日志如下2016/03/29 1140
38.138 | E | Thread:27179 | CmdCode | AVGVideoLogic.cpp1956
SetCustomVideoCodecParam | AVPARAM. LOCAL SET. MAINVIDEO. CUSTOM. dwProto = -1, dwWidth = -1, dwHeight = -1, dwFps = -1, dwBitrate = -1, dwMinqp = -1, dwMaxqp = -1, dwGop = -1, dwQClearswh = -1, dwQCleargrade = 0, dwFecswh = -1, dwMaxwidth = -1, dwMaxheight = -1, dwMinbitrate = -1, dwMaxbitrate = -1, dwSmallVideSwh = 1, dwAnchorType = -1.**2016/03/29 1140
38.139 | E | Thread:27179 | Client | avroom_multi_impl.cpp316
EnterRoom | EnterRoom. room_delegate = 0x1375eb0b8.**2016/03/29 1140
38.139 | E | Thread:27179 | Client | av_room_multi_impl.cpp324
EnterRoom | EnterRoom. room_id = 0.**2016/03/29 1140
38.139 | E | Thread:27179 | Client | av_room_multi_impl.cpp351
EnterRoom | ability->limitGeneral.cPeer = 1.**2016/03/29 1140
38.139 | E | Thread:27179 | AVGSDK | AVGRoomLogicProxy.cpp330
SaveAVGAbilityOption | save avg ability option**2016/03/29 1140
38.139 | E | Thread:27179 | CAVGRoo | AVGRoomLogic.cpp459
SetRoomState | Room State Changed - OldState = 0, NewState = 1****2016/03/29 1140
38.139 | E | Thread:27179 | Client | av_room_multi_impl.cpp1327
RoomLogic_OnStateChanged | eStateOld = 0, eStateNew = 1, room_state = 1.**16-03-29 1140
38IMCoreImpl.mm:115ImSDKsucc SSORequest**2016/03/29 1140
38.140 | E | Thread:18584 | unnamed | TerminalInfo.cpp10
Instance | CTerminalInfo sstatsitics = 374c7610.**2016/03/29 1140
38.140 | E | Thread:18584 | CmdCode | AVGAudioLogic.cpp1802
FillSpeciLimit | FillAudioSpeciLimit Codec:4102 Fs:0 Ch:1 Duration:0 Bitrate:0 Aec:1 Agc:1 Ans:1 Vad:1 Fec:1**2016/03/29 1140
38.140 | E | Thread:18584 | CmdCode | AVGVideoLogic.cpp723
FillVideoLimit | CAVGVideoLogic::FillVideoLimit**2016/03/29 1140
38.141 | E | Thread:18584 | CmdCode | AVGVideoLogic.cpp1929
FillSpeciLimit | pAO = 0x1369fde00, m_pCustomVidParam = 0x1374c6e20**2016/03/29 1140
38.141 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | VideoQosStrategy.cpp167
FillVideoLimit | m_nVideoAbilityH264:0x00000fff m_nVideoAbilityVP8:0x00000fff nVideoAbilityH264Dec:0x0000ffff nVideoAbilityVP8Dec:0x0000ffff wCPUVideoAbility:12 wCameraAbility:0**2016/03/29 1140
38.142 | E | Thread:18579 | Client | av_avcontrol_config.cpp:399 nDownloadComplete | OnDownloadComplete succ**16-03-29 1140
38IMCoreImpl.mm:105ImSDKSSORequest im_open_msg.msg_sync**16-03-29 1140
38msg_sync_task.cc:161IMCorecmd: im_open_msg.msg_sync|rsp: 0a020800121210b5f2e7b705288aaac2c80e388c89abb305180228b5f2e7b7053000**2016/03/29 1140
38.143 | E | Thread:18579 | Client | av_context_impl.cpp:1270 nUpdateError | control_config OnUpdateError**2016-03-29 1140
38.143 slowdocApp3128:927578level:3,tag:qal,msg:send pack,seq:10955921,uin:144115197360425740,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**2016-03-29 1140
38.144 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|sendPacketImpl, type:1, uin:144115197360425740, ssocmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync, data:28, seq:10955921, timeout:0, pri:1, ans:0, resend:0, isNotResend:0, abortWhenNoNet:0**16-03-29 1140
38qalsend pack,seq:10955921,uin:144115197360425740,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**16-03-29 1140
38msg_sync_task.cc:141IMCorecmd: im_open_msg.msg_sync|req: 0a1210b5f2e7b705288aaac2c80e388c89abb30510022000**16-03-29 1140
38msg_sync_task.cc:146IMCoresend im_open_msg.msg_sync:SYNC_END**16-03-29 1140
38IMCoreImpl.mm:105ImSDKSSORequest Recentcontact.Get_PB**2016-03-29 1140
38.145 slowdocApp3128:927578level:3,tag:qal,msg:send pack,seq:10955922,uin:144115197360425740,cmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB,key:Recentcontact.Get_PB@10955922**16-03-29 1140
38msg_sync_task.cc:374IMCorecmd: Recentcontact.Get_PB|req: 088c969dcba2808080021000181e**16-03-29 1140
38qalsend pack,seq:10955922,uin:144115197360425740,cmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB,key:Recentcontact.Get_PB@10955922**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|sendPacketImpl, type:1, uin:144115197360425740, ssocmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync, data:28, seq:10955921, timeout:0, pri:1, ans:0, resend:0, isNotResend:0, abortWhenNoNet:0**2016/03/29 1140
