remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
如果将有问题的代码提交到代码仓库甚至已经push到远端,这个时候就得想办法把提交撤销。一种方案是使用git revert,不过会造成历史记录留存的问题,git revert实际上是将某个版本又重新提交了一遍,之前提交的历史记录仍然存在。
前言 原文:How to Build an Effective Initial Deployment Pipeline 作者:Amin Shah Gilani, Pakistan 正文 I lov
意思就是说,如果是你之前是密码登陆的,现在需要用token登陆; OK,那就好整了;
今年 8 月 13 日之后,如果你还用账户密码来操作 Github 上的仓库,就会收到如下警告:
好久没有往Github提交代码了,今天偶然提交代码的时候给报了一个remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.的错误,错误提示如下。
如果你在七夕(没错就是2021年8月14日)的这一天刚好加班,又刚好去访问了全球最大的同性交友网站,又刚好去更新提交代码,又或你创建了一个新的仓库送给自己,又刚好想把这个仓库送给(push)github,你就刚好会遇到这个问题:remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
项目描述: Jenkins流水线步骤,提供SSH工具,如命令执行或文件传输,以实现持续交付。 项目地址:
Constrained user interfaces restrict users’ access abilities by not allowing them to request certain functions or information, or to have access to specific system resources. Three major types of constrained user interfaces exist: menus and shells, database views, and physically constrained interfaces.
hadoop配置文件:core-site.xml详解 core-site.xml配置文件介绍 HDFS和MapReduce常用的I/O设置等 core-site.xml配置文件 Hadoop2.0版本的core-site.xml name description value hadoop.tmp.dir A base for other temporary directories. 只可以设置一个值;建议设置到一个足够空间的地方,而不是默认的/tmp下 服务端参数,修改需重启 /tmp/hadoop-
MySQL 8.0 brings a lot of new features. These features make MySQL database much more secure (like new authentication, secure password policies and management, …) and fault tolerant (new data dictionary), more powerful (new redo log design, less contention, extreme scale out of InnoDB, …), better operation management (SQL Roles, instant add columns), many (but really many!) replication enhancements and native group replication… and finally many cool stuff like the new Document Store, the new MySQL Shell and MySQL InnoDB Cluster that you should already know if you follow this blog (see these TOP 10 for features for developers and this TOP 10 for DBAs & OPS).
Tencent Distributed Cloud is deployed in the customer data center. The cloud environment is operated and maintained by Tencent Cloud, while the customer is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the overall environment and network of the data center. Therefore, a special design for environmental security is required to meet the security management requirements of Tencent Cloud and the business security requirements of the customer.
Jenkins 是什么? Jenkins 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎。 主要用于: 持续、自动地构建/测试软件项目。 监控一些定时执行的任务。 Jenkins 拥有的特性包括: 易于安装-只要把jenkins.war部署到servlet容器,不需要数据库支持。 易于配置-所有配置都是通过其提供的web界面实现。 集成RSS/E-mail通过RSS发布构建结果或当构建完成时通过e-mail通知。 生成JUnit/TestNG测试报告。 分布式构建支持Jenkins能够让多台计算机一起构建/测试。
简介 Terraform 的特点: Infrastructure as Code Execution Plans Resource Graph Change Automation Terraform 工具处在什么位置: [image] [image] 指引 核心工作流 Write - Author infrastructure as code. Plan - Preview changes before applying. Apply - Provision reproducible infrastruct
Errors reported by CheckUpDown Introduction to errors Any client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) goes through the following cycle when it communicates with your Web server: Obtain an IP address from the IP name of your site (the site URL
安装:pip install Paramiko paramiko是用python语言写的一个模块,遵循SSH2协议,支持以加密和认证的方式,进行远程服务器的连接。 使用paramiko可以很好的解决以下问题: 需要使用windows客户端, 远程连接到Linux服务器,查看上面的日志状态,批量配置远程服务器,文件上传,文件下载等 "paramiko" is a combination of the esperanto words for "paranoid" and "friend". it's a module for python 2.5+ that implements the SSH2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines. unlike SSL (aka TLS), SSH2 protocol does not require hierarchical certificates signed by a powerful central authority. you may know SSH2 as the protocol that replaced telnet and rsh for secure access to remote shells, but the protocol also includes the ability to open arbitrary channels to remote services across the encrypted tunnel (this is how sftp works, for example). it is written entirely in python (no C or platform-dependent code) and is released under the GNU LGPL (lesser GPL). the package and its API is fairly well documented in the "doc/" folder that should have come with this archive. Requirements ------------ - python 2.5 or better <> - pycrypto 2.1 or better <> If you have setuptools, you can build and install paramiko and all its dependencies with this command (as root):: easy_install ./ Portability ----------- i code and test this library on Linux and MacOS X. for that reason, i'm pretty sure that it works for all posix platforms, including MacOS. it should also work on Windows, though i don't test it as frequently there. if you run into Windows problems, send me a patch: portability is important to me. some python distributions don't include the utf-8 string encodings, for reasons of space (misdirected as that is). if your distribution is missing encodings, you'll see an error like this:: LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding this means you need to copy string encodings over from a working system. (it probably only happens on embedded systems, not normal python installs.) Valeriy Pogrebitskiy says th
DevOps Tools OS Software Configure Managment Install Ubuntu $ cd /usr/local/src/ $ git clone $ cd devops $ python3 sdist $ python3 install CentOS $ cd /usr/local/src/ $ git clone
已添加 NuGet 4.8 + 跨平台插件支持。In NuGet 4.8+ support for cross platform plugins has been added.
