double modulusLeft = 1 - modulus;
// 一次预测 >20项默认第一个值为初始值
Double lastIndex = Double.parseDouble(list.get(0).toString());
// 二次预测 >20项默认第一个值为初始值
Double lastSecIndex = Double.parseDouble(list.get(0).toString());
for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++) {
// st1
lastIndex = modulus * list.get(i) + modulusLeft * lastIndex;
// st2
lastSecIndex = modulus * lastIndex + modulusLeft * lastSecIndex;
// AT
Double a = 2 * lastIndex - lastSecIndex;
// BT
Double b = (modulus / modulusLeft) * (lastIndex - lastSecIndex);
return ft;
* 三次指数平滑法求预测值 预测线性趋势
* @param list
* 基础数据集合
* @param year
* 未来第几期
* @param modulus
* 平滑系数
* @return 预测值
public static Double getThridExpect(List<Integer> list, int year, Double modulus) {
if (list.size() < 20 || modulus <= 0 || modulus >= 1) {
return null;
Double modulusLeft = 1 - modulus;
// 一次预测 >20项默认第一个值为初始值
Double lastIndex =(double) ((list.get(0)+list.get(1)+list.get(2))/3);
// 二次预测 >20项默认第一个值为初始值
Double lastSecIndex = lastIndex;
// 三次预测 >20项默认第一个为初始值
Double lastThreadIndes = lastIndex;
for (Integer data : list) {
// st1
lastIndex = modulus * data + modulusLeft * lastIndex;
// st2
lastSecIndex = modulus * lastIndex + modulusLeft * lastSecIndex;
// st3
lastThreadIndes = modulus * lastSecIndex + modulusLeft * lastThreadIndes;
// AT
Double a = 3 * lastIndex - 3 * lastSecIndex + lastThreadIndes;
// BT
Double b = (modulus / (2 * modulusLeft * modulusLeft)) * ((6 - 5 * modulus) * lastIndex
- 2 * (5 - 4 * modulus) * lastSecIndex + (4 - 3 * modulus) * lastThreadIndes);
// CT
Double c = ((modulus * modulus) / (2 * modulusLeft *modulusLeft))
* (lastIndex - 2 * lastSecIndex + lastThreadIndes);
Double except=a+b*year+c*year*year;
return except<0?0:except;