;y:=y div 2; 57 end; 58 exit(x); 59 end; 60 function getcom...]; 92 for i:=1 to m do 93 begin 94 readln(j,k); 95 l:=getcom
new) ); 若根据User下的Windcoder的id做比较,可以将上面中的Comparator.comparing比较条件改为: Comparator.comparing( user->user.getCom...Comparator c=Comparator.comparing(user->user.getCom().getId()) .thenComparing
}; string getData() { return WorkData; } void setData(string Data) { WorkData = Data; } string getCom...sexage<< endl; cout getData() getCom
y:=y div 2; 54 end; 55 exit(x); 56 end; 57 function getcom...111 112 for i:=1 to m do 113 begin 114 readln(j,k); 115 l:=getcom
y:=y div 2; 106 end; 107 exit(j); 108 end; 109 function getcom...longint):longint;//inline; 129 var i,j,k,l:longint; 130 begin 131 l:=getcom
;y:=y div 2; 107 end; 108 exit(x); 109 end; 110 function getcom...treesum(x,y:longint):int64; 129 var i,z:longint; 130 begin 131 z:=getcom...a1:int64; 148 begin 149 treemax:=-maxlongint*maxlongint; 150 z:=getcom
;y:=y div 2; 81 end; 82 exit(x); 83 end; 84 function getcom...procedure treeadd(x,y:longint); 99 var z,i:longint; 100 begin 101 z:=getcom
;y:=y div 2; 164 end; 165 exit(x); 166 end; 167 function getcom...treechange(x,y:longint;t:int64); 182 var i,z,z1:longint; 183 begin 184 z:=getcom...treeadd(x,y:longint;t:int64); 207 var z,i,z1:longint; 208 begin 209 z:=getcom...longint):int64; 232 var i,z,z1:longint;a1:int64; 233 begin 234 z:=getcom
'type'] == 0: net_info = {} mac = l2.getmacbyip(ip) getcom...= Mac() com = getcom.search(mac) mac = mac+ "|" + str(com)
;y:=y div 2; 163 end; 164 exit(x); 165 end; 166 function getcom...treecolor(x,y,t:longint); 181 var z,i:longint; 182 begin 183 z:=getcom...begin 200 p1:=getcolor(-1,-1,0);p2:=getcolor(-1,-1,0); 201 z:=getcom
php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); switch ($getcom){ case "韵达速递": $postcom...php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $getcom = trim($_POST["com"]); $getnum = trim($
expressInfo.getIscheck()); setCondition(expressInfo.getCondition()); setCom(expressInfo.getCom
getNu() { return nu; } public void setNu(String nu) { this.nu = nu; } public String getCom
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