社区首页 >专栏 >Jobandtalent的“劳动力即服务”平台获得了1.08亿美元的融资


修改2021-01-12 14:28:33
修改2021-01-12 14:28:33

位于马德里的Jobandtalent是一家数字临时人员管理机构,该公司经营一个双向平台,该平台将临时工与需要运输和物流等行业的定期临时工联系在一起的雇主,已为其C系列增加了8,800万欧元(约合1.08亿美元)的收入-该轮融资较早(2019年)结束后筹集的资金总额为1.66亿欧元。 这家成立于2009年的初创公司在过去十年的运营中迄今已筹集了超过2.9亿美元,但将自己描述为在庞大且不断增长的临时工作市场上崭露头角的旅程的开始,并预计需求将继续增加未来几年,行业和流程将数字化。 Jobandtalent说,去年在欧洲和拉美的七个市场(即西班牙,英国,德国,法国,瑞典,墨西哥和哥伦比亚),已有超过80,000名工人使用其平台来确保临时工作;正如它所说的那样,有750多个雇主签署了“经常管理大部分员工”的合同,其中包括XPO,Ocado,Saint Gobain,桑坦德银行,拜耳,eBay,华为,Ceva Logistics和家乐福。 它专注于与Adecco和Randstad等传统的人员配置公司竞争,尽管其他类似的初创公司也正在涌现,以迎合一个更加不稳定的临时就业市场。 (例如,Uber在2019年发起了一个名为Works的shift-finder应用程序实验,该实验还针对按需劳动力需求,但在这种情况下是与人员编制机构合作完成的。) Jobandtalent报告称,在其平台上寻找临时工作的工人人数每年都在增加一倍,同时其收入已增长至5亿欧元,并称EBITDA达到正值。 它今天说,加强的C轮融资将用于扩大市场,并加倍扩大现有的规模。 联合创始人胡安·乌迪亚莱斯(Juan Urdiales)告诉我们:“我们将继续在欧洲扩展业务,并将考虑一些其他机会(美国和一些拉美国家),并指出其主要市场仍然是西班牙和英国,而其主要领域是物流,英里,仓储和运输。 法国私募股权公司InfraVia是C轮融资的主要投资方,该公司投入了3000万欧元,并通过去年启动的成长科技基金进行了投资,该基金专注于欧洲B2B高增长科技公司。 现有的Jobandtalent投资者,包括Atomico,Seek,DN Capital和Kibo Ventures,也参加了C轮融资。 乌迪亚莱斯说,之所以现在要筹集另一笔资金,是因为随着冠状病毒大流行继续加速对模板的需求,增长机会增加了。他告诉我们:“我们筹集更多资金的原因是,我们现在看到了比预期更快的增长潜力。” “在采用我们的平台方面,大流行帮助了我们,无论是工人还是雇主。” “ Covid加快了许多行业的转型。在过去的九个月中,与过去五年相比,我们采用新技术的次数更多。人才市场正在经历巨大的转变,这种转变将在未来几年中加速,从传统的实体结构转变为数据驱动的平台,这将改善工人和雇主的体验。”乌迪亚莱斯继续说道。 他通过电子邮件补充道:“这个市场确实很大,我们才刚刚开始(即使我们现在已经进入市场很多年了。”)接下来的几年。 “我们认为,如果我们继续按照现在的增长速度增长,并增加一些私人投资者来帮助我们制定增长计划,那么我们可能会保持更长的私有化时间。” 自从十多年前启动以来,Jobtaltalent就经历了许多工作,其想法是使用技术来简化招聘工作中杂乱无章的人力资源。它开始测试多种方法,然后再采用一种语言学算法来解析求职广告并创建警报以在被动求职者中循环播放。 然后在2016年,它从企业招聘转向集中于动员中小型企业的招聘-归因于智能手机应用程序推动的演出工作的增加而提供的临时工作匹配机会的增加。从那里开始,它一直是一种磨练工具,可以满足管理大量临时劳动力的雇主的需求。

原文:Madrid-based Jobandtalent, a digital temp staffing agency that operates a dual-sided platform that connects temp workers with employers needing regular casual labor in sectors like transport and logistics, has added €88 million (~$108 million) to its Series C — bringing the total raised following an earlier (2019) closing of the round to €166 million.

The 2009-founded startup has raised more than $290 million to date over its decade+ run but describes itself as just at the beginning of a journey to make a dent in the massive and growing market for temporary work, expecting demand to keep stepping up as more sectors and processes go digital in the coming years.

Jobandtalent  says more than 80,000 workers have used its platform to secure temp gigs in the last year across the seven markets where it operates in Europe and LatAm (namely: Spain, U.K., Germany, France, Sweden, Mexico and Colombia); while 750+ employers are signed up to “recurrently manage a large part of their workforce”, as it puts it, including XPO, Ocado, Saint Gobain, Santander, Bayer, eBay, Huawei, Ceva Logistics and Carrefour.

It’s focused on competing with traditional staffing agencies such as Adecco and Randstad, though other similar startups are cropping up to cater to an ever more precarious temporary employment market. (Uber, for example, launched a shift-finder app experiment called Works, back in 2019, also targeting demand for on-demand labor — but doing so in partnership with staffing agencies in its case.)

Jobandtalent reports the number of workers looking for temp jobs on its platform doubling every year, while it’s grown revenue to €500 million and says it’s hit positive EBITDA.

The beefed up Series C funding will be put toward expanding into more markets and doubling down on growing its existing footprint, it said today.

“We will keep expanding through Europe and will consider some additional opportunities (the U.S. and some LatAm countries),” co-founder Juan Urdiales told us, noting that its main markets remain Spain and the U.K., while its main sectors are logistics, last mile, warehousing and transport.

The lead investor in the expansion tranche of its C round is new investor InfraVia, a French private equity firm, which is putting in €30 million — investing via a Growth Tech Fund it launched last year that’s focused on European B2B high-growth tech companies.

Existing Jobandtalent investors, including Atomico, Seek, DN Capital and Kibo Ventures also participated in the Series C top-up.

Urdiales said the reason it’s taken in another chunk of funding now is because of increased opportunity for growth as the coronavirus pandemic continues to accelerate demand for temping. “The reason why we are raising more is because we are seeing a high potential now to grow even faster than expected,” he told us. “The pandemic has helped us with both workers and employers in terms of adoption of our platform.”

“Covid has accelerated the transformation of many industries. We have seen more adoption of new technologies in the last nine months than in the last five years. The staffing market is experiencing a huge transformation that will be accelerated in the upcoming years, moving from brick and mortar traditional structures to data driven platforms that will improve the experience of both workers and employers,” Urdiales went on in a statement.

“This market is really big and we are just in the beginning of our journey (even though we have been a lot of years in the market now),” he added via email, discussing whether an IPO is on the business’ roadmap in the next few years. “We think that if we continue growing at the pace that we are growing now, and we add some private investors to help us with our growth plans, we may stay private for longer.”

Jobandtalent has been through a number of pivots since kicking off more than a decade ago with the idea of using technology to streamline the messy and consummately human business of recruitment. It started out testing a number of approaches before settling on a linguistics algorithm to parse job ads and create alerts to loop in passive job seekers.

Then in 2016 it pivoted away from enterprise recruitment to focus on mobilizing hiring for SMEs — zeroing in on the growing opportunity for temp job-matching offered by the rise of gig work fuelled by smartphone apps. From there, it’s been honing tools to cater to the needs of employers that are managing large temporary workforces.


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