了解如何从Kubernetes集群内的Dockerfile构建容器映像源,并将映像推送到IBM Cloud Container Registry; 所有这一切都使用谷歌的Kaniko工具。...为了正确地对远程容器注册表(IBM Cloud Container Registry)进行身份验证,构建需要具有适当的凭据。这是使用ServiceAccount构建实现的。...value: "Kaniko Node App running on IBM Cloud" 执行服务: $ kubectl apply --filename service...knative-node-app --output jsonpath='{.status.domain}': $ export HOST_URL = $(kubectl get services.serving.knative.dev...$ curl -H "Host: ${HOST_URL}" http://${IP_ADDRESS} Response: Kaniko Node App running on IBM Cloud$ curl
Now it’s in our cloud, available anywhere....Today, it includes 28 cognitive services....in areas like data analytics, open standards, cloud services and security, and our deep knowledge of...partners, Watson helps to power Welltok’s personalized health optimization platform, GenieMD’s mobile app...in our products and services and collaborating with thousands of clients and partners, to making IBM
Canada has divulged, though the tender identifies Amazon Web Services (AWS), the cloud computing branch...CLOUD Act, data could eventually be transferred out of the country," Gambs said in French....professor at l'Université de Montréal and Canada Research Chair in cybersecurity, said the passport app...'Vicious cycle': PIPSC The Professional Institute of the Public Services (PIPSC) said this tender should...For the first four months of the pandemic, Service Canada was only providing critical passport services
image.png Watson Services for Bluemix Sample Apps: Watson Films App (Video) Watson Films App (developerWorks...Using MobileData Cloud Building Highly Scalable Apps for Bluemix, Speaker: Ryan Baxter Bluemix Mobile...on Bluemix, Speakers: Swaminathan Chandrasekaran & Greg Knowles Developing iOS Apps on Bluemix Using IBM...Platform for iOS, Speakers: Carlos Santana & Belinda Johnson How to Use Microservices to Build a REAL Cloud...Smith & Eric Samuelsson IBM Containers on Bluemix, Speakers: Andrew Low & Aaron Quirk
Google Cloud Vision API https://cloud.google.com/vision/ 由诸如 TensorFlow 这样的平台作为支撑,该 API 允许模型学习和预测图像中的内容...IBM Watson Visual Recognition https://www.ibm.com/watson/services/visual-recognition/ 该 API 可以理解图像的内容...Kairos https://www.kairos.com/docs/api/ 这个平台可以帮你快速将情绪分析和人脸识别添加到应用程序(APP)和服务中。...Watson Natural Language Understanding https://www.ibm.com/watson/services/natural-language-understanding...IBM Watson Speech https://www.ibm.com/watson/services/speech-to-text/ 包括语音到文本的转换和文本到语音的转换,例如在联络中心录制电话或创建语音控制的应用程序
链接:https://cloud.google.com/vision 8....Calais 能够将你的文档与实体(人、地点、组织等)、事实(人 X 为公司 Y 工作)和事件(人 Z 在时间 X 被任命为公司 Y 的主席)进行归类和链接。...链接:https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/ 2. IBM Watson Language Translator:将文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。...链接:https://cloud.google.com/prediction/docs/ 5....该 API 允许开发者使用原始算法进行工作,并可以将多个不同的领域(包括数据的不同层次)放到一起协同,并且还能利用其它平台的功能。 19.
