Jan 21 16:45:44 localhost kubelet[1277]: E0121 16:45:44.079748 1277 kubelet_volumes.go:128] Orphaned...Jan 21 16:45:46 localhost kubelet[1277]: E0121 16:45:46.069180 1277 kubelet_volumes.go:128] Orphaned...Jan 21 16:45:48 localhost kubelet[1277]: E0121 16:45:48.077430 1277 kubelet_volumes.go:128] Orphaned
db: postgres@sbtest, pid: =# select pg_move_orphaned('1 hour'); pg_move_orphaned ------------------...列出已移至“orphaned_backup”目录的孤立文件 db: postgres@sbtest, pid: =# select * from pg_list_orphaned_moved();...给了我们2个选择: 1、使用 pg_list_orphaned_moved() 命令,把移动到orphaned_backup目录下的文件再移回pg数据库中 2、执行 pg_remove_moved_orphaned..., 0 files 可以看到 目录下的208591文件已经被删除了 6 orphaned_backup目录下清理干净后,再次执行 pg_move_orphaned 就可以将孤立文件移动到 orphaned_backup.../bdrouvot/pg_orphaned TIPS: 1、RDS是否支持pg_orphaned扩展,我没有去验证。
kernel的文档 ,发现tcp_fin_timeout是指停留在FIN_WAIT_2状态的时间: tcp_fin_timeout - INTEGER The length of time an orphaned...While a perfectly valid “receive only” state for an un-orphaned connection, an orphaned connection in
Your GNOME Terminal is being started as a per-session job, and any orphaned children are inherited by...Service managers want to keep track of orphaned child processes....If you erroneously think that this is a truism for orphaned child processes, then read my previous answer...The absolutism that orphaned children are re-parented to process #1 is wrong, and has been wrong for
Server端这种连接叫做orphaned connection(no longer referenced by any application) 通过设置 /proc/sys/net/ipv4.../tcp_max_orphans可以限制orphaned connection的最大数量,最后我们也是通过设置这个值强行回收了内存...
关于 tcp_fin_timeout 的介绍,可以参考内核的说明: The length of time an orphaned (no longer referenced by any application...While a perfectly valid “receive only” state for an un-orphaned connection, an orphaned connection in
当一个进程的父进程退出时, 这个进程被称为孤儿进程(orphaned process), 子进程会被 init 进程接管, 也就是说, 子进程的 ppid 会变成 1....process group, 因此在shell中, 一般情况下会造成进程退出的情况 Orphaned Process Group 当一个 group leader 退出的时候, 本身并不会对进程组造成任何影响...但是, 当一个进程组变成孤儿进程组(orphaned process group)的时候, 可能会收到一些信号....孤儿进程组 A process group is called orphaned when the parent of every member is either in the process group...In particular, the process group of the session leader is always orphaned.
TRAILFILE SIZE, AFTER SERVER CRASH Note: 1163073.1 When using rmthost with timeout option, there are orphaned...Occur In Teradata Extract Setting Note: 1163073.1 When using rmthost with timeout option, there are orphaned...TRAILFILE SIZE, AFTER SERVER CRASH Note 1163073.1 When using rmthost with timeout option, there are orphaned
tcp_fin_timeout 控制 FIN_WAIT1 的过期,从名字上看也很像,但实际上它控制的是 FIN_WAIT2 的过期时间,官方文档是这样说的: The length of time an orphaned...While a perfectly valid “receive only” state for an un-orphaned connection, an orphaned connection in...如果你用 sysctl 查询 tcp_orphan_retries 是 0,那么实际等同于 8,看代码: /* Calculate maximal number or retries on an orphaned
Check to see if any process groups have become orphaned * as a result of our exiting, and if ...list_empty(&tsk->ptrace_children)); /* * Check to see if any process groups have become orphaned...than we are * and we were the only connection outside, so our pgrp * is about to become orphaned...process_group(tsk)) && (t->signal->session == tsk->signal->session) && will_become_orphaned_pgrp
github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/app/jobs/scheduled/clean_up_uploads.rbTL;DR: an image is orphaned...a user avatar/background/card imagein a category logo/background image官方的讨论地址为:How to make an image orphaned
调用gcc.gcOrphaned(pods)回收Orphaned pods。...that don't exist. func (gcc *PodGCController) gcOrphaned(pods []*v1.Pod) { glog.V(4).Infof("GC'ing orphaned...{ continue } if nodeNames.Has(pod.Spec.NodeName) { continue } glog.V(2).Infof("Found orphaned...= nil { utilruntime.HandleError(err) } else { glog.V(0).Infof("Forced deletion of orphaned Pod
如果按照上面命令强制删除Pod,有一定概率会报 Orphaned pod found - but volume paths are still present on disk 错误。...pods/ $ rm -rf 9e6d9bdd-1554-45e6-8831-53e83f8ea263 现在在通过 journalctl -u kubelet -f 命令看kubelet日志,就没有 Orphaned
VMware Greenplum 7.1.0在gp_toolkit管理模式中添加了gp_move_orphaned_files用户定义函数(UDF),该函数将gp_check_orphaned_files...VMware Greenplum 7.1.0 adds the gp_move_orphaned_files user-defined function (UDF) to the gp_toolkit...administrative schema, which moves orphaned files found by the gp_check_orphaned_files view into a file...relative/absolute path of the orphaned file....Autovacuum now drops any orphaned temporary tables not dropped by the backends they were created on.
Performing test 'part_constraint' Total runtime for test 'part_constraint': 0:00:00.12 Performing test 'orphaned_toast_tables...' Total runtime for test 'orphaned_toast_tables': 0:00:00.04 Performing test 'aoseg_table' Total runtime...Performing test 'part_constraint' Total runtime for test 'part_constraint': 0:00:00.12 Performing test 'orphaned_toast_tables...' Total runtime for test 'orphaned_toast_tables': 0:00:00.04 Performing test 'aoseg_table' Total runtime...' Total runtime for test 'orphaned_toast_tables': 0:00:00.07 Performing test 'aoseg_table' Total runtime
delegate-from-main.yaml $ kubectl get ingressroute delegate-from-main -o jsonpath='{.status.currentStatus}' orphaned...该 IngressRoute 的状态为 orphaned,因为它没有包含一个合法的 fqdn。...这时如果再检查 IngressRoute delegate-from-main 的状态,就会发现它从 orphaned 状态变成了 valid 状态,kuard.local 也能够顺利访问。
今天下午又发现kubelet调度pod异常缓慢,kubelet的日志里疯狂打印以下的报错: E0521 16:45:28.353927 58235 kubelet_volumes.go:140] Orphaned...参考 https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/35091 https://xigang.github.io/2018/12/31/Orphaned-pod/ https:
Thu Jun 3 15:33:25 2021 Total: 40002 (kernel 40035) TCP: 39632 (estab 37623, closed 2, orphaned...Thu Jun 3 15:33:50 2021 Total: 242961 (kernel 243015) TCP: 242600 (estab 240579, closed 2, orphaned
通过查看官网发现中有解释这种现象的解释 On a sharded cluster, db.collection.count() can result in an inaccurate count if orphaned
data cleanup task" << causedBy(redact(swCallbackHandle.getStatus())); } } 问题 孤儿文档(orphaned...参考文档 MongoDB官方文档 孤儿文档是怎样产生的(MongoDB orphaned document) MongoDB疑难解析:为什么升级之后负载升高了?
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