SYMPTOMS JDBC connection can't be created due to exception "ORA-15000: command disallowed by current...SERVICE_NAME=) ) ) Exception in thread "main" java .sql.SQLException: ORA-15000: command disallowed
() java.lang.Thread.checkAccess() # Disallowed since 2.3.30: java.lang.Thread.dumpStack() # Disallowed...() # Disallowed since 2.3.0: java.lang.Thread.interrupt() java.lang.Thread.activeCount() # Disallowed...() # Disallowed since 2.3.0: java.lang.Thread.stop() java.lang.Thread.interrupted() # Disallowed since...) # Disallowed since 2.3.30: java.lang.Runtime.gc() # Disallowed since 2.3.0: java.lang.Runtime.load(...() # Disallowed since 2.3.0: java.lang.System.setProperties(java.util.Properties) # Disallowed since
endif } ~NativeAllocationChecker() { #ifdef DEBUG if (allowed_ == DISALLOW) { allocation_disallowed..._--; } #endif ASSERT(allocation_disallowed_ >= 0); } static inline bool allocation_allowed...() { return allocation_disallowed_ == 0; } private: // This static counter ensures that NativeAllocationCheckers...static int allocation_disallowed_; // This flag applies to this particular instance....* kCharSize); result[length] = '\0'; return result; } int NativeAllocationChecker::allocation_disallowed
X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" # Referrer-Policy "no-referrer" } # 禁止访问的目录/文件 @disallowed...*.php path /wp-content/uploads/*.html path /wp-content/debug.log } rewrite @disallowed
若要指定规则应使用 NullReferenceException 标记 catch 处理程序,请将以下键值对添加到项目的 editorconfig 文件中: dotnet_code_quality.CA1031.disallowed_symbol_names...示例: 选项值 总结 dotnet_code_quality.CA1031.disallowed_symbol_names = ExceptionType 匹配编译中名为“ExceptionType”的所有符号...dotnet_code_quality.CA1031.disallowed_symbol_names = ExceptionType1|ExceptionType2 匹配编译中名为“ExceptionType1...”或“ExceptionType2”的所有符号 dotnet_code_quality.CA1031.disallowed_symbol_names = T:NS.ExceptionType 将名为“ExceptionType...dotnet_code_quality.CA1031.disallowed_symbol_names = T:NS1.ExceptionType1|T:NS1.ExceptionType2 将名为“ExceptionType1
immediate; alter tablespace tools offline immediate * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01145: offline immediate disallowed...'/u01/app/oracle/oradata/disk_1/tbs01.dbf' offline * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01145: offline immediate disallowed...'/u01/app/oracle/oradata/disk_1/tbs01.dbf' offline * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01145: offline immediate disallowed...oerr ora 01145 01145, 00000, "offline immediate disallowed unless media recovery enabled" // *Cause:
://xxxx/xxxx' received a bad response: HTTP response returned status code of 404 ERR_NETWORK_IMPORT_DISALLOWED...:当请求一个HTTPS资源且被重定向到一个非网络资源时,是不被允许的 Error [ERR_NETWORK_IMPORT_DISALLOWED]: import of 'ftp://xxxxx/say-helloWorld.mjs...PromisePrototypeThen(isLocalAddress(parsed.hostname), (is) => { // Makes few checks for ERR_NETWORK_IMPORT_DISALLOWED
----------------- PHYSICAL STANDBY READ ONLY MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE 2、ORA-16627: operation disallowed...standby databases would remain to support protection mode; 当切换模式为最高可用时出现 Error: ORA-16627: operation disallowed...DGMGRL> DGMGRL> EDIT CONFIGURATION SET PROTECTION MODE AS MAXAVAILABILITY; Error: ORA-16627: operation disallowed...updated DGMGRL> EDIT CONFIGURATION SET PROTECTION MODE AS MAXAVAILABILITY; Error: ORA-16627: operation disallowed...DGMGRL> EDIT CONFIGURATION SET PROTECTION MODE AS MAXAVAILABILITY; Error: ORA-16627: operation disallowed
checkAllowedFields(mpvs); checkRequiredFields(mpvs); applyPropertyValues(mpvs); } // allowe允许的 并且还是没有在disallowed...这个字段就是被允许的 protected boolean isAllowed(String field) { String[] allowed = getAllowedFields(); String[] disallowed...ObjectUtils.isEmpty(allowed) || PatternMatchUtils.simpleMatch(allowed, field)) && (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(disallowed...PatternMatchUtils.simpleMatch(disallowed, field))); } ... // protected 方法,给target赋值~~~~ protected
ldap://localhost:389 ldap_bind: Inappropriate authentication (48) additional info: anonymous bind disallowed
if (var2.isAnyLocalAddress()) { throw new AccessException(var0 + " disallowed...} catch (PrivilegedActionException var4) { throw new AccessException(var0 + " disallowed...var6) { } catch (UnknownHostException var7) { throw new AccessException(var0 + " disallowed...RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.rmi.AccessException: Registry.bind disallowed...ysoserial.exploit.RMIRegistryExploit.main( Caused by: java.rmi.AccessException: Registry.bind disallowed
mysql_upgrade 进行升级时可能会报错: mysql_upgrade: [ERROR] 3161: Storage engine MyISAM is disabled (Table creation is disallowed
不允许使用“Foo(ref a, ref b)”的这种参数组合,因为它可能会在其声明范围之外公开由参数 a 引用的变量 CS8350: This combination of arguments to is disallowed...dotnet/csharplang 本文会经常更新,请阅读原文:
Access to camera, microphone, photos, phone, Bluetooth, and internet as well as dynamic code loading are disallowed
decrypt via emulation – dexdec: instruction conversion recovered – gui: Usage of the clipboard is disallowed
Optionally, there are lines that begin with Allow, indicating subsections of disallowed sections that...If such a file exists, the bots will read the file and avoid disallowed portions of the bad actors — in fact, one scary implication of the standard is that many malicious bots use the disallowed
(false|no|ko|denied|disallowed|not allowed|refused|problem|failed|failure|not permitted)|no [A-Za-z]+
null_check_validation_methods additional_string_formatting_methods excluded_type_names_with_derived_types excluded_symbol_names disallowed_symbol_names...CA3010CA3011 CA3012 CA5361 CA5376 CA5377 CA5378CA5380 CA5381 CA5382 CA5383 CA5384 CA5387CA5388 CA5389 CA5390 disallowed_symbol_names
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