services. ...is responsible for building, optimizing and maintaining the products of Google Cloud Run, App Engine...郭迎春 IBM 资深工程师郭迎春(Daisy), 来自 IBM 开放技术研究院,有多年开源项目工作经验,最早工作于 OpenOffice 社区,2012 年加入 OpenStack 社区,是 OpenStack...从事多年的云计算后台研发和研发管理工作,对如何构建高可靠,高可用分布式系统有较深入的理解和落地经验。...李啸川 爱奇艺票务事业部技术负责人李啸川,原爱奇艺票务事业部技术负责人,主导与百度糯米票务合并,完成系统迁移、整合,并从0到1搭建爱奇艺票务App、小程序等产品矩阵,完成业务架构全面升级。
Cloud....All the Cloud Foundry components like cloud controller, health manager, routers, DEAs etc. are deployed...Bluemix Core Services Core services support the fabric....Speaking of Security services, amongst other things we also deploy IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Platform...That means all the services provided by IBM (Watson, IoT, mobile, data services) as well as the ones
Iron.io, IBM OpenWhisk)....Rackspace, IBM Softlayer)....* Lambda Google* Cloud Functions IBM* Bluemix OpenWhisk Oracle** Cloud Container Service Tyk* SAP* Hana...Cloud WSO2* App Cloud ————————— District: Management Category Line: API Management Related Ecosystem...* API Connect Google Apigee (acquired) Amazon Web Services* API Gateway Microsoft* Azure API Management
Application's Performance - Shuang Chen, PingCAP 介绍和深入了解 TAG 应用程序交付 | Introduction and Deep - Dive into TAG App...Maintainer - Guo Xudong, GitLab Crossplane:将基础设施和服务组成定制平台应用程序接口 | Crossplane: Compose Infrastructure and Services...基于Volcano的离在线业务混部技术探索 | Exploration About Mixing Technology of Online Services and Offline Jobs Based...KubeEdge - Fei Xu, Huawei 从以应用程序为中心的抽象将应用程序运送到多集群环境 | Ship Apps to Multi-cluster Environments from an App-centric...云项目概述和深入研究 | Kubernetes Provider IBM Cloud Project Overview and Deep Dive - Sahdev Zala, Guang Ya Liu
亚马逊AI、IBM Watson、谷歌云和微软认知API是目前市场上比较多见的一些商业产品。...机器人即服务(Bots as a Service) 随着移动App使用率的停滞不前,各种业务纷纷开始转向交互式机器人,以推动客户服务与支持。通过为客户提供对话交流体验,机器人正迅速代替App的位置。...多种机器学习算法串联工作,演变为一个合适的模式,能够最好地理解设备所生成的数据集的模式。这些运算模型能够主动发现可能会最终导致设备停机的异常现象,而这个能力将使工业物联网进入下一个阶段。...亚马逊、谷歌、IBM和微软等公司,都在建立传统商务智能平台和新兴ML工具之间相互连接的桥梁。...亚马逊 Kinesis Analytics有亚马逊ML,Azure Stream Analytics有Azure ML Web Services,而谷歌也正通过利用Cloud ML使BigQuery和Cloud
Compatibility and interoperability Security Readability In-House / Outsourcing (Hiring vendors to provide services...Integrated Easy to use Basic Functionality Provided by Web Servers Processing of HTTP requests Security services...different-sized businesses Small, Medium - Yahoo Small Business, open-source solutions Mid-range - IBM...Wbsphere Commerce Express,… Hign-end - IBM WebSphere Professional/Enterprise,… Cloud-based SaaS solutions...Native app Hybrid app Mobile Presence Identify business objectives, system functionality, and information
在国外,2008年4月Google App Engine的发布是一个标志性转折点,PaaS由此进入人们视野;2011年4月份VMware发布了Cloud Foundry,并随后在市场上持续投入宣传,使得...Netflix认为AWS和它要开发的Cloud-Native应用之间是存在Gap的,而最难的工作就是构建符合自己业务需求的PaaS来弥补这个Gap。...对Oracle/IBM来说,他们肯定希望自家软件以后也能够运行在自己的公有云中。 Pivotal发布企业版Cloud Foundry是预料之中的事情。...之后,Cloud Foundry基金会成立,IBM/HP/SAP等巨头纷纷加入,有点抱柴取暖的感觉。对于IBM/HP/SAP来说,作为后来者选择加入基金会是个无奈的选择。...IBM拥有最全的软件产品线,领先的开发者生态系统,并在软件开发方法论上有巨大的影响力。IBM这次极力营销DevOps,值得我们深思。
在国外,2008年4月Google App Engine的发布是一个标志性转折点,PaaS由此进入人们视野;2011年4月份VMware发布了Cloud Foundry,并随后在市场上持续投入宣传,使得...Netflix认为AWS和它要开发的Cloud-Native应用之间是存在Gap的,而最难的工作就是构建符合自己业务需求的PaaS来弥补这个Gap。...对Oracle/IBM来说,他们肯定希望自家软件以后也能够运行在自己的公有云中。 Pivotal发布企业版Cloud Foundry是预料之中的事情。...之后,Cloud Foundry基金会成立,IBM/HP/SAP等巨头纷纷加入,有点抱柴取暖的感觉。对于IBM/HP/SAP来说,作为后来者选择加入基金会是个无奈的选择。...IBM拥有最全的软件产品线,领先的开发者生态系统,并在软件开发方法论上有巨大的影响力。IBM这次极力营销DevOps,值得我们深思。
cloud....IBM DevOps Services - Continuous delivery using a pipeline deployment onto IBM Containers on Bluemix....By @alexellis Funker - Functions as Docker containers example voting app....and cloud workspace for development teams ContainerShip Cloud - Multi-Cloud Container Hosting Automation...IBM Bluemix Container Service - Run Docker containers in a hosted cloud environment on IBM Bluemix.
