Step 0 预备环境 Rake 是一个由 Ruby 实现的 Make-like 工具,可以用 Ruby 来编排项目任务流程,例如出二进制包、构建镜像等。...构建之前,需要保证构建机包含以下工具: Docker GNU Make Python 3.5+ with Virtualenv JRuby 9.1+ (实际上 Mac 自带 Ruby 也是可行的) 然后将...license_details, "x86_64", "linux") # create_archive_pack(license_details, "arm64", "linux") artifacts.rake...TencentKona-11/releases/download/kona11.0.13-fiber/TencentKona-11.0.13.b1_jdk_fiber_linux-x86_64.tar.gz rake
14.04Current User: git Using RVM: no Ruby Version: 2.1.5p273 Gem Version: 2.2.1Bundler Version:1.5.3Rake.../opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git 问题症状 每天总有一段时间会出现403的情况 办公网不能访问位 拍错思路 1、日志中出现401、403状态吗 2、gitlab-rake...发现的问题 [修复未能解决问题] zhuima-library / yii-framework ... no Try fixing it: sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake...&& req.path =~ paths_regex req.ip end end end 其他 每次服务中断时间为1小时 该时间段内没有设置任务计划 gitlab是通过ladp...Settings.rack_attack.git_basic_auth['ip_whitelist'] ||= %w{} Settings.rack_attack.git_basic_auth
Slow, Safest. # everysec: fsync only one time every second....The head and tail of the list # are always uncompressed for fast push/pop operations....for forks use: rvm install ruby-head- --url --branch 2.2 # JRuby...jruby-1.6[.8] jruby-1.7[.27] jruby[-] jruby-head # Rubinius rbx-1[.4.3] rbx-2.3[.0] rbx-2.4...generating default wrappers........ ruby-2.2.7 - #adjusting #shebangs for (gem irb erb ri rdoc testrb rake
我们将学习一种自动化远程服务器任务的方法,涵盖从管理流程到实际部署应用程序的大部分领域,并通过Bash脚本生成器和基于 RAKE构建的远程执行工具来使用Mina。...了解Mina和RAKE 使用Ruby / RAKE工具非常简单,可以帮助您自动执行远程任务 - 通常与部署相关。...它可以帮助人们创建脚本,其中包含要执行的任务列表,按名称分组,以方便日常操作。Mina将这些基于RAKE的编程文件转换为Bash脚本,连接到已定义的远程服务器并执行它们。...Rake可以称为构建语言。 它用于以结构化方式定义任务,以便在命令行中执行。 本质上,这些命令通常与系统管理相关,例如应用程序部署或管理服务器。...查找并修改相关配置以匹配您的虚拟服务器: # Basic settings: # domain - The hostname to SSH to. # deploy_to - Path
Minimize the total number of operations. # two pointers slow and fast: -> i, j i -> start j -> for loop...range [0, 104]. -105 <= Node.val <= 105 pos is -1 or a valid index in the linked-list. # two pointer: slow...and fast when slow == fast return Pointers are basic, but flexible.
In addition, hardware layers are cached on the GPU, which makes certain operations during animation much...The basic process goes thus: Call View.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null) on each View you...Sample I wrote a sample app that demonstrates basic hardware layer usage....Here it is running on my Galaxy Nexus (an old, slow device) with profile GPU rendering enabled: Without...(There is some oddity here - if it's invalidating, why isn't it as slow as not having hardware layers
Poor storage design Another cause of slow storage I/O is the poor health of physical storage devices....It’s one of the most basic commands to troubleshoot disk I/O issues....If space is not available, write operations will fail....give you an output similar to the one shown below: Fig. 2: Output of the vmstat command This is the basic...busier processor Blk_read/s (kB_read/s) and Blk_wrtn/s (kB_wrtn/s): Transfer speed of read or write operations
In a traditional recurrent architecture we have our slow weights which are used to determine the next...Concept In a traditional recurrent architecture we have our slow weights....These weights are updated at the end of a batch, so they are quite slow to update and decay....The hidden state for each time step for each input is determined by the operations with the slow and...We do not use this method in our basic implementation because I wanted to explicitly show what the fast
Relational Databases Structure of Relational Databases Basic structure Given sets D1, D2, …, Dn A relation...of groups whereas predicates in the where clause are applied before forming groups Query Evaluation Basic...operations Selections Joins Other operations (projection, aggregation) Transformation of queries into...a tree of operations Query Optimizationh Many equivalent expressions to the original query can be, E.g. flash memory, magnetic disks Tertiary storage: lowest level in hierarchy, non-volatile, slow
