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    response letter示例

    1、Firstly, we would like to thank you for your kind letter and for reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article (Manuscript No.:XXXXX).These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article. All the authors have seriously discussed about all these comments. According to the reviewers’comments, we have tried best to modify our manuscript to meet with the requirements of your journal. In this revised version, changes to our manuscript within the document were all highlighted by using red colored text.Point-by-point responses to the reviewers are listed below this letter. 2、If there are any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify them and we really appreciate your help. Thank you very much for your help. 3、Thanks. We have corrected these mistakes based on your suggestions. 4、Thank you again for your positive comments and valuable suggestions toimprove the quality of our manuscript. 5、we were really sorry for your careless mistakes. Thank you for your reminding. 6、Thanks for your nice suggestions. We have formatted all the references. 7、It is with excitement that I resubmit to you a revised version of manuscript (稿号) for the 杂志名. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to revise and resubmit this manuscript. In keeping with my last communication with you, I am resubmitting this revision before the agreed upondeadline. I appreciate the time and detail provided by each reviewer and by you and have incorporated the suggested changes into the manuscript to the best of my ability. The manuscript has certainly benefited from these insightful revision suggestions. I look forward to working with you and the reviewers to move this manuscript closer to publication in the杂志名. (返修有拖延时用) 8、I have responded specifically to each suggestion below, beginning with your own. To make the changes easier to identify where necessary, I have numbered them. 9、Thank you again for your positive comments on our manuscript. 杂志名 is an influential journal which aims to improve ourunde



    现今SCI论文已经成为了国内晋升和升学的基本考核内容之一,所以如何写好一篇SCI论文已经成为了每个学术工作者的必修课程了。在SCI论文撰写的过程中思路和创新是关键,我们应该怎么做呢? 1.SCI论文写作经验 要写好文章,思路创新性和数据可靠性是两个基本条件。思路创新有两种方法: (1) 如果你个人在某领域进行了多年研究,你觉得某些问题解决的关键应该在于某个方面的深入研究,如果很少有人注意此方面研究而你首先开始,那你的文章就创新。这种方法创新的前提是,你在该领域有多年研究;否则很有可能失败。因为你认为创新的东西可能是人家已经做过的(只是研究失败,所以没有报道),或者你的思路本身就是错误的。 (2) 二次创新。例如最近三年有不同作者发了两篇文章,一篇报道因素A对提高玉米抗逆性有很大影响,第二篇报道因素B对小麦抗逆性有很大影响。那么你就可以参考以上两法,研究因素A和因素B对水稻抗逆性的影响。这样做出来的文章一般也能发在和以上两篇文章档次差不多的杂志。要保证数据的可靠,首先你要选用你的领域中普遍采用的方法,可以找几篇和你的研究类似的SCI文章,参考他们的研究方法。 验结束后,立即进行总结数据,写文章,主要步骤可参考: A.Result部分。将所有的试验结果整理成图和表,尽力挖掘图和表中的信息,越多越好。在这个过程中尽可能和不同的研究人员探讨你的试验结果,因为不同的人对同一张表和图有不同的看法。这样会给你写文章提供很好的思路。 B.分析完图表后,寻找你这个试验结果的Key point,一定要保证这个Key point具有较大的新意,或者说一个到这个Key point 有一种振奋人心的感觉。然后从所有图表中找出能够论证你这个Key point 的图和表。合理安排你的图和表,如果可能的话尽可能用图。 C.Result以后是Discussion(一篇文章的精华),可以将discussion分为若干段落,可以是并列关系或者递进关系。但要保证每一段都有一个主题,即每一段讨论一个主要话题。而且每一段中要说明以下几点:
