只对当前窗口有效 $proxyUrl = "http://proxyserver_ip:proxyserver_port" $proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy...:proxyserver_port" $ENV:HTTP_PROXY = $proxyUrl $ENV:HTTPS_PROXY = $proxyUrl 列出代理 ls env:*|findstr PROXY...验证效果 $proxyUrl = "http://proxyserver_ip:proxyserver_port" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://example.com...= "proxyserver_ip:proxyserver_port" $registryPath = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion...-Value $proxyServer Set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name ProxyOverride -Value ""
龚浩华,QQ 29185807,月牙寂 道长 第一时间获取文章,可以关注本人公众号 月牙寂道长 yueyajidaozhang k8s源码为v1.1.1稳定版本 1、ProxyServer的构建与主流程...这个就不再多说了,这种结构已经见多了 继续进入源码k8s.io\kubernetes\cmd\kube-proxy\app // NewProxyServerDefault creates a new ProxyServer...func NewProxyServerDefault(config *ProxyServerConfig) (*ProxyServer, error) { ? 两个东西是关键的 ?
proxyServer = getProxyServer(config, request); // WebSockets use connect tunneling to work with...proxies if (proxyServer !...isConnectDone(request, future) // && proxyServer.getProxyType().isHttp()) { // Proxy..., performConnectRequest); Channel channel = getOpenChannel(future, request, proxyServer...proxyServer) { NettyResponseFuture newFuture = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
connectionPoolPartitioning; private final ConnectionSemaphore connectionSemaphore; private final ProxyServer...proxyServer; private final int maxRetry; private final CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture...proxyServer) { NettyResponseFuture future = new NettyResponseFuture( request,...NettyResponseFuture future, ProxyServer..., performConnectRequest); Channel channel = getOpenChannel(future, request, proxyServer
if (proxyServer !...isConnectDone(request, future) // && proxyServer.getProxyType().isHttp()) { // Proxy..., performConnectRequest); Channel channel = getOpenChannel(future, request, proxyServer...proxyServer) { NettyResponseFuture newFuture = null; for (int i = 0; i proxyServer, asyncHandler); if (channel == null) {
// 解决跨域问题 CheckOrigin: func(r *fasthttp.RequestCtx) bool { return true }, } //配置代理地址和路径 var ( proxyServer...func ProxyHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { switch string(ctx.Path()) { case "/": proxyServer...= proxy.NewWSReverseProxy("",string(ctx.Path())) proxyServer.ServeHTTP(ctx) default...: proxyServer = proxy.NewWSReverseProxy("",string(ctx.Path())) /*ctx.Error("Unsupported...path", fasthttp.StatusNotFound)*/ proxyServer.ServeHTTP(ctx) } } func main() { proxy.DefaultUpgrader
// echo "IP: $ip\n"; // echo "Port: $port\n"; // echo "expireTime: $expireTime\n"; $proxyServer...$port; // echo "$proxyServer"; // 获取当前时间戳 $now = time(); // 将时间字符串转换为时间戳 $target...在tp5中调用方法即可,调用方法: //代理ip $proxyServer =$this->zhimahttp(); //代理ip 结合我的业务代码,在访问接口前进行调用检查即可,接下来是一个示例...: //调用代理ip检查 $proxyServer =$this->zhimahttp(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL...); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); 注意: curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, proxyServer); 记得在上面加上
implements NetWork{ public void browse(){ System.out.println("真实的服务器访问网络"); } } //代理类 class ProxyServer...implements NetWork{ private NetWork work; public ProxyServer(NetWork work){ this.work...ProxyTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Server server = new Server(); ProxyServer...pro = new ProxyServer(server); pro.browse(); } } 运行结果 image.png
Request request, ProxyServer...proxyServer) { if (future.isKeepAlive()) future.attachChannel(channel, true); Uri requestUri...= request.getUri(); LOGGER.debug("Connecting to proxy {} for scheme {}", proxyServer, requestUri.getScheme...> future, Request request, ProxyServer proxyServer, AsyncHandlerProxyServer proxy, AsyncHandler
Request request, ProxyServer...proxyServer) { if (future.isKeepAlive()) future.attachChannel(channel, true); Uri requestUri...= request.getUri(); LOGGER.debug("Connecting to proxy {} for scheme {}", proxyServer, requestUri.getScheme...> future, Request request, ProxyServer proxyServer, AsyncHandler<?..., asyncHandler); } } private Channel pollPooledChannel(Request request, ProxyServer proxy, AsyncHandler
对象 proxyServer, err := NewProxyServer(o) if err !...() } o.proxyServer = proxyServer // proxyserver 执行 return o.runLoop() } // runLoop...这里核心的是 opts.Run() 方法,进去后可以看到一个 NewProxyServer 声明了一个ProxyServer结构体,调用了o.proxyServer.Run()方法,我们先看看 proxyServer...ProxyServer 三种运行模式 // NewProxyServer returns a new ProxyServer. func NewProxyServer(o *Options) (*ProxyServer...ProxyServer.