gitlab上配置了ssh rsa 公钥,但在做连接测试时,发现一直提示你输入密码
Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/io/
Node.js 越来月流行。这个基于 Google V8 引擎建立的平台, 用于方便地搭建响应速度快、易于扩展的网络应用。在本文中。我们列出了2015年最佳的15个 Node.js 开发工具。这些工具对于刚刚開始学习 Node.js 的新手开发人员很有帮助。假设你知道不论什么其它实用的 Node.js 资源,请让我们知道。
SSHClient is the main class provided by the paramkio module. It provides the basic interface you are going to want to use to instantiate server connections. The above code creates a new SSHClient object, and then calls ”connect()” to connect us to the local SSH server.
安装篇: 我的电脑版本是windows7,64位,对应的curl下载地址如下: 直接找到下面的这个版本: curl-7.57.0.tar.gz gpg mirror metalink 解压,然后,命令行进入到 curl 目录下: 我的路径为:E:\curl-7.57.0\curl-7.57.0 在该目录下 —— git bash here,或者,wind+r 快捷键 输入cmd ,然后到该目录下 然后,就可以用curl 命令了 例如:
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system for software development and several other version control tasks. It is designed to cope with everything from small to very large projects based on speed, efficiency and data integrity.
The modern container application architecture is no longer a single technical challenge, but a comprehensive platform engineering effort. It integrates multiple solutions to support complex business needs. This series covers a range of new technologies including containerization, observability, DevOps, microservices, service meshes, and federated identity. The goal is to provide developers with a comprehensive understanding of these technologies and how to use them to build modern applications. Next, we will explore how these seven solutions together form the core of modern container application architecture.
etcd 是一个高可用强一致性的键值仓库在很多分布式系统架构中得到了广泛的应用,本教程结合一些简单的例子介绍golang版本的 etcd/clientv3中提供的主要功能及其使用方法。
对于 Linux 系统管理员来说,清楚某个服务是否正确地绑定或监听某个端口,是至关重要的。如果你需要处理端口相关的问题,这篇文章可能会对你有用。
虽然Github是比较好使用,但是也有它的不足比如传输速率上传拉取,私有仓库个数有限制,而且必须链接外部网络才能使用,所以GitHub 能提供极佳的服务但却有一些限制,尤其是你是单人或是一名 coding 爱好者。GitHub 其中之一的限制就是其中免费的服务没有提供代码私有托管业务;
Channel它代表一个到实体(如一个硬件设备、一个文件、一个网络套接字或者一个能够执 行一个或者多个不同的I/O操作的程序组件)的开放连接,如读操作和写操作 .
Influxdb授权验证流程分析 Qurey语句权限验证 关于Influxdb的验证逻辑,我们可以先参考官方文档: Authentication and authorization in InfluxDB 1.1 在配置文件时,[http] auth-enabled = true 将开启授权验证 我们从appendHTTPDService(cmd/influxdb/run/server.go)入手,在处理http request时要作授权验证,先要创建授权验证对象: srv.Handler.Que
ansible-galaxy 指令用于方便的从 站点下载第三方扩展模块,我们可以形象的理解其类似于centos下的yum、python下的pip或easy_install.
上一节配置的v-rep在ros kinetic中是可以看图像,并订阅主题的,但是无法发送消息让机器人动起来,
Processor operations mostly involve processing data. This data can be stored in memory and accessed from thereon. However, reading data from and storing data into memory slows down the processor, as it involves complicated processes of sending the data request across the control bus and into the memory storage unit and getting the data through the same channel.
默认情况下,拨打内部用户时,freeswitch需要该用户注册了才能对其发起呼叫,否则会提示-ERR USER_NOT_REGISTERED
Data structures are fundamental constructs that are used to build programs. Each data structure has its own way of organizing data, which may work efficiently in particular use cases. With their own particular structures, data structures offer alternative solutions to data organization, management, storage, access, and modification tasks.
这里把替换成清华的站点中心 重启Jenkins服务,重启之后有时候default.json会恢复到原来的状态,这时候需要修改文件,再重启jenkins服务。
提示在 2021年8月13号 之后,不再支持使用账号名密码与 GitHub 进行交互,必须使用 personal access token。
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