38.146 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp197
AsynConnect | *UDP Channel Connect Start**2016/03/29 1140
38.146 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp466
SetCsState | Channel State Changed - OldState = 0, NewState = 1**2016-03-29 1140
38.146 slowdocApp3128:927572level:2,tag:msf,msg:@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**2016/03/29 1140
38.146 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp:489 nConnect | ***Channel connected successfully.***2016/03/29 1140
38.148 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp466
SetCsState | Channel State Changed - OldState = 1, NewState = 2**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**2016-03-29 1140
38.149 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|seqno:10955921, imei:E2BB8C9B-15C4-42D6-B665-1C0001E2F7F1, trim:0, protocol:v8**2016/03/29 1140
38.151 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp409
CodeGeneralLimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. GeneralLimit. cPeer = 1, cClientType = 2, dwDevice = 0, strOS = ios , bTCP = 0, strClientVersion =**2016/03/29 1140
38.152 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp372
CodeCPULimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. CPULimit. strName = (null), dwMHz = 1300, dwCount = 2, u64ID = 10, u64InstSet = 1, dwCacheL2 = 0, dwCacheL3 = 0.**2016/03/29 1140
38.152 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp452
CodeAudioLimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. AudioLimit. dwCheckInfo = 0, dwVersion = 1, dwChannel = 0, bufEncode.ulen = 4, bufDecode.ulen = 90.**2016/03/29 1140
38.152 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp483
CodeVideoLimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. VideoLimit. dwWidth = 0, dwHeight = 0, dwArq = 0, dwKalman = 0, dwQStar = 0, dwHwacc = 0, dwFECType = 0.**2016/03/29 1140
38.152 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp753
CodeSpeciVidParam | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. SpeciVidParam. dwProto = -1, dwWidth = -1, dwHeight = -1, dwFps = -1, dwBitrate = -1, dwMinqp = -1, dwMaxqp = -1, dwGop = -1, dwQClearswh = -1, dwQCleargrade = 0, dwFecswh = -1, dwMaxwidth = -1, dwMaxheight = -1, dwMinbitrate = -1, dwMaxbitrate = -1, dwSmallVideSwh = 1, dwAnchorType = -1.**2016/03/29 1140
38.152 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp795
CodeSpeciAudParam | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. SpeciAudParam. dwCodec = 4102, dwFs = 0, dwCh = 1, dwDuration = 0, dwBitrate = 0, dwAecFlag = 1, dwAgcFlag = 1, dwAnsFlag = 1, dwVadFlag = 1, dwFecFlag = 1.**2016/03/29 1140
38.154 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGRoo | AVGRoomLogic.cpp224
Request | Request Start**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|seqno:10955921, imei:E2BB8C9B-15C4-42D6-B665-1C0001E2F7F1, trim:0, protocol:v8**2016-03-29 1140
38.155 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@PK|send, pcmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync, seqId:10955921, send priority:1, timeout:31, answer flag:0, resend num:0, packet size:340 - 1008**16-03-29 1140
38msf@PK|send, pcmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync, seqId:10955921, send priority:1, timeout:31, answer flag:0, resend num:0, packet size:340 - 1008**2016-03-29 1140
38.156 slowdocApp3128:927573level:3,tag:qal,msg npackstatus,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**2016-03-29 1140
38.157 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:4, self=0x1374daf70**16-03-29 1140
38qalonpackstatus,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:4, self=0x1374daf70**2016-03-29 1140
38.161 slowdocApp3128:927573level:3,tag:qal,msg:pack not found cb,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**2016-03-29 1140
