import pandas
from decimal import Decimal
base_data = pandas.DataFrame(data = {'name':'Sarah', 'balance': Decimal(1)}, index = [0])
## drop the first row and aggregate
summary_data = base_data.drop(0).groupby('name').agg({'balance' : 'sum'})
// Defined in a base .less file somewhere
a {
color: blue;
// Defined within a more specific file
.myClass a {
color: red;
// #myElement is used within .myClass, but I'd like to re-use the
// base styles.
//x and y is absolute coordinate of the touchpad
//dx and dy is the change in mouse position since the last acquisition
// the variables screenX and screenY are the new positions x and y on the screen
var maxScreenX =800; // width Screen
var maxScreenY =300; // height Screen
function transfer1(