社区首页 >专栏 >Rust 在这个领域要大放异彩:一本新书推荐

Rust 在这个领域要大放异彩:一本新书推荐

发布2022-03-28 17:32:49
发布2022-03-28 17:32:49


据说学 Rust 的人中,有不少是前端的,主要是很多前端工具链采用 Rust 重写。不仅如此,终端命令工具,也有很多 Rust 的轮子。所以,学学 Rust 造 command line 工具的轮子,对学习 Rust 挺好。

前几天发现有一本专门讲解 Rust 实现命令行工具的书,推荐给大家。


这本书不是专注于整个语言,而是在每一章中使用一个小型、完整的程序来讲解 Rust。作者 Ken Youens-Clark 向你展示了如何启动、编写和测试每个程序以创建成品。你将学习如何处理 Rust 中的错误、读写文件以及使用正则表达式、Rust 类型、结构等等。


1. Truth or Consequences

  1. Getting Started with “Hello, world!”
  2. Organizing a Rust Project Directory
  3. Creating and Running a Project with Cargo
  4. Writing and Running Integration Tests
    1. Adding a Project Dependency
    2. Understanding Program Exit Values
    3. Testing the Program Output
    4. Exit Values Make Programs Composable
  5. Summary

2. Test for Echo

  1. How echo Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Accessing the Command-Line Arguments
    2. Adding clap as a Dependency
    3. Parsing Command-Line Arguments Using clap
    4. Creating the Program Output
  3. Writing Integration Tests
    1. Creating the Test Output Files
    2. Comparing Program Output
    3. Using the Result Type
  4. Summary

3. On the Catwalk

  1. How cat Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Starting with Tests
    2. Creating a Library Crate
    3. Defining the Parameters
    4. Iterating Through the File Arguments
    5. Opening a File or STDIN
    6. Using the Test Suite
  3. Solution
    1. Reading the Lines in a File
    2. Printing Line Numbers
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

4. Head Aches

  1. How head Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Writing a Unit Test to Parse a String into a Number
    2. Converting Strings into Errors
    3. Defining the Arguments
    4. Processing the Input Files
    5. Reading Bytes Versus Characters
  3. Solution
    1. Reading a File Line by Line
    2. Preserving Line Endings While Reading a File
    3. Reading Bytes from a File
    4. Printing the File Separators
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

5. Word to Your Mother

  1. How wc Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Iterating the Files
    2. Writing and Testing a Function to Count File Elements
  3. Solution
    1. Counting the Elements of a File or STDIN
    2. Formatting the Output
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

6. Den of Uniquity

  1. How uniq Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Testing the Program
    3. Processing the Input Files
  3. Solution
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

7. Finders Keepers

  1. How find Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Validating the Arguments
    3. Finding All the Things
  3. Solution
  4. Conditionally Testing on Unix Versus Windows
  5. Going Further
  6. Summary

8. Shave and a Haircut

  1. How cut Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Parsing the Position List
    3. Extracting Characters or Bytes
    4. Parsing Delimited Text Files
  3. Solution
    1. Selecting Characters from a String
    2. Selecting Bytes from a String
    3. Selecting Fields from a csv::StringRecord
    4. Final Boss
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

9. Jack the Grepper

  1. How grep Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Finding the Files to Search
    3. Finding the Matching Lines of Input
  3. Solution
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

10. Boston Commons

  1. How comm Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Validating and Opening the Input Files
    3. Processing the Files
  3. Solution
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

11. Tailor Swyfte

  1. How tail Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Parsing Positive and Negative Numeric Arguments
    3. Using a Regular Expression to Match an Integer with an Optional Sign
    4. Parsing and Validating the Command-Line Arguments
    5. Processing the Files
    6. Counting the Total Lines and Bytes in a File
    7. Finding the Starting Line to Print
    8. Finding the Starting Byte to Print
    9. Testing the Program with Large Input Files
  3. Solution
    1. Counting All the Lines and Bytes in a File
    2. Finding the Start Index
    3. Printing the Lines
    4. Printing the Bytes
    5. Benchmarking the Solution
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

12. Fortunate Son

  1. How fortune Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Finding the Input Sources
    3. Reading the Fortune Files
    4. Randomly Selecting a Fortune
    5. Printing Records Matching a Pattern
  3. Solution
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

13. Rascalry

  1. How cal Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining and Validating the Arguments
    2. Writing the Program
  3. Solution
  4. Going Further
  5. Summary

14. Elless Island

  1. How ls Works
  2. Getting Started
    1. Defining the Arguments
    2. Finding the Files
    3. Formatting the Long Listing
    4. Displaying Octal Permissions
    5. Testing the Long Format
  3. Solution
  4. Notes from the Testing Underground
  5. Going Further
  6. Summary



About the Author

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2022-03-04,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 逆锋起笔 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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腾讯云命令行工具 TCCLI 是管理腾讯云资源的统一工具。使用腾讯云命令行工具,您可以快速调用腾讯云 API 来管理您的腾讯云资源。此外,您还可以基于腾讯云的命令行工具来做自动化和脚本处理,以更多样的方式进行组合和重用。
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