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Data truncation: Out of range value for column ‘estimate_score’ 出现这个问题的原因是由于 create table qs_study_user_score_statistics
问题描述误操作后,闪回查询到某一时间点提示:"[-9801]:flashback version has been out of date."...';SELECT * FROM PERSON_TYPE WHEN TIMESTAMP '2023-11-23 18:51:41';[-9801]:flashback version has been out...of date.used time: 0.548(ms).
121.service has begun starting up. 11月 13 09:19:34 cq-rbd-node11 ceph-osd-prestart.sh[1359622]: OSD data...directory /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-121 does not exist; bailing out. 11月 13 09:19:34 cq-rbd-node11 systemd
do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F` fi sql=" load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/order_info/$do_date...partition(dt='$do_date'); load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/user_info/$do_date' OVERWRITE into.../$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_payment_info partition(dt='$do_date'); load data inpath '...(dt='$do_date'); load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/base_category2/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table...: 690 INFO : LAST_EVENT_RECEIVED: 690 INFO : DATA_BYTES_VIA_EVENT: 0 INFO : HIVE: INFO :
$1 else do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F` fi sql=" set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict...$1 else do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F` fi sql=" set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict...$1 else do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F` fi sql=" set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict...'$do_date' dt, count(*) ct from "$APP".dws_uv_detail_day where dt='$do_date' )daycount...: 33 INFO : LAST_EVENT_RECEIVED: 33 INFO : DATA_BYTES_VIA_EVENT: 0 INFO : HIVE: INFO : CREATED_FILES
java.net.DatagramPacket; import java.net.DatagramSocket; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; /** * @author * @date...指定数据包发向的端口,不会发生端口占用行为 * 3.发送行为 * 4.关闭通信 * * @param * @return * @author * @date...接收的数据及接收数据的实际长度由获取到的实际数据包datagramPacket获取 * 4.关闭通信 * * @param * @return * @author * @date...(); //step 3.2 System.out.println(count + "times received data:" + new String(data, 0..., length)); count++; } System.out.println("接收次数用完,退出程序!")
., Ltd",OU=service operation department,L=beijing,ST=beijing,C=CN 11 * start date: May 09 01:22:02...2019 GMT 12 * expire date: Jun 25 05:31:02 2020 GMT 13 * common name: baidu.com 14 * issuer...no-transform 23 < Connection: Keep-Alive 24 < Content-Length: 2443 25 < Content-Type: text/html 26 选项实现。...after 10103 milliseconds with 50 out of 2381 bytes received 6 <!
("Received connect response :" + event); if (event.getEventName().equalsIgnoreCase("CHANNEL_DATA...=================== incoming channel data ============================="); System.out.println...("Event-Date-Local: " + event.getEventDateLocal()); System.out.println("Unique-ID: " + event.getEventHeaders...super.handleDisconnectionNotice(); System.out.println("Received disconnection notice"); }...=================== incoming channel data ============================= Event-Date-Local: 2020-02-09
("Received invalide data, close the connection"); //LOGGER.info("Received invalide...System.out.println("Received message"+new String(buffer.array())); //LOGGER.info(...now = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");...("Received invalide data, close the connection"); return null; }else if(count==0)...{ return null; } System.out.println("Received message"+new String(buffer.array
Version: 1.00 -- \ \ Filename: SpiSerDes.vhd -- / / Date...Last Modified: October 25 2009 -- /___/ /\ Date Created: October 25 2009 -- \ \...byte received from the inSpiMiso -- pin during the serial transfer...inStartTransfer : in std_logic; -- Active-high, initiate transfer of data outTransferDone : out...(7 downto 0); -- Sent to SPI device outData8Receive : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Received
null 'https://mc.qcloudimg.com/static/img/ae4bfa87aae5714c1c74dd9e134f5a29/image.png' % Total % Received...,L=Beijing,ST=Beijing,C=CN * start date: May 23 00:00:00 2017 GMT * expire date: Jul 05 23:59:59...< X-Client-Ip: < X-Server-Ip: < X-Upstream-Ip: < { [data...bigmen.cn > Accept: */* > Content-Length: 26 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > } [data...not shown] * upload completely sent off: 26 out of 26 bytes < HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed < Server
35.2333 35.2333 date.sunrise_zenith 90.583333 90.583333 date.sunset_zenith 90.583333 90.583333 date.timezone...0 packets_sent 0 packets_received 0 protocol_overhead_in 0 protocol_overhead_out 0 bytes_received_ok_packet...0 com_time 0 com_delayed_insert 0 com_change_user 0 com_binlog_dump 0 com_table_dump 0 com_connect_out...0 com_stmt_reset 0 com_stmt_set_option 0 com_stmt_fetch 0 com_deamon 0 bytes_received_real_data_normal...0 bytes_received_real_data_ps 0 example statistics stat1 0 stat2 0 openssl OpenSSL support enabled
SendTest: package com.mq.rabbitmq.rabbitmqtest; import Java.util.Date; import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory...= new QueueingConsumer(channel); channel.basicConsume(QUEUE_NAME, true, consumer); Date...(); String message = new String(delivery.getBody()); System.out.println("RecieveTime...: " + nowTime); System.out.println(" [x] Received '" + message + "'"); } } } ReceiveTest...: " + nowTime); System.out.println(" [x] Received '" + message + "'"); } } } 运行结果
print('有优惠卷,购买商品:%d' % dfoff[(dfoff['Date_received'] != 'null') & (dfoff['Date'] !...所以,总共有三种情况: 1.Date_received == ‘null’: 表示没有领到优惠券,无需考虑,y = -1 2.(Date_received != ‘null’) & (Date !...= ‘null’) & (Date - Date_received <= 15): 表示领取优惠券且在15天内使用,即正样本,y = 1 3.(Date_received !...def label(row): if row['Date_received'] == 'null': return -1 if row['Date'] !...= -1].copy() train = df[(df['Date_received'] < '20160516')].copy() valid = df[(df['Date_received'] >=
= "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; public static final String DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd"; @Bean...; import org.springframework.data.redis.listener.ChannelTopic; import org.springframework.data.redis.listener.RedisMessageListenerContainer...; import org.springframework.data.redis.listener.adapter.MessageListenerAdapter; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer...MessageListener { @Resource private ObjectMapper objectMapper; /** * Callback for processing received...Override @SneakyThrows public void onMessage(Message message, byte[] pattern) { System.out.println
print('有优惠卷,购买商品:%d' % dfoff[(dfoff['Date_received'] != 'null') & (dfoff['Date'] !...Date_received == 'null': 表示没有领到优惠券,无需考虑,y = -1 2. (Date_received != 'null') & (Date !...= 'null') & (Date - Date_received <= 15): 表示领取优惠券且在15天内使用,即正样本,y = 1 3. (Date_received !...= 'null') & ((Date == 'null') | (Date - Date_received > 15)): 表示领取优惠券未在在15天内使用,即负样本,y = 0 好了,知道规则之后,我们就可以定义标签备注函数了...= -1].copy() train = df[(df['Date_received'] < '20160516')].copy() valid = df[(df['Date_received'] >=
领取专属 10元无门槛券