指南:参考手册 | Guide: Reference manual
- 1.介绍(参考手册) | 1. Introduction (Reference manual)
- 2.字符集和源文件编码 | 2. Character Set and Source File Encoding
- 3,。数据类型 | 3. Data Types
- 4.模式匹配 | 4. Pattern Matching
- 5.模块 | 5. Modules
- 6.函数 | 6. Functions
- 7.类型和功能规格 | 7. Types and Function Specifications
- 8.表达 | 8. Expressions
- 9.预处理器 | 9. Preprocessor
- 10.记录 | 10. Records
- 11.错误和错误处理 | 11. Errors and Error Handling
- 12.流程 | 12. Processes
- 13.分布式Erlang | 13. Distributed Erlang
- 14.编译和代码加载 | 14. Compilation and Code Loading
- 15.端口和端口驱动 | 15. Ports and Port Drivers