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    SAP PM 入门系列9 – PM模块的User-Exits & BADIs

    User-Exits: IPRM0002 Determine planned date info for maintenance plan IPRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan IPRM0004 Maintenance plan / item: Customer check for time "SAVE" IPRM0005 Determine Offset for Performance-Based Strategy Plans BADIs: DI_WPS_PLAN_EXT_DATE Set Reference Date for Scheduling Multiple Counter Plan IMRM_TL_WORKFLOWS Workflows, Based On Task Lists IPM5_CALL_INSPLOT Generate Inspection Lot as Call Object for Maintenance Plan IPRM_CHECK_UPD_SCHED Do Not Run DB Update in Scheduling IPRM_DIG_SIGNATURE Digital Signature for Maintenance Planning IPRM_MCP_DATE_I_PAST Check Whether Plan Date May be in the Past IPRM_MCP_SCHE_CHANGE Multiple Counter Plan: Adapt Dates During Scheduling IPRM_MCP_UPD_CALLOBJ Adjust Plan/Basic Dates of Call Objects IWP3_INSP_PLAN_CHECK Stability Study:Check Test Plan, Physical Sample in Schedule IWP3_INSP_TYPE_CHECK Inspectn Type Check in Maint. Plan for Inspection Lot Origin IWP3_ROUTING_SELECT Inspection Plan Selection in Schedule for Stability Study Function Module: MEASUREM_POINT_UPD_PYEAR Dynamically change the annual performance of a counter. BOR Objects: BUS1020 Preventitive Maintenance Plan






    以前有意找这方面的资料,今天突然发现在系统中就有 linux系统用man hier solaris用man  filesystem 其结果如下        /      This is the root directory.  This is where the whole tree starts.        /bin   This directory contains executable programs which are needed in sin-               gle user mode and to bring the system up or repair it.        /boot  Contains static files for the  boot  loader.   This  directory  only               holds  the  files which are needed during the boot process.  The map               installer and configuration files should go to /sbin and /etc.        /dev   Special or device files,  which  refer  to  physical  devices.   See               mknod(1).        /dos   If  both MS-DOS and Linux are run on one computer, this is a typical               place to mount a DOS file system.        /etc   Contains configuration files which are local to the  machine.   Some               larger  software  packages, like X11, can have their own subdirecto-               ries below /etc.  Site-wide configuration files may be  placed  here               or in /usr/etc.  Nevertheless, programs should always look for these               files in /etc and you may have links for these files to /usr/etc.        /etc/opt               Host-specific configuration files for add-on applications  installed               in /opt.        /etc/sgml               This  directory  contains  the  configuration files for SGML and XML               (optional).        /etc/skel               When a new user account is created, files from  this  directory  are               usually copied into the user’s home directory.        /etc/X11               Configuration files for the X11 window system (optional).        /home  On  machines  with  home  directories  for  users, these are usually               beneath this directory, directly or  not.   The  structure  of  this               directory depends on local administration decisions.        /lib   This directory should hold those shared libraries th
