社区首页 >问答首页 >solidity parser error请问怎么解决?

solidity parser error请问怎么解决?

提问于 2022-04-21 10:41:30
回答 0关注 0查看 142
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import "./AM.sol"; 
  * @title payment management contract 
  * @dev payment management 
  * @dev contract 
contract PAYMENT { 
     // transaction 
     struct payment{ 
         uint256 txId; 
         address fromAddr; 
         uint64 fromCurrencyId; 
         uint256 fromAmount; 
         address toAddr; 
         uint64 toCurrencyId; 
         uint256 toAmount; 
         address delegator; 
         uint64   ratio; 
     // admin of the contract 
     address public admin; 
     // tx id 
     uint256 public txId = 0; 
     // account contract address 
     mapping(address => address) public accountContractOf_; 
     // store payments 
     mapping(uint256 => payment) public paymentOf_; 
      * Constructor function 
     constructor() public { 
         admin = msg.sender;                 // set the creator as admin } 
      * registerContract 
      * by bank 
      * @param _accountContract The address of the account contract 
    function registerContract(address _accountContract) public returns (bool success) { 
       accountContractOf_[msg.sender] = _accountContract; 
       return true; 

      * transfer 
      * by bank 
      * @param _from the from address of payment 
      * @param _fromCurrencyId the from currencency id  
      * @param _to the to address of payment 
      * @param _toCurrencyId the to currencency id  
      * @param _toAmount the amount to send 
     function transfer(address _from, uint64 _fromCurrencyId, address _to, uint64 _toCurrencyId, 
uint256 _toAmount) public returns (bool success) { 
       if (msg.sender != _from) { 
           return false; 
       payment storage pay = paymentOf_[txId]; 
       pay.txId = txId; 
       pay.fromAddr = _from; 
       pay.fromCurrencyId = _fromCurrencyId; 
       pay.toAddr = _to; 
       pay.toCurrencyId = _toCurrencyId; 
       pay.toAmount = _toAmount; 
       paymentOf_[txId] = pay; 
       return true; 
      * delegateTransfer 
      * by market maker *  
      * fromAmount = _toAmount/ratio 
      * @param _txId the id of transaction 
      * @param _ratio the exchange rate 
     function delegateTransfer(uint256 _txId, uint64 _ratio) public returns (bool success) { 
       uint256 fromAmount = paymentOf_[_txId].toAmount/_ratio; 
       paymentOf_[_txId].fromAmount = fromAmount; 
       paymentOf_[_txId].delegator = msg.sender; 
       paymentOf_[_txId].ratio = _ratio; 
       return true; 
      * confirmTransfer 
      * by bank 
      * @param _txId the id of transaction 
     function confirmTransfer(uint256 _txId) public returns (bool success) { 
       if (msg.sender != paymentOf_[_txId].toAddr) { 
           return false; 
       payment storage pay = paymentOf_[_txId]; 
       address fromAddr; 
       address toAddr; 
       address fromContract; 
       address toContract; 
       fromAddr = paymentOf_[_txId].fromAddr; 
       to Addr = paymentOf_[_txId].toAddr;  
       fromContract = accountContractOf_[fromAddr]; 
       to Contract = accountContractOf_[toAddr]; 
       AM fromAccountManager = AM(fromContract); 
       AM toAccountManager = AM(toContract); 
       if  (fromAccountManager.getAccount(pay.delegator,  pay.fromCurrencyId)  <  pay.fromAmount)  { 
           return false; 
       if (toAccountManager.getAccount(pay.delegator, pay.toCurrencyId) < pay.toAmount) { 
           return false; 
       fromAccountManager.increaseAccount(pay.delegator,  pay.fromCurrencyId,  pay.fromAm
       to AccountManager.decreaseAccount(pay.delegator, pay.toCurrencyId, pay.toAmount); 
       return true; 



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