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A squared string is a string of n
lines, each substring being n
characters long. We are given two n-squared strings.
s1 = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"
s2 = "qrst\nuvwx\nyz12\n3456"
Let us build a new string strng
of size (n + 1) x n
in the following way:
has the first char of the first line of s1 plus the chars of the last line of s2.strng
has the first two chars of the second line of s1 plus the chars of the penultimate line of s2 except the last char.strng
has the n chars of the nth line of s1 plus the first char of the first line of s2.Calling this function compose(s1, s2)
we have:
compose(s1, s2) -> "a3456\nefyz1\nijkuv\nmnopq"
or printed:
abcd qrst --> a3456
efgh uvwx efyz1
ijkl yz12 ijkuv
mnop 3456 mnopq
def compose(s1, s2):
s1 = s1.split("\n")
s2 = s2.split("\n")[::-1]
l = []
for i in range(len(s1)):
l.append(s1[i][:i+1] + s2[i][:(len(s1)-i)])
return "\n".join(l)