语言 | Language
- #define directive
- #error directive
- #include directive
- #line directive
- #pragma directive
- abstract class
- access specifiers
- Address of an overloaded function
- aggregate initialization
- alias template
- alignas specifier
- alignof operator
- Alternative operator representations
- Argument-dependent lookup
- Arithmetic operators
- Array declaration
- ASCII Chart
- asm declaration
- Assignment operators
- attribute specifier sequence(since C++11)
- auto specifier
- Basic concepts
- Bit field
- Boolean literals
- break statement
- character literal
- Class declaration
- Class template
- Class template deduction(since C++17)
- Classes
- Comments
- Comparison operators
- Conditional inclusion
- Constant expressions
- constant initialization
- constexpr specifier
- Constraints and concepts
- Constructors and member initializer lists
- const_cast conversion
- continue statement
- Converting constructor
- Copy assignment operator
- Copy constructors
- Copy elision
- copy initialization
- cv type qualifiers
- Declarations
- Declaring functions
- decltype specifier
- Default arguments
- Default constructors
- default initialization
- Definitions and ODR
- delete expression
- Dependent names
- Derived classes
- Destructors
- direct initialization
- do-while loop
- dynamic exception specification
- dynamic_cast conversion
- Elaborated type specifier
- Empty base optimization
- enumeration declaration
- Escape sequences
- Exceptions
- explicit specifier
- explicit template specialization
- Explicit type conversion
- Expressions
- final specifier
- floating point literal
- fold expression
- for loop
- friend declaration
- Function template
- Function-try-block
- Functions
- Fundamental types
- goto statement
- Identifiers
- if statement
- Implicit conversions
- Increment/decrement operators
- Initialization
- inline specifier
- integer literal
- Lambda expressions
- Language linkage
- Lifetime
- list initialization
- Logical operators
- Main function
- Member access operators
- Member templates
- Memory model
- Move assignment operator
- Move constructors
- Name lookup
- Namespace aliases
- Namespaces
- nested classes
- new expression
- noexcept operator
- noexcept specifier
- Non-static data members
- Non-static member functions
- nullptr
- Object
- operator overloading
- Operator Precedence
- Order of evaluation
- Other operators
- Overload resolution
- override specifier
- Parameter pack
- partial template specialization
- Phases of translation
- PImpl
- Pointer declaration
- Preprocessor
- Qualified name lookup
- Range-based for loop
- Reference declaration
- reference initialization
- reinterpret_cast conversion
- return statement
- Scope
- sizeof operator
- sizeof... operator
- Statements
- Static Assertion
- static members
- static_cast conversion
- Storage class specifiers
- string literal
- switch statement
- Template argument deduction
- Template parameters and template arguments
- Templates
- The as-if rule
- the pointer literal
- The rule of three/five/zero
- this pointer
- throw expression
- Transactional memory
- try-block
- Type
- Type
- Type alias
- typedef specifier
- typeid operator
- Undefined behavior
- Union declaration
- Unqualified name lookup
- user-defined conversion
- User-defined literals
- Using-declaration
- Value categories
- value initialization
- Variable template
- Variadic arguments
- virtual function specifier
- while loop
- zero initialization