苹果出新政策2024年4月29号前,必现升级XCode和ios SDK,既然躲不开,那就安排升级吧
然后开始升级XCode 1、先卸载现有的XCode版本,避免跟新的XCode冲突 2、通过App Store安装最新版本的XCode
DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR cannot be used to evaluate LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS, use TOOLCHAIN_DIR instead
作为一个刚入门的ios小白,只好借助Google,搜查了一圈,发现有个答案可能性比较大,尝试之: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77219650/dt-toolchain-dir-cannot-be-used-to-evaluate-library-search-paths-use-toolchain/77229768#77229768
sudo gem update cocoapods
Ignoring ffi-1.15.5 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine ffi --version 1.15.5
Updating installed gems
Updating cocoapods
Updating cocoapods会卡住一段时间,估计是包比较大(我有开全局代理,如果没走代理不知道有没有问题)
sudo gem update cocoapods
Ignoring ffi-1.15.5 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine ffi --version 1.15.5
Updating installed gems
Updating cocoapods
Fetching xcodeproj-1.24.0.gem
Fetching cocoapods-1.15.2.gem
Fetching cocoapods-core-1.15.2.gem
Fetching cocoapods-downloader-2.1.gem
Successfully installed xcodeproj-1.24.0
Successfully installed cocoapods-downloader-2.1
Successfully installed cocoapods-core-1.15.2
Successfully installed cocoapods-1.15.2
Parsing documentation for xcodeproj-1.24.0
Installing ri documentation for xcodeproj-1.24.0
Installing darkfish documentation for xcodeproj-1.24.0
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-downloader-2.1
Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-downloader-2.1
Installing darkfish documentation for cocoapods-downloader-2.1
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-core-1.15.2
Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-core-1.15.2
Installing darkfish documentation for cocoapods-core-1.15.2
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-1.15.2
Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-1.15.2
Installing darkfish documentation for cocoapods-1.15.2
Done installing documentation for xcodeproj, cocoapods-downloader, cocoapods-core, cocoapods after 9 seconds
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-1.15.2
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-core-1.15.2
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-downloader-2.1
Parsing documentation for xcodeproj-1.24.0
Done installing documentation for cocoapods, cocoapods-core, cocoapods-downloader, xcodeproj after 2 seconds
Gems updated: cocoapods cocoapods-core cocoapods-downloader xcodeproj
weigan@weigandeMacBook-Pro crm_flutter % cd ios
weigan@weigandeMacBook-Pro ios % flutter clean
Changing current working directory to: /Users/weigan/AndroidStudioProjects/crm_flutter
Cleaning Xcode workspace... 5.6s
Deleting build... 2,510ms
Deleting .dart_tool... 325ms
Deleting Generated.xcconfig... 0ms
Deleting flutter_export_environment.sh... 0ms
Deleting Flutter.podspec... 1ms
Deleting .flutter-plugins-dependencies... 1ms
Deleting .flutter-plugins... 0ms
weigan@weigandeMacBook-Pro ios % rm Podfile.lock
weigan@weigandeMacBook-Pro ios % rm -rf Pods/
weigan@weigandeMacBook-Pro ios % flutter pub get
Running "flutter pub get" in crm_flutter... 11.8s
weigan@weigandeMacBook-Pro ios % pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing AMap3DMap (9.1.0)
Installing AMapFoundation (1.6.9)
Installing AMapLocation (2.8.0)
Installing AMapSearch (8.1.0)
Installing Bugly (2.5.91)
Installing FMDB (2.7.5)
Installing Flutter (1.0.0)
Installing GTSDK (
Installing Toast (4.0.0)
Installing ZXSDK (3.2.4)
Installing amap_flutter_location (0.0.1)
Installing amap_flutter_map (0.0.1)
Installing device_info_plus (0.0.1)
Installing flutter_document_picker (0.0.1)
Installing flutter_keyboard_visibility (0.0.1)
Installing flutter_local_notifications (0.0.1)
Installing flutter_pdfview (1.0.2)
Installing fluttertoast (0.0.2)
Installing getuiflut (0.0.1)
Installing image_gallery_saver (2.0.1)
Installing image_picker (0.0.1)
Installing install_plugin_ygp (0.0.1)
Installing location_service_check (0.0.1)
Installing package_info_plus (0.4.5)
Installing path_provider_foundation (0.0.1)
Installing permission_handler_apple (9.1.1)
Installing shared_preferences_foundation (0.0.1)
Installing sqflite (0.0.2)
Installing url_launcher_ios (0.0.1)
Installing webview_flutter_wkwebview (0.0.1)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Pod installation complete! There are 23 dependencies from the Podfile and 30 total pods installed.
