输出,相当于c#中的Console.Writeln("xxx") Writeln(''); for i:=0 to 10 do //循环 begin s:= '这是数字' + IntToStr...Integer)); Writeln(Low(Integer)); Writeln('--------------------------'); Writeln('i=' + inttostr...(i)); Dec(i); //i减1,相当于i:=i-1; i:=i-1; Writeln('i=' + inttostr(i)); Writeln(Odd(i));
)) div vLen; end ; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(IntToStr...(PosCount( ‘ 魂牵梦萦 ‘ , ‘ 魂牵梦萦魂牵梦萦在需要魂牵梦萦 ‘ ))); // 3 ShowMessage(IntToStr(PosCount( ‘...牵2 ‘ , ‘ 魂牵2梦萦魂牵梦萦4梦梦梦魂牵2梦萦 ‘ ))); // 2 ShowMessage(IntToStr(PosCount( ‘ 2 ‘ , ‘
长度=’+inttostr(length(Data1))+’字节’); FreeAndNil(Stream); end; // // ANSI(简体中文) –> Default… procedure TForm1...共’+inttostr(Length(StringValue))+’字符’); memo1.Lines.Add(StringValue); end; // // Default –> Ansi(简体中文...长度=’+inttostr(length(Data2))+’字节’); end; // // ANSI写回文件… procedure TForm1.CornerButton6Click(Sender:
, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_UDP); if (sh = INVALID_SOCKET) then begin memo1.lines.add('Socket() failed: '+IntToStr...(WSAGetLastError)); exit; end; Memo1.lines.add('Socket Handle = '+IntToStr(sh)); // Option: Header...SizeOf(bOpt)); if ret = SOCKET_ERROR then begin Memo1.lines.add('setsockopt(IP_HDRINCL) failed: '+IntToStr...iTotalSize, 0, Remote, SizeOf(Remote)); if ret = SOCKET_ERROR then Memo1.Lines.Add('sendto() failed: '+IntToStr...(WSAGetLastError)) else Memo1.Lines.Add('send '+IntToStr(ret)+' bytes.'); // Close socket CloseSocket
matchs:=TRegEx.Matches(spSkinMemo1.Lines.Text,pattern); spSkinMemo2.Lines.Clear; //ShowMessage(IntToStr...(matchs.Count)); spSkinStatusPanel1.Caption := '总数:' + IntToStr(matchs.Count); for match in matchs
DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.Id; dsShowDataSet[‘ClientIP’] := ClientConnection.Socket.Binding.PeerIP + ‘:’ + IntToStr...ClientConnection.Socket.Binding.PeerPort); dsShowDataSet[‘ServerIP’] := ClientConnection.Socket.Binding.IP + ‘:’ + IntToStr...:= ClientDisconnectEvent; // 记录来访者数量 inc(Connections); lblShowConnections.Caption := IntToStr...ShowConnections.RowCount := ShowConnections.RowCount + 1; ShowConnections.Cells[0, ShowConnections.RowCount – 1] := IntToStr...ShowConnections.Cells[1, ShowConnections.RowCount – 1] := ClientConnection.Socket.Binding.PeerIP + ‘:’ + IntToStr
(_x); std::string right = Util::IntToStr(_y); *outStr = left + SEP + _op + SEP + right...工具类 #pragma once #include #include class Util { public: static std::string IntToStr...(_result); std::string right = Util::IntToStr(_code); *outStr = left + SEP + right;...(_x); std::string right = Util::IntToStr(_y); *outStr = left + SEP + _op + SEP...(_result); std::string right = Util::IntToStr(_code); *outStr = left + SEP +
for Count := 1 to VarArrayHighBound(SProp.Get_Value, 1) do StrValue := StrValue + ' ' + IntToStr...(SProp.Get_Value[Count]); end else StrValue := IntToStr(SProp.Get_Value); Cim_Real32
void IntToStr(int num, char *str) { int len = 0; for (int i = 1; num / i !
self.Terminated do begin Inc(FCount); if Assigned(FOnShowValue) then FOnShowValue(IntToStr...ThreadProc-源代码分析 function ThreadProc(Thread: TThread): Integer; var FreeThread: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF LINUX...Thread.DoTerminate; if FreeThread then Thread.Free; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} EndThread(Result); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX
Length(s.Text); if l<Length(t.Text) then l:=Length(t.Text); if l=0 then l:=1; lbResult.Caption:=IntToStr
Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var t1, t2: TTests; begin t1 := [tt15]; t2 := [tt16]; ShowMessage(IntToStr...(LongWord(t1))); // 32768 ShowMessage(IntToStr(LongWord(t2))); // 65536 end; 而Delphi 2010代码显示结果全然正确
{ TSpeedButton *spdBtn=new TSpeedButton(this); spdBtn->Parent=ScrollBox;//指定父控件 spdBtn->Caption=IntToStr...{ TSpeedButton *spdBtn=new TSpeedButton(this); spdBtn->Parent=ScrollBox;//指定父控件 spdBtn->Caption=IntToStr
(MyList); Label1.Caption := 'Flowers has an index value of ' + IntToStr
OleObject.document.Script.str; i := WebBrowser1.OleObject.document.Script.num; ShowMessage(s); //Hello ShowMessage(IntToStr...OleObject.document.parentWindow.str; i := WebBrowser1.OleObject.document.parentWindow.num; ShowMessage(s); //Hello ShowMessage(IntToStr
sql.text:= ‘select ‘+AFieldName+’ from ‘+ATableName+’ where ‘+AFieldName +’=’+QuotedStr(AStr)+’ and 整型编号=’+Inttostr
CDO_TLB InternetClosehandle WinInet InternetOpenUrl WinInet InternetReadFile WinInet IntToHex SysUtils IntToStr
我们接着写一个函数,用来计算给定的数据的 SHA1 散列值: proc calculateHash(b: Block): string = var record = intToStr(b.Index...) & b.Timestamp & intToStr(b.BPM) & b.PrevHash return $secureHash(record) 这个 calculateHash 函数接受一个块,
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