教程 | Tutorials
- A Guide to TF Layers: Building a Convolutional Neural Network(TF层指南:构建卷积神经网络)
- Convolutional Neural Networks(卷积神经网络)
- How to Retrain Inception's Final Layer for New Categories(如何为新类别重新训练盗梦空间的最后一层)
- Image Recognition(图像识别)
- Improving Linear Models Using Explicit Kernel Methods(使用显式内核方法改进线性模型)
- Large-scale Linear Models with TensorFlow(TensorFlow的大型线性模型)
- Mandelbrot Set
- Partial Differential Equations(偏微分方程)
- Recurrent Neural Networks(复发性神经网络)
- Sequence-to-Sequence Models(Sequence-to-Sequence模型)
- Simple Audio Recognition(简单的音频识别)
- TensorFlow Linear Model Tutorial(TensorFlow线性模型教程)
- TensorFlow Wide & Deep Learning Tutorial(广泛深入的学习教程)
- Tutorials(教程)
- Using GPUs(使用GPU)
- Vector Representations of Words(字词的向量表示)