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    英国公投选择了脱离欧洲,震惊了世界。人们究竟怎么看待这件事?机器学习分析能帮我们找到答案。 2016 年 6 月 24 日是将出现在历史课本上的一天。英国全民公投选择了退出欧盟,并在欧洲的心脏上打开了一条深深的裂缝。作为这一结果的后果,英国首相戴维·卡梅伦将在今年十月选出一个新领袖前辞职。 此时此刻,没有人了解这个结果所带来的影响。脱欧会伤害英国经济并引发另一轮衰退吗?会存在多米诺效应造成欧盟崩溃吗?这会是导致苏格兰独立以及大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的终结的最后一根稻草吗?其后果目前仍不清楚的,此时此刻,一



    Flask-AppBuilder - Simple and rapid Application builder, includes detailed security, auto form generation, google charts and much more. FlaskEx - UNKNOWN gourd - easy server framework. add flask's style route to tcp/udp server. kit - Flask, Celery, SQLAlchemy integration framework. Flask-WTF - Simple integration of Flask and WTForms alchemist - A server architecture built on top of a solid foundation provided by flask, sqlalchemy, and various extensions. Flask-Mail - Flask extension for sending email sga - make it easier to use pyga for web develop. and make pyga compatible with flask and django. flask-peewee - Peewee integration for flask flask_util_js - flask's util in javascript. such as url_for etc. Flask-Security - Simple security for Flask apps Flask-RESTful - Simple framework for creating REST APIs Flask-SeaSurf - An updated CSRF extension for Flask. Flask-Cache - Adds cache support to your Flask application Flask-Admin - Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask Flask-Slither - A small library between MongoDB and JSON API endpoints Flask-Bootstrap - An extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code. Flask-Script - Scripting support for Flask Flask-GoogleLogin - Extends Flask-Login to use Google's OAuth2 authorization Flask-Exceptional - Adds Exceptional support to Flask applications Flask - A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions INSTALLED: 0.10.1 (latest) clay-flask - Clay is a framework for building RESTful backend services using best practices. Flask-Classy - Class based views for Flask ShelfCMS - Enhancing flask microframework with beautiful admin and cms-like features



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    Python 2.7.x 和 3.x 版

    python现在很火,最近花了些时间去了解了一下,最初了解的是2.7.x版本,感觉,从书写上是很不习惯,少了一双大概号,取而代之的是缩进;然后跟kotlin和swift一样省去了每行的分号,象我们这种分号强迫症的人真心的不习惯;还有!True的条件改成not True、while后面可以跟else等等这些,真心不习惯啊!用2.7.x做了几天的测试,基本慢慢算有个了解了,也试着爬了些行业网的数据,感觉这个比PHP写爬虫方便很多。然后昨晚就在家里装了个3.X的版本,很悲催的发现,原来写的有很多的错误,万般无奈的检查之下,发现语句上是没什么问题,只是3.X版本不兼容部分的语句,例如最常用的print,raw_input都不一样了,今天花了些时间查一查,并总结了一下它们的区别。