下面就直接看 kube-proxy 的 run() 方法: 若启动时指定了 --write-config-to 参数,kube-proxy 只将启动的默认参数写到指定的配置文件中,然后退出 初始化 ProxyServer...对象 proxyServer, err := NewProxyServer(o) if err !...() } o.proxyServer = proxyServer return o.runLoop() } Run() 方法中主要调用了 NewProxyServer() 方法来初始化...ProxyServer,然后会调用 runLoop() 启动主循环,继续看初始化 ProxyServer 的具体实现: 初始化 iptables、ipvs 相关的 interface 若启用了 ipvs...{ ...... }, nil } runLoop() 方法主要是启动 proxyServer。
"fmt" "io/ioutil" ) // 代理服务器(产品官网 www.16yun.cn) const ProxyServer...="" { proxyURL, _ = url.Parse("http://" + p.Username + ":" + p.Password + "@" + ProxyServer...) }else{ proxyURL, _ = url.Parse("http://" + ProxyServer) }
proxyServer 代理IP proxyPort 代理端口 HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); 我们只需要在发起请求前,加入我们的设置即可。...HostConfiguration hostConfiguration = new HostConfiguration(); ProxyHost proxyHost = new ProxyHost(proxyServer
= nil { klog.ErrorS(err, "Error running ProxyServer") return err } return nil }, Args...= nil { return err } // 清除所有的iptables规则 if o.CleanupAndExit { return proxyServer.CleanupAndExit...() } // 启动代理服务 o.proxyServer = proxyServer return o.runLoop() } 再看NewProxyServer()的实现,主要是用来创建proxyServer...# Run 回到o.Run()方法中,先是创建ProxyServer对象,然后在其中又创建proxier对象,做了一系列初始化动作,接下来就是运行代理服务了,现在看向runLoop方法 func (...= nil { return err } } } 再看向o.proxyServer.Run()方法,运行代理服务的主流程。
/t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer.../t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer.../t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer.../t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer
并发安全map可以自己实现,也可以使用网上的第三方库;下面推荐给大家一个很好用的第三方的库: github.com/fanliao/go-concurrentMap 实例例子 如下: type ProxyServer...StrMD5 string MapSafe *concurrent.ConcurrentMap } 数据保存 如下: // 客户端发消息---> 服务器保存 func (this *ProxyServer...(*ProxyServer).PlayerSendMessage(strData) } return } 数据获取 如下: // 客户端发消息---> 服务器保存 func (this...*ProxyServer) ClientSendDataToServer(ProtocolData map[string]interface{}) { if ProtocolData["ServerID...(*ProxyServer).PlayerSendMessage(strData) } return } ---- 参考资料: Go语言读写锁 https://blog.csdn.net
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