[!] Automatically assigning platform `iOS` with version `11.0` on target `Runner` because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile. See `https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podfile.html#platform`.
[!] CocoaPods did not set the base configuration of your project because your project already has a custom config set. In order for CocoaPods integration to work at all, please either set the base configurations of the target `Runner` to `Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig` or include the `Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig` in your build configuration (`Flutter/Release.xcconfig`).
[!] The `Runner [Debug]` target overrides the `EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
- Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
- Remove the build settings from the target.
这里,更新AMap3DMap (9.1.0)卡了比较久,需要有耐心,我差点以为是方法不对,关闭terminal了
继续执行命令:pod update
pod update
Update all pods
Updating local specs repositories
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing AMap3DMap 9.7.0 (was 9.1.0)
Installing AMapFoundation 1.8.2 (was 1.6.9)
Installing AMapLocation 2.10.0 (was 2.8.0)
Installing AMapSearch 9.7.0 (was 8.1.0)
Installing Bugly 2.5.93 (was 2.5.91)
Installing GTCommonSDK (
Installing GTSDK (was
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Pod installation complete! There are 23 dependencies from the Podfile and 31 total pods installed.
[!] Automatically assigning platform `iOS` with version `11.0` on target `Runner` because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile. See `https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podfile.html#platform`.
[!] CocoaPods did not set the base configuration of your project because your project already has a custom config set. In order for CocoaPods integration to work at all, please either set the base configurations of the target `Runner` to `Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig` or include the `Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig` in your build configuration (`Flutter/Release.xcconfig`).
[!] The `Runner [Debug]` target overrides the `EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
- Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
- Remove the build settings from the target.
Framework 'GTCommonSDK' not found
找了一圈,按照官方的文档描述,升级下SDK版本,后来正常了 https://docs.getui.com/getui/mobile/ios/xcode/
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
关于这个问题,网上的说法很多,最多的一个答案是更新文件,尝试后发现本身已经更新了 https://stackoverflow.com/a/75976213/3252800
and edit this section:
if [ -L "${source}" ]; then
echo "Symlinked..."
source="$(readlink "${source}")"
if [ -L "${source}" ]; then
echo "Symlinked..."
source="$(readlink -f "${source}")"
后来找到新的答案,说是flutter版本太旧 https://stackoverflow.com/a/75947102/3252800
1、直接删除本地的flutter lib包
2、去这个链接 https://docs.flutter.dev/release/archive?tab=macos,下载对应版本的flutter版本的包,解压,放在原来flutter目录下
运行flutter --version命令,果然升级上来了
% flutter --version
│ A new version of Flutter is available! │
│ │
│ To update to the latest version, run "flutter upgrade". │
Flutter 3.7.12 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision 4d9e56e694 (11 months ago) • 2023-04-17 21:47:46 -0400
Engine • revision 1a65d409c7
Tools • Dart 2.19.6 • DevTools 2.20.1
那接下来继续运行archive,看下是否可以满足App Store的要求
点击Manage Accounts,会自动更新账号信息,等待几分钟(这里切记要断开翻墙代理,我开着代理总是不成功)
确认正常了,也需要同步更新Android ci打包环境的flutter版本,也要同步更新到3.7.12,保持跟本地运行的版本一致
*** Assertion failure in void _UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize, BOOL, CGFloat, BOOL)(), UIGraphics.m:410
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() failed to allocate CGBitampContext: size={392, -0.66666666666666674}, scale=3.000000, bitmapInfo=0x2006. Use UIGraphicsImageRenderer to avoid this assert.'
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80049b761 __exceptionPreprocess + 242
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007ff800063904 objc_exception_throw + 48
2 Foundation 0x00007ff800dabb27 -[NSMutableDictionary(NSMutableDictionary) classForCoder] + 0
3 UIKitCore 0x00007ff8055b2628 _UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions + 702
4 YGP 0x00000001075d5db3 -[UIImageView(Placeholder) layoutPlaceholderImage] + 899
5 YGP 0x00000001075d58e8 -[UIImageView(Placeholder) placeholderImage] + 72
6 YGP 0x0000000107538bf0 -[YGPCarouselContentFillImageCell setContent:] + 320
7 YGP 0x0000000107979669 __44-[YGPHomeOperationBannerCell initializeView]_block_invoke + 569
8 YGP 0x00000001079730e0 -[YGPCarousel setupCustomCell:forIndex:cycleScrollView:] + 176
经过排查,是因为给一个组件 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext,传了个负值导致了崩溃 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43441647/article/details/134034413
·········· 这次的升级,共耗时一天半,一路曲折,过程紧张,特此记录下...