管道改造经常会用这个小东西,通常我们叫它「三通」,它的主要作用就是将 downstream1 和 downstream2 的流入合并,然后从 merger 流出 有了这个形象的说明我们就进入正题吧「文中代码举例比较多...the first downstream collector * @param downstream2 the second downstream collector * @param merger..., R1> downstream1, Collector merger) { return teeing0(downstream1, downstream2, merger); } API 描述重的一句话非常关键: Every...merger 的元素都会经过 downstream1 和 downstream2 的加工处理 其中 merger 类型是 BiFunction,也就是说接收两个参数,并输出一个值,请看它的 apply
super U, A, R> downstream) { BiConsumer downstreamAccumulator = downstream.accumulator(); return new Collectors.CollectorImpl(...downstream.supplier(), (r, t) -> Opp.ofNullable(t).map(mapper).ifPresent(s -> s.sequential...() .forEach(v -> downstreamAccumulator.accept(r, v))), downstream.combiner...(), downstream.finisher(), downstream.characteristics()); } 用法: List actual = Stream.iterate
Envoy 中有两种类型的 Network Filter: ReadFilter:在收到 Downstream 的数据后,Enovy 会将数据中从 Downstream 套接字中读出,并依次调用 ReadFilter...WriteFilter:在向 Downstream 套接字写入数据前,Envoy 会依次调用 WriteFilter 对数据进行处理后,再写入 Downstream。...请求处理 在 Network::ReadFilter 接口的 onData 方式实现中对来自 Downstream 的数据进行处理。...该回调说明此时 MetaProtocol Proxy 的处理速度慢于 Downstream 的数据发送速度,造成数据积压。...接收 buffer 中,最终通过 TCP 的拥塞控制对 Downstream 造成背压(Backpressure),降低 Downstream 的发送速率。
the high-order rational brain in the upstream brain regions and the low-order emotional brain in the downstream...High-order of memory, learning and emotion in the downstream brain regions....brain regions to upstream brain regions, the large and middle ducts in the downstream brain regions...For the learning, it is also the downstream brain region that becoming more high-order....So that the higher-order memory and learning of the downstream brain regions is unstable.
管道改造经常会用这个小东西,通常我们叫它「三通」,它的主要作用就是将 downstream1 和 downstream2 的流入合并,然后从 merger 流出 有了这个形象的说明我们就进入正题吧「文中代码举例比较多...the first downstream collector * @param downstream2 the second downstream collector * @param merger..., R1> downstream1, Collector merger) { return teeing0(downstream1, downstream2, merger);} API 描述重的一句话非常关键: Every element...merger 的元素都会经过 downstream1 和 downstream2 的加工处理 其中 merger 类型是 BiFunction,也就是说接收两个参数,并输出一个值,请看它的 apply
不过Rabbit MQ里操作比较特殊,添加Upstream要在Downstream中加,而不是反过来在Upstream加Downstream。...2、在Downstream上添加policy 注意是在Downstream上添加 ?...发送给Downstream: 消息只在Downstream上有,不会复制到Upstream。...发送给Downstream: 消息只在Downstream上有,不会复制到Upstream。...发送给Downstream: 消息只在Downstream上有,不会复制到Upstream。
super T, A, D> downstream) { return groupingBy(classifier, HashMap::new, downstream); } 真正的实现是第三个方法...super T, A, D> downstream) { Supplier downstreamSupplier = downstream.supplier();...super T> downstreamAccumulator = downstream.accumulator(); BiConsumer, T> accumulator...>mapMerger(downstream.combiner()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Supplier...> mangledFactory = (Supplier>) mapFactory; if (downstream.characteristics
super T> downstream; final T[] array; boolean fusionMode; ......(e); return; } downstream.onNext(v); ......super T> a = downstream; if (state == FUSED_EMPTY) { this.value = value; lazySet(...super T> downstream; Subscription upstream; PublisherSubscriber(Observer o) { this.downstream = o; } ...
