ok,今天分享的就是小目标检测方向的最新论文:Scale Match for Tiny Person Detection。...Scale Match for Tiny Person Detection Scale Match(SM):用于"小人"(Tiny Person)检测 ?...Tiny Person 介绍 Tiny Person数据集之前,先介绍两个值 AS 和 RS,这个看下面公式就知道了。...Scale Match 介绍完 Tiny Person数据集,来看一下小目标检测算法:SM(Scale Match),这个可以直译为尺度匹配。 ? ?...>Monotone Scale Match ?
Scale-Aware Face Detection CVPR2017 针对人脸检测中的人脸多尺度问题,本文首先用一个 Scale Proposal Network (SPN) 估计出图像中人脸的尺度分布...所以本文的思路是先估计出人脸的尺度,有了尺度信息就可以根据该尺度来进行人脸检测,不用盲目的多尺度检测 本文的关键是 Scale Proposal Network,该网络用于尺度的估计 ?...Scale Proposal Network 的输入是降采样的图像 down-sampled image,输出一个尺度响应热点图,尺寸是 w × h × n,再经过全局最大池化处理,热点图变成一个 1
Recurrent Scale Approximation for Object Detection in CNN ICCV2017 https://github.com/sciencefans.../RSA-for-object-detection 本文还是针对人脸检测 中的 尺度问题 进展展开的。...主要内容有以下三点: 1)首先使用一个 scale-forecast 网络来进行图像中人脸尺度的预测, 2)设计一个 recurrent scale approximation (RSA),使用...Multi-shot by single-scale detector 单尺度检测器对应 多尺度输入图像 得到不同尺度目标 Single-shot by multi-scale detector 多尺度检测器...Recurrent Scale Approximation (RSA) Unit 使用 RSA 由最大尺寸的特征图得到我们期望的 尺寸的特征图 ? 3.3.
前言 一个月内 Amusi 整理了 目标检测(Object Detection)较为值得关注的论文: 一文看尽10篇目标检测最新论文(SpineNet/AugFPN/LRF-Net/SABL/...Green boxes: ground truth, Red boxes: detection result....并开源第一个含1000个类别的FSOD数据集 Multi-Relation Detector ---- 【6】Scale Match(SM):用于"小人"(...Tiny Person)检测 《Scale Match for Tiny Person Detection》 时间:20191224 作者团队:中国科学院大学 链接:https://arxiv.org...Tiny Person数据集和SM尺度匹配小目标检测新方法 Scale Match ---- 【7】O^2-DNet:将旋转目标视为一对中间线 《Oriented Objects
圣诞快乐~ 今天分享一篇新出的论文 Scale Match for Tiny Person Detection,作者贡献了一个细小人物目标检测的数据集 TinyPerson,同时提出一种对预训练数据进行尺度调整的...Scale Match(尺度匹配)的方法,显著改进了小目标检测。...作者将这个尺度调整的过程称之为尺度匹配(Scale Match),请看下图: ?...图像直方图匹配中要保持像素值映射的单调性,目标检测中尺度匹配不需要严格单调(毕竟尺度调整之后该是什么目标还是什么目标),但作者也尝试了保持尺度调整单调性的Monotone Scale Match (MSM...文中使用 Faster RCNN-FPN 作为比较的基线算法,下表为添加Scale Match、Monotone Scale Match之后在TinyPerson、Tiny Citypersons数据集上的实验结果
An Analysis of Scale Invariance in Object Detection – SNIP Code will be made available at http://bit.ly...有意思的是在 ImageNet (classification) vs COCO (detection) 其中等尺度目标在图像中的占比分别是 0.554 and 0.106 respectively...这个方法只适用于人脸检测,不适用于广义的目标检测 , because training data per class in object detection is limited and the variations...in appearance, pose etc. are much larger compared to face detection。...5 Data Variation or Correct Scale?
论文地址:http://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.10664v1.pdf 代码:https://github.com/ucas-vg/tinybenchmark 来源:中国科学院大学 论文名称:Scale...Match for Tiny Person Detection 原文作者:Xuehui Yu 随着深度卷积神经网络的兴起,视觉目标检测取得了前所未有的发展。...因此,我们提出了一种简单而有效的Scale Match方法来对齐两个数据集之间的目标比例,以实现良好的tinyobject表示。
Scale-Aware Trident Networks for Object Detection https://github.com/TuSimple/simpledet/tree/master/...share the same parameters with different dilation rates to generate scale-specific feature maps ? ?
, EVENT_PERSON_DETECTION_MODEL); //启动模型 } tos_task_delay(DEFAULT_DELAY_TIME_MS);...k_event_flag_t detection_match_flag; tos_completion_create(&completion_display); APP_InitDisplay...CAMERA_RECEIVER_Start(&cameraReceiver); while (1) { //外部传递标志,不等待(测试用) detection_match_flag...= 0; tos_event_pend(&event_detection, EVENT_PERSON_DETECTION_MODEL, &detection_match_flag, TOS_TIME_NOWAIT..., TOS_OPT_EVENT_PEND_ANY | TOS_OPT_EVENT_PEND_CLR); if(detection_match_flag & EVENT_PERSON_DETECTION_MODEL
Face Detection through Scale-Friendly Deep Convolutional Networks http://shuoyang1213.me/projects/ScaleFace...that faces with different scales possess different inherent visual cues and thus lead to disparate detection...We argue that given a deep neural network there exists a best range of scale for detection 3 Learning...这里我们发现 network structure and detection scale 是有内在关联的。...This experiment shows that the spatial resolution of a network is the key factor to achieve good detection
Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network for Fast Face Detection BMVC 2016 如何能够快速的实现多尺度人脸检测了?...我们的训练图像是多尺度的 image pyramid,这里的多尺度是有选择的多尺度 octave-spaced scale intervals ? ? FDDB dataset ? ?
Biometric data is the unique information that can be used to identify a person with accuracy....increased acceptance of biometrics by consumers has encouