方法 | Recipes
- 基本减速器结构与样式( Basic Reducer Structure and State Shape )
- 超越式CombineReducers(Beyond combineReducers)
- 计算派生数据( Computing Derived Data )
- 不变的更新模式( Immutable Update Patterns )
- 实现撤消历史操作( Implementing Undo History )
- 初始化状态( Initializing State )
- 隔离Redux子应用程序( Isolating Redux Sub-Apps )
- 管理规范化数据( Managing Normalized Data )
- 迁移至Redux( Migrating to Redux )
- 规范化状态( Normalizing State Shape )
- 先决条件减速器概念( Prerequisite Reducer Concepts )
- 教程( Recipes )
- 减少Boilerplate (Reducing Boilerplate )
- 用功能分解和Reducer成分重构Reducer逻辑( Refactoring Reducer Logic Using Functional Decomposition and Reducer Composition )
- 重用减速器逻辑( Reusing Reducer Logic )
- 服务器渲染(Server Rendering)
- 拆分Reducer逻辑(Splitting Up Reducer Logic)
- 构造Reducers(Structuring Reducers)
- 使用combineReducers(Using combineReducers)
- 使用带Redux的Immutable.JS(Using Immutable.JS with Redux)
- 使用对象扩展运算符(Using Object Spread Operator)
- 编写测试( Writing Tests )