38.162 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|sendPacketImpl, type:1, uin:144115197360425740, ssocmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB, data:18, seq:10955922, timeout:0, pri:1, ans:1, resend:0, isNotResend:0, abortWhenNoNet:0**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|sendPacketImpl, type:1, uin:144115197360425740, ssocmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB, data:18, seq:10955922, timeout:0, pri:1, ans:1, resend:0, isNotResend:0, abortWhenNoNet:0**2016-03-29 1140
38.165 slowdocApp3128:927572level:2,tag:msf,msg:@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**2016-03-29 1140
38.166 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|seqno:10955922, imei:E2BB8C9B-15C4-42D6-B665-1C0001E2F7F1, trim:0, protocol:v8**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|seqno:10955922, imei:E2BB8C9B-15C4-42D6-B665-1C0001E2F7F1, trim:0, protocol:v8**2016-03-29 1140
38.166 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@PK|send, pcmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB, seqId:10955922, send priority:1, timeout:31, answer flag:1, resend num:0, packet size:332 - 1008**16-03-29 1140
38msf@PK|send, pcmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB, seqId:10955922, send priority:1, timeout:31, answer flag:1, resend num:0, packet size:332 - 1008**16-03-29 1140
38qalpack not found cb,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**2016-03-29 1140
38.169 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:4, self=0x1374daf70**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:4, self=0x1374daf70**2016-03-29 1140
38.250 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:2, self=0x1374daf70**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:2, self=0x1374daf70**2016-03-29 1140
38.251 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@NN|reset**16-03-29 1140
38msf@NN|reset**2016-03-29 1140
38.257 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@PK|recv, pcmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync, time cost:-1, seqId:10955921, uin:144115197360425740, retCode:0, packet size:8 - 1008**16-03-29 1140
38msf@PK|recv, pcmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync, time cost:-1, seqId:10955921, uin:144115197360425740, retCode:0, packet size:8 - 1008**2016-03-29 1140
38.262 slowdocApp3128:927573level:3,tag:qal,msg npackstatus,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**16-03-29 1140
38qalonpackstatus,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**2016-03-29 1140
38.267 slowdocApp3128:927573level:3,tag:qal,msg:pack not found cb,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**16-03-29 1140
38qalpack not found cb,status:3,seq:10955921,cmd:im_open_msg.msg_sync,key:im_open_msg.msg_sync@10955921**2016-03-29 1140
38.303 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:2, self=0x1374daf70**16-03-29 1140
38msf@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:2, self=0x1374daf70**2016-03-29 1140
38.304 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@NN|reset**16-03-29 1140
38msf@NN|reset**2016-03-29 1140
38.307 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@PK|recv, pcmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB, time cost:141, seqId:10955922, uin:144115197360425740, retCode:0, packet size:12 - 1008**16-03-29 1140
38msf@PK|recv, pcmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB, time cost:141, seqId:10955922, uin:144115197360425740, retCode:0, packet size:12 - 1008**2016-03-29 1140
38.310 slowdocApp3128:927573level:3,tag:qal,msg npackstatus,status:3,seq:10955922,cmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB,key:Recentcontact.Get_PB@10955922**16-03-29 1140
38qalonpackstatus,status:3,seq:10955922,cmd:Recentcontact.Get_PB,key:Recentcontact.Get_PB@10955922**16-03-29 1140
38IMCoreImpl.mm:115ImSDKsucc SSORequest**16-03-29 1140
38IMCoreImpl.mm:397__35-IMCoreImpl InitOpenIMsucc
fail:_block_invoke_4]ImSDKuser not set onRefresh**16-03-29 1140
38msg_sync_task.cc:384IMCorecmd: Recentcontact.Get_PB|rsp: c23e024f4bc83e00**16-03-29 1140
