---- spark是用Scala语言来写的,因此学习Scala成为spark的基础。当然如果使用其它语言也是可以的。从性能上来讲,及代码简洁等方面,Scal...
This article is also posted on my blog, feel free to check the latest revision: About the SystemdIt has...inactivesystemctl list-units --type=servicesystemctl statussystemctl status bluetooth.servicesystemctl about
CTF全英是'Capture The Flag',中文名是'夺旗赛',起源于1996年DEFCON全球黑客大会,面对所有网络安全技术人员的一项比赛,CTF默认分...
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[1]. Softmax vs. Softmax-Loss: Numerical Stability function softmax(z) #z = z...
在 Python 中对于某些 object __dict__ 属性是只读的,比如对于 type object。然而,在 Python2.5-2.6 之前,还是有...
In these series of posts we will see how to build some necessary tools from scr...
This article is also posted on my blog, feel free to check the latest revision: The Tips About DockerfileNormally
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A particularly useful solution of the wave equation is a wave with a particular ...
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About Kotlin(2) 继续昨天的部分。介绍Kotlin中的类。
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