super E_OUT> downstream; public ChainedReference(Sink downstream) { this.downstream = Objects.requireNonNull(downstream); } @Override...cancellationWasRequested) { list.forEach(downstream::accept); } else { for (T...t : list) { if (downstream.cancellationRequested()) break; downstream.accept...(T t : list) { if (downstream.cancellationRequested()) break; downstream.accept
super T, A, D> downstream, boolean isParallel, Consumer... peeks) { boolean hasFinished = downstream.characteristics...Optional.ofNullable(t).map(sFunction).orElse(null); A container = m.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> downstream.supplier...().get()); downstream.accumulator().accept(container, t); }; }...for (Map.Entry e : m2.entrySet()) { m1.merge(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), downstream.combiner...intermediate -> { // a-> a[0] intermediate.replaceAll((k, v) -> (A) downstream.finisher
extends K> classifier) { return groupingBy(classifier, toList()); } //两个参数 classifier 和 downstream...super T, A, D> downstream) { return groupingBy(classifier, HashMap::new, downstream); } //三个参数...classifier 和 mapFactory 和 downstream public static > Collector downstream) { ..}...,默认第二个参数downstream是HashMap::new,也就是返回结果用HashMap存储,我们想返回HashMap就需要调用三个参数的方法,自定义downstream为LinkedHashMap
of parallelism of both the upstream and downstream operation....For example, if the upstream operation has parallelism 2 and the downstream operation has parallelism...4, then one upstream operation would distribute elements to two downstream operations while the other...upstream operation would distribute to the other two downstream operations....operations will distribute to the other downstream operations.
if (downstream == null) { undeploy(name); downstream = deploy(name, downstreamConfiguration...downstream.getConnection().getConfig().equals(downstreamConfiguration.getConnectionConfiguration()))...{ undeploy(name); downstream = deploy(name, downstreamConfiguration); } ...downstream.deploy(config); return true; } private synchronized FederationUpstream deploy...); if (state == FederationManager.State.STARTED) { downstream.start(); } return
if (downstream == null) { undeploy(name); downstream = deploy(name, downstreamConfiguration...downstream.getConnection().getConfig().equals(downstreamConfiguration.getConnectionConfiguration()))...{ undeploy(name); downstream = deploy(name, downstreamConfiguration); }...downstream.deploy(config); return true; } private synchronized FederationUpstream deploy...downstream; } //...... } Federation的deploy方法先遍历config.getUpstreamConfigurations(),进行upstream
b.isEmpty()) { downstream.onNext(b); } downstream.onComplete(); } } (...super R> a = downstream; Iterator iterator = this.it; ......(this)调用了request(Long.MAX_VALUE), 所以 (1.0) 这里条件成立,执行slowPath(downstream iterator)。...slowPath(downstream iterator): void slowPath(Subscriber a, Iterator<?...的 onNext,(1.2)然后判断是否还有其他元素,如果有则循环继续,没有的话即调用 downstream 的 onComplete 结束。
representation with specific rate R, the learned representation might still be useless for a specific downstream...stored in z and which part is stored in the decoder, and (ii) even if the information relevant for the downstream...there is no guarantee that it is stored in a form that can be exploited by the model used to solve the downstream...For example, regarding (i), if the downstream task is an image classification task, the representation
(t) 或者 downstream.onComplete() 之后,才执行 run()。...doFinally 除了拥有 doAfterTerminate 的特性之外,还会在下游(downstream)取消时被调用。...@Override public void onError(Throwable t) { downstream.onError(t); runFinally...(); } @Override public void onComplete() { downstream.onComplete...因为,它们都需要在 downstream.onComplete() 执行之后,才会执行。而 downstream 对应的下游是观察者。下流的数据流向跟上游的数据流向是相反的,从下向上的。
. */ enum OverflowStrategy { /** * Completely ignore downstream backpressure...* * This may yield {@link IllegalStateException} when queues get full downstream...*/ IGNORE, /** * Signal an {@link IllegalStateException} when the downstream...can't keep up */ ERROR, /** * Drop the incoming signal if the downstream...is not ready to receive it. */ DROP, /** * Downstream will get only
(t); } @Override public void onComplete() { downstream.onComplete(); }...} @Override public void onTimeout(long idx) { downstream.onError(new TimeoutException...super T a = downstream; for (;;) { for (;;) { T v; try {...} downstream.onNext(null); if (d) { ex = error; if (ex !...= null) { //执行下游Observer的onError方法 downstream.onError(ex); } else {
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