如果惠普与戴尔——作为目前世界是规模最大的两家服务器制造商——在拥有自家交换与存储业务的背景之下都无法拿出足以抗衡Amazon Web Services、谷歌Cloud Platform以及微软Azure...戴尔方面投入数年时间构建其云方案,但最终于2013年5月决定关闭Dell Cloud——顺带一提,Dell Cloud基于OpenStack云控制器,戴尔原本希望将其打造成自己的超大规模基础设施平台。...虽然市场确实存在,但是惠普公司需要将这些私有云环境集中承载在其Helion Cloud当中,才能在与AWS相抗衡的同时,保证各类工作负载继续运行在企业防火墙之内并借此实现营收。但实际结果如何?...企业客户为什么要向惠普、戴尔、IBM或者其它同类厂商额外支付私有云开支,而不直接自行构建并加以管理?...时至今日,Amazon Web Services、Google Compute Platform以及微软Azure已经成为极为强大的平台,足以承载世界上强度最为可观的各类工作负载。
理想情况下,这能够让开发人员不必去考虑他们的应用程序将在何处运行,并使他们能够进行更有效地工作。...所以,我们也可以见到,像SUSE和IBM这样的Cloud Foundry服务商都在提供相关的技术与服务。...类似的,IBM也为它的客户提供基于Kubernetes的Cloud Foundry服务,尽管目前公司只是将其作为实验性的产品。...IBM Cloud Developer Services的总经理Don Boulia强调,IBM的客户更多会选择一个不与其他IBM客户进行共享的孤立环境中进行工作内容的运行。...因为大多数的IBM客户会选择使用Kubernetes进行现有应用的转移,而使用Cloud Foundry去进行新应用程序方面的项目。
image.png In June of this year, IBM and The Weather Company announced their new strategic partnership...In September, IBM announced the availability of IBM Insights for Weather, a set of data services that...While IBM solution teams and Watson Analytics continue to deepen our weather-based solutions, IBM is...’s platform for cloud services and development....Weather for Bluemix supports a set of REST APIs and provides weather data in JSON format, which means any cloud
IBM is aiming to popularise its proprietary machine learning programme SystemML through open-source communities...The machine learning platform originally came out of IBM’s Almaden research lab ten years ago when IBM...Now that it is in the public domain, it could be used by a developer of cloud based services to create...risk-modeling and fraud prevention software for the financial services industry, Thomas said....We’re embedding Spark into our Analytics and Commerce platforms, offering Spark as a service on IBM Cloud
从表面上看,InterCloud将与Amazon Web Services的这些工作负载竞争。...InterCloud和Cisco Cloud Services的合作伙伴包括澳洲电信,Allstream,Canopy,英迈公司,Logicalis集团,MicroStrategy公司,OnX Managed...Services,SunGard Availability Services和Wipro等。...在过去几年里,企业级云服务市场快速成长,亚马逊、IBM和微软都跻身其中。市场分析师预计,亚马逊的云计算服务当前每年的营收超过30亿美元。...Kerravala也认为,InterCloud和Cisco Cloud Services更多的是作为云服务提供商的一个推动者,而不是竞争对手。“有可能是渠道冲突,但思科一直在这方面整合,”他说。
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