38msg_sync_task.cc:556IMCorelogin refresh nofity**2016-03-29 1140
39.286 slowdocApp3128:927572level:2,tag:msf,msg:@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**16-03-29 1140
39msf@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**2016-03-29 1140
39.321 slowdocApp3128:927530 IMSDKBugly <WARN>: sdk has already report user info today**2016-03-29 1140
39.472 slowdocApp3128:927530 IMSDKBugly <WORKFLOW>: ****Http request successed**2016-03-29 1140
39.472 slowdocApp3128:927530 IMSDKBugly <WARN>: sdk has already report user info today**2016-03-29 1140
39.473 slowdocApp3128:927148 IMSDKBugly <INFO>: BlockMonitor: monitor is stop.**2016-03-29 1140
39.952 slowdocApp3128:927530 INFO: realtime upload timer fire**2016-03-29 1140
39.974 slowdocApp3128:927148 INFO: **start rqd net request to url http://oth.eve.mdt.qq.com:8080/analytics/upload with delefate <BeaconRealTimeEventUploader: 0x1375cdaa0> and data size 901**2016-03-29 1140
40.071 slowdocApp3128:927602 INFO: RQD finish realtime event uploading...success with 1 records**2016-03-29 1140
40.283 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:2, self=0x1374daf70**16-03-29 1140
40msf@XX|handleEvent, eventcode:2, self=0x1374daf70**2016-03-29 1140
40.286 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@NN|reset**16-03-29 1140
40msf@NN|reset**2016-03-29 1140
40.290 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@PK|recv, pcmd:ConfigPushSvc.PushReq, time cost:-1, seqId:-1329374644, uin:0, retCode:0, packet size:81 - 1008**16-03-29 1140
40msf@PK|recv, pcmd:ConfigPushSvc.PushReq, time cost:-1, seqId:-1329374644, uin:0, retCode:0, packet size:81 - 1008**2016-03-29 1140
40.292 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|len: 77|ver: 1|mobcmd: 2|mobseq: 549673549**16-03-29 1140
40msf@XX|len: 77|ver: 1|mobcmd: 2|mobseq: 549673549**2016-03-29 1140
40.298 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@SL|Push server list:iTimeout=8,tcplist_size=3,httplist_size=0**16-03-29 1140
40msf@SL|Push server list:iTimeout=8,tcplist_size=3,httplist_size=0**2016-03-29 1140
40.307 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@SL|Push tcp list0,timeout:8**16-03-29 1140
40msf@SL|Push tcp list0,timeout:8**2016-03-29 1140
40.308 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@SL|Push tcp list1,timeout:8**16-03-29 1140
40msf@SL|Push tcp list1,timeout:8**2016-03-29 1140
40.311 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@SL|Push tcp list2,timeout:8**16-03-29 1140
40msf@SL|Push tcp list2,timeout:8**2016-03-29 1140
40.314 slowdocApp3128:927572level:2,tag:msf,msg:@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**16-03-29 1140
40msf@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**2016-03-29 1140
40.317 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@SL|Build server list result(isHttp:0), wifi ip num:4, 2g3g ip num:5**16-03-29 1140
40msf@SL|Build server list result(isHttp:0), wifi ip num:4, 2g3g ip num:5**2016-03-29 1140
40.320 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@SL|Build server list result(isHttp:1), wifi ip num:0, 2g3g ip num:0**16-03-29 1140
40msf@SL|Build server list result(isHttp:1), wifi ip num:0, 2g3g ip num:0**2016-03-29 1140
40.325 slowdocApp3128:927572level:2,tag:msf,msg:@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**16-03-29 1140
40msf@XX|Reality Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags**2016-03-29 1140
40.329 slowdocApp3128:927148level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|httpIPList updated:0**2016-03-29 1140
40.329 slowdocApp3128:927572level:3,tag:msf,msg:@XX|Test Env, no need to save server list**16-03-29 1140
40msf@XX|httpIPList updated:0**16-03-29 1140
40msf@XX|Test Env, no need to save server list**2016-03-29 1140
41.747 slowdocApp3128:927148 INFO: **start rqd net request to url http://oth.str.mdt.qq.com:8080/analytics/upload with delefate <BeaconStrategyQueryHandler: 0x1374ccb00> and data size 728**2016-03-29 1140
41.878 slowdocApp3128:927530 INFO: BeaconStrategyQueryHandler success**2016-03-29 1140