命令行(也称为shell)允许您自动执行每天在计算机上执行的许多任务,并且是软件开发人员必不可少的工具。 要访问命令行界面,您将使用macOS提供的终端应用程序。...但是为了向我们提供更短的列表,让我们搜索与Ruby相关的包: brew search ruby 您将看到可以安装的软件包列表,如下所示: chruby chruby-fish imessage-ruby jruby...Summary /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.4.1_1: 1,191 files, 15.5MB 除了Ruby之外,Homebrew还安装了一些相关工具,包括irb交互式Ruby控制台和rake...这个可以运行称为Rake任务的自动化脚本的程序,还有可以轻松安装和更新您在自己的项目中使用的Ruby库的gem。
("key1") fmt.Println(v) // value1 } sync.Mutex 说明 核心实现: CompareAndSwap // Package sync provides basic...mutexStarving mutexWaiterShift = iota // Mutex fairness. // // Mutex can be in 2 modes of operations...if race.Enabled { race.Acquire(unsafe.Pointer(m)) } return } // Slow...= 0 { // Outlined slow path to allow inlining the fast path. // To hide unlockSlow during
However, what I don’t like is operations....Old-school: Create a Basic App and Deploy It to Heroku First, let’s recreate a typical application for...Typically, this is where most developers leave their operations....install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc - bundle install -j $(nproc) --path vendor - bundle exec rake...db:setup RAILS_ENV=test script: - bundle exec rake spec - bundle exec rubocop Let’s recap
The core of this paradigm is enabling models' "slow thinking" capability, or System 2 as it is called...involve three major components: first, pre-training, which builds foundational capabilities by learning basic...Is it programmers telling AI "make me a TikTok," and it outputs deployable code and operations plans?...apps like Meituan, Didi, Xiaohongshu, and TikTok transformed major aspects of our daily lives, from basic...allowing half of society to maintain a decent, free life through social programs perhaps like Universal Basic
创建效率和创建成功率的监控 下述动作重复 N 次:① 使用 workload 模板创建 Deployment;② 等待 Deployment 变为 Ready 删除测试用的 Namespace basic.../templates/basic-1-pod-deployment.yaml" - name: DEPLOYMENT_REPLICAS value: "1"...-1-pod-deployment.yaml: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: basic-1-pod...设计 该方案的核心在于配置管理的设计,将操作流程配置化,自上而下有如下概念: Service:Modules 或 Tasks 的编排; Module:一种任务场景,是操作单元的集合(其中包含 templates...[]BeidouOperation `json:"operations" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=operations"` } // BeidouOperation is
This implementation provides all of the optional map operations, and permits null values and the null...This implementation provides constant-time performance for the basic operations (get and put), assuming...Note that using many keys with the same hashCode() is a sure way to slow down performance of any hash...The added complexity of tree bins is worthwhile in providing worst-case O(log n) operations when keys...But the only known cases stem from poor user programming practices that are already so slow that this
最近发现了一个spdierkeeper的库,这个库的主要用途是在于配合这scrpyd管理你的爬虫,支持一键式部署,定时采集任务,启动,暂停等一系列的操作....per available processor cores - to handle # incoming requests using one and performing background # operations...auth 这里更改用户名&密码 NO_AUTH = False BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME = 'admin' BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD = 'admin' BASIC_AUTH_FORCE...", help="basic auth password ,default: %s" % config.get('BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD'),...点击仪表盘,添加一个任务 ? ? spiderkeeper一大优点就是计划任务做的很好,帮助我们减少了一些工作。
the quality and speed of the project deliveries by making the coordination between development and operations...To help you out, we will discuss the basic concept of DevOps, its lifecycle, best practices and tools...Under a DevOps methodology, the development team and operations team are not isolated from each other...Operate: Once the release is accessible to the end-users, the operations team works on server configuring...analyzed but also lead to no time savings, mass confusion and overlooked valuable results that will slow
在 sync/mutex.go 中,有这么一段注释: // Package sync provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutual /...if race.Enabled { race.Acquire(unsafe.Pointer(m)) } return } // Slow.... // 64-bit atomic operations require 64-bit alignment, but 32-bit // compilers do not ensure...在有些高并发的场景下,可能会有这种需求:多个 goroutine 同时执行任务 A,哪个先跑完就去执行任务 B,跑得慢的不需要执行。...if atomic.LoadUint32(&o.done) == 0 { // Outlined slow-path to allow inlining of the fast-path
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