# 使用单引号或双引号
s1 = 'Hello'
s2 = "World"
# 使用三引号创建多行字符串
s3 = '''This is a
multi-line string'''
# 使用转义字符
s4 = 'It\'s a beautiful day'
# 原始字符串,忽略转义字符
s5 = r'C:\Users\Username\Documents'
# 字节字符串
s6 = b'Hello' # 只包含ASCII字符
# 使用str()函数
s7 = str(42) # 将其他类型转换为字符串
# 使用 + 运算符
first_name = 'John'
last_name = 'Doe'
full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name # 'John Doe'
# 使用 += 运算符
greeting = 'Hello'
greeting += ' World' # 'Hello World'
# 使用 join() 方法
words = ['Python', 'is', 'awesome']
sentence = ' '.join(words) # 'Python is awesome'
# 使用格式化字符串
name = 'Alice'
age = 30
info = f'{name} is {age} years old' # 'Alice is 30 years old'
# 使用 str.format() 方法
template = '{} is {} years old'
info = template.format(name, age) # 'Alice is 30 years old'
使用 * 运算符可以轻松地重复字符串。
laugh = 'Ha' * 3 # 'HaHaHa'
line = '-' * 20 # '--------------------'
使用内置函数 len() 可以获取字符串的长度。
text = 'Hello, World!'
length = len(text) # 13
s = 'Python Programming'
# 索引(正向和反向)
print(s[0]) # 'P'
print(s[-1]) # 'g'
# 基本切片
print(s[7:18]) # 'Programming'
print(s[:6]) # 'Python'
print(s[7:]) # 'Programming'
# 带步长的切片
print(s[::2]) # 'Pto rgamn'
print(s[::-1]) # 'gnimmargorP nohtyP' (反转字符串)
# 使用切片修改字符串
new_s = s[:6] + ' is ' + s[7:] # 'Python is Programming'
s = 'Hello, World!'
print(s.upper()) # 'HELLO, WORLD!'
print(s.lower()) # 'hello, world!'
print(s.capitalize()) # 'Hello, world!'
print(s.title()) # 'Hello, World!'
print(s.swapcase()) # 'hELLO, wORLD!'
# 检查大小写
print('HELLO'.isupper()) # True
print('hello'.islower()) # True
print('Title Case'.istitle()) # True
s = 'Python is amazing and Python is powerful'
# 查找
print(s.find('Python')) # 0
print(s.find('Python', 10)) # 25 (从索引10开始查找)
print(s.rfind('Python')) # 25 (从右侧开始查找)
# index() 方法类似于 find(),但在未找到时会引发 ValueError
except ValueError:
print("'Java' not found in the string")
# 计数
print(s.count('Python')) # 2
# 替换
print(s.replace('Python', 'Java')) # 'Java is amazing and Java is powerful'
print(s.replace('Python', 'Java', 1)) # 'Java is amazing and Python is powerful'
# 分割
s = 'apple,banana,orange,grape'
fruits = s.split(',') # ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape']
# 限制分割次数
print('a,b,c,d'.split(',', 2)) # ['a', 'b', 'c,d']
# 按行分割
multiline = '''Line 1
Line 2
Line 3'''
lines = multiline.splitlines() # ['Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3']
# 连接
new_s = '-'.join(fruits) # 'apple-banana-orange-grape'
# 使用空字符串连接
letters = ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
word = ''.join(letters) # 'Hello'
s = ' Hello, World! '
print(s.strip()) # 'Hello, World!'
print(s.lstrip()) # 'Hello, World! '
print(s.rstrip()) # ' Hello, World!'
# 去除指定字符
s = '...Python...'
print(s.strip('.')) # 'Python'
print(s.lstrip('.')) # 'Python...'
print(s.rstrip('.')) # '...Python'
s = 'Python'
print(s.ljust(10)) # 'Python '
print(s.rjust(10)) # ' Python'
print( # ' Python '
# 使用指定字符填充
print(s.ljust(10, '-')) # 'Python----'
print(s.rjust(10, '*')) # '****Python'
print(, '=')) # '==Python=='
# 使用 zfill() 在数字字符串左边填充零
print('42'.zfill(5)) # '00042'
name = 'Alice'
age = 30
print('My name is %s and I am %d years old.' % (name, age))
# 'My name is Alice and I am 30 years old.'
# 使用字典
print('%(name)s is %(age)d years old.' % {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 25})
# 'Bob is 25 years old.'
print('My name is {} and I am {} years old.'.format(name, age))
# 'My name is Alice and I am 30 years old.'
# 使用索引
print('The {1} {0} {2}'.format('brown', 'quick', 'fox'))
# 'The quick brown fox'
# 使用命名参数
print('The {adj} {noun}'.format(adj='happy', noun='programmer'))
# 'The happy programmer'
# 格式化选项
pi = 3.14159
print('Pi is approximately {:.2f}'.format(pi)) # 'Pi is approximately 3.14'
name = 'Charlie'
age = 35
print(f'My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.')
# 'My name is Charlie and I am 35 years old.'
# 在f-string中使用表达式
print(f'2 + 2 = {2 + 2}') # '2 + 2 = 4'
# 格式化选项
import datetime
now =
print(f'Current time: {now:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}')
# 例如:'Current time: 2023-04-13 15:30:45'
# 字典序比较
print('apple' < 'banana') # True
print('Python' == 'python') # False
# 忽略大小写比较
s1 = 'python'
s2 = 'PYTHON'
print(s1.lower() == s2.lower()) # True
text = 'Python is amazing'
print('Python' in text) # True
print('Java' not in text) # True
filename = 'document.txt'
print(filename.startswith('doc')) # True
print(filename.endswith('.txt')) # True
# 使用元组检查多个选项
print(filename.endswith(('.txt', '.pdf', '.doc'))) # True
# 转换为字节
s = 'Hello, World!'
b = s.encode('utf-8')
print(b) # b'Hello, World!'
# 从字节转换回字符串
s2 = b.decode('utf-8')
print(s2) # 'Hello, World!'
# 处理不同编码
s_unicode = '你好,世界!'
b_gbk = s_unicode.encode('gbk')
s_from_gbk = b_gbk.decode('gbk')
print(s_from_gbk) # '你好,世界!'
import re
text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
# 查找所有单词
words = re.findall(r'\w+', text)
print(words) # ['The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog']
# 替换
new_text = re.sub(r'fox', 'cat', text)
print(new_text) # "The quick brown cat jumps over the lazy dog"
# 分割
parts = re.split(r'\s+', text)
print(parts) # ['The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog']
# 示例:高效地构建大字符串
def build_string(n):
parts = []
for i in range(n):
parts.append(f"Part {i}")
return ' '.join(parts)
large_string = build_string(10000)