41.879 slowdocApp3128:927530 INFO: beacon strategy not changed , will not apply and save**2016-03-29 1140
41.882 slowdocApp3128:927530 ERROR: no speed source**2016-03-29 1140
41.890 slowdocApp3128:927148 INFO: **start rqd net request to url http://oth.str.mdt.qq.com:8080/analytics/upload with delefate <BeaconQimeiSyncHandler: 0x13757b780> and data size 838**2016-03-29 1140
41.949 slowdocApp3128:927530 INFO: got qimei 40fb839a-4a4a-4e4c-8c4f-ae623728f62d **2016-03-29 1140
41.950 slowdocApp3128:927530 INFO: RQD finish gen qimei...finish **2016-03-29 1140
42.411 slowdocApp3128:927148 IMSDKBugly <INFO>: BlockMonitor: monitor is stop.**2016-03-29 1140
46.686 slowdocApp3128:927148 INFO: status icond 1 isWW 0 isWL 1**2016-03-29 1140
46.691 slowdocApp3128:927148 INFO: ****start rqd net request to url http://oth.eve.mdt.qq.com:8080/analytics/upload with delefate <BeaconHearBeatUploader: 0x137259510> and data size 902**2016-03-29 1140
46.745 slowdocApp3128:927576 INFO: uplaod hear beat event succeed**2016/03/29 1140
48.170 | E | Thread:27179 | CmdCode | AVGCsCmdJobT.h136
CsCmd_OnCallback | ERROR!!! CsCmd(SubCmdSend=265) Timeout**2016/03/29 1140
48.173 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp195
AsynConnect | *TCP Channel Connect Start**2016/03/29 1140
48.176 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp466
SetCsState | Channel State Changed - OldState = 0, NewState = 1**2016/03/29 1140
53.001 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp:500 nConnect | ***Channel connected failed.***2016/03/29 1140
53.001 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp466
SetCsState | Channel State Changed - OldState = 1, NewState = 0**2016/03/29 1140
53.002 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp197
AsynConnect | *UDP Channel Connect Start**2016/03/29 1140
53.003 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp466
SetCsState | Channel State Changed - OldState = 0, NewState = 1**2016/03/29 1140
53.005 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp:489 nConnect | ***Channel connected successfully.***2016/03/29 1140
53.005 | E | Thread:18584 | CAVGCsP | AVGCsProcessor.cpp466
SetCsState | Channel State Changed - OldState = 1, NewState = 2**2016/03/29 1140
53.006 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp409
CodeGeneralLimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. GeneralLimit. cPeer = 1, cClientType = 2, dwDevice = 0, strOS = ios , bTCP = 0, strClientVersion =**2016/03/29 1140
53.006 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp372
CodeCPULimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. CPULimit. strName = (null), dwMHz = 1300, dwCount = 2, u64ID = 10, u64InstSet = 1, dwCacheL2 = 0, dwCacheL3 = 0.**2016/03/29 1140
53.006 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp452
CodeAudioLimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. AudioLimit. dwCheckInfo = 0, dwVersion = 1, dwChannel = 0, bufEncode.ulen = 4, bufDecode.ulen = 90.**2016/03/29 1140
53.008 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp483
CodeVideoLimit | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. VideoLimit. dwWidth = 0, dwHeight = 0, dwArq = 0, dwKalman = 0, dwQStar = 0, dwHwacc = 0, dwFECType = 0.**2016/03/29 1140
53.010 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp753
CodeSpeciVidParam | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. SpeciVidParam. dwProto = -1, dwWidth = -1, dwHeight = -1, dwFps = -1, dwBitrate = -1, dwMinqp = -1, dwMaxqp = -1, dwGop = -1, dwQClearswh = -1, dwQCleargrade = 0, dwFecswh = -1, dwMaxwidth = -1, dwMaxheight = -1, dwMinbitrate = -1, dwMaxbitrate = -1, dwSmallVideSwh = 1, dwAnchorType = -1.**2016/03/29 1140
53.011 | E | Thread:18584 | AVGSDK | AVGAbilityCodec.cpp795
CodeSpeciAudParam | AVPARAM. AbilityOption. SpeciAudParam. dwCodec = 4102, dwFs = 0, dwCh = 1, dwDuration = 0, dwBitrate = 0, dwAecFlag = 1, dwAgcFlag = 1, dwAnsFlag = 1, dwVadFlag = 1, dwFecFlag = 1.slowdocApp was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.(lldb) **