


  1. 自动化处理:利用编程语言和脚本工具,可以编写自动化程序来处理大量的次要情节。例如,使用Python编写脚本来自动化处理文本数据、图像处理、数据清洗等任务。对于前端开发,可以使用自动化构建工具如Webpack来处理大量的次要情节,例如代码压缩、文件合并等。
  2. 分析和筛选:通过数据分析和筛选,可以将大量的次要情节进行分类和筛选,以便更好地处理和管理。例如,使用机器学习算法对大量的文本数据进行情感分析,筛选出重要的信息。
  3. 委托和分配:对于大量的次要情节,可以将其委托给其他团队成员或外包给专业的服务提供商来处理。例如,将软件测试任务委托给专门的测试团队,将服务器运维任务外包给云服务提供商。
  4. 优先级管理:对于大量的次要情节,可以根据其重要性和紧急程度进行优先级管理。通过设定合理的优先级,可以确保重要的任务得到及时处理,而次要的情节可以在合适的时间进行处理。
  5. 自动化工具和平台:利用云计算平台和相关工具,可以实现大规模的自动化处理。例如,使用云原生技术和容器化技术,可以快速部署和管理大规模的应用程序和服务。




  • [深度] 高级认知的‘抽象’到底是什么?

    In recent years, scientists have increasingly taken to investigate the predictive nature of cognition. We argue that prediction relies on abstraction, and thus theories of predictive cognition need an explicit theory of abstract representation. We propose such a theory of the abstract representational capacities that allow humans to transcend the “here-and-now.” Consistent with the predictive cognition literature, we suggest that the representational substrates of the mind are built as a hierarchy, ranging from the concrete to the abstract; however, we argue that there are qualitative differences between elements along this hierarchy, generating meaningful, often unacknowledged, diversity. Echoing views from philosophy, we suggest that the representational hierarchy can be parsed into: modality-specific representations, instantiated on perceptual similarity; multimodal representations, instantiated primarily on the discovery of spatiotemporal contiguity; and categorical representations, instantiated primarily on social interaction. These elements serve as the building blocks of complex structures discussed in cognitive psychology (e.g., episodes, scripts) and are the inputs for mental representations that behave like functions, typically discussed in linguistics (i.e., predicators). We support our argument for representational diversity by explaining how the elements in our ontology are all required to account for humans’ predictive cognition (e.g., in subserving logic-based prediction; in optimizing the trade-off between accurate and detailed predictions) and by examining how the neuroscientific evidence coheres with our account. In doing so, we provide a testable model of the neural bases of conceptual cognition and highlight several important implications to research on self-projection, reinforcement learning, and predictiveprocessing(PP) models of psychopathology


    窃取华三Comware源代码(研发成本 9.9 亿)、72 万出售,判 5 年 9 个月:购买方三人各判 3 年、2 年、2 年

    被告人:魏某,男,1985年出生,大学文化程度,原系杭州华三通信技术有限公司员工 被告人:任某某,男,1975年出生,大学文化程度,北京楚航可信科技有限公司研发部负责人 被告人:姜某,男,1972年出生,大学文化程度,北京楚航可信科技有限公司总经理 被告人:雷某,男,1974年出生,大学文化程度,北京楚航可信科技有限公司董事长兼法人代表 一审查明事实: 2015年4月21日晚,魏某利用其在杭州华三通信技术有限公司(以下简称“华三公司”)研发部工作的便利,违反公司规定,使用手机、无线路由器等设备,通过技术手


    Python数据分析(中英对照)·Customizing Your Plots-自定义绘图

    There are a few important elements that can be easily added to plots. 有几个重要元素可以轻松添加到绘图中。 For example, we can add a legend with the legend function. 例如,我们可以使用图例功能添加图例。 We can adjust axes with axis, where axis is spelled A-X-I-S. 我们可以用axis调整轴,其中axis拼写为A-X-I-S。 We can set axis labels using xlabel and ylabel. 我们可以使用xlabel和ylabel设置轴标签。 And we can save a figure using savefig. 我们可以使用savefig保存一个图形。 In that case, the file format extension specifies the format of the file,such as pdf or png. 在这种情况下,文件格式扩展名指定文件的格式,如pdf或png。 Let’s now add these elements to our previous plot. 现在,让我们将这些元素添加到上一个绘图中。 I’m going to construct this plot in the editor. 我将在编辑器中构建这个情节。 So I’m going to take my first line and place that in the editor. 所以我要把我的第一行放到编辑器中。 Then I’m going to take my second line and just copy paste that in the editor. 然后,我将获取第二行,并将其复制粘贴到编辑器中。 If I want to construct the full plot, I’m going to find my definition of x, so we have a full example,x was defined here. 如果我想构造完整的图,我会找到我对x的定义,所以我们有一个完整的例子,x在这里被定义。 Then we had definitions of y1, which was given here. 然后我们有了y1的定义,这里给出了。 And we have also our definition of y2, which is here. 我们还有y2的定义,在这里。 This is the plot that we’ve been looking at so far. 这是我们到目前为止一直在看的情节。 I’m going to start by adding axes labels to this plot. 我将首先向这个图中添加轴标签。 I’m going to type plt.xlabel. 我要输入plt.xlabel。 And we’ll just put it in an X for the x-axis. 我们把它放在X轴上。 And we can use the same idea for ylabel, in which case we’ll just call it Y. 我们可以对ylabel使用相同的想法,在这种情况下,我们将其称为Y。 If you’re familiar with LaTeX, which is the typesetting software often used in mathematical publications, you’ll be pleased to know that plt also knows LaTeX. 如果您熟悉LaTeX,这是数学出版物中经常使用的排版软件,您会很高兴知道plt也了解LaTeX。 If you’re not familiar with it, here’s a brief idea. 如果你不熟悉它,这里有一个简单的想法。 We can take a mathematical notation or a symbol like x,and we can put dollar signs around that. 我们可以用一个数学符号或者像x这样的符号,我们可以在它周围加上美元符号。 All this does is that it changes the appearance of x and y in your plot. 所有这一切只是改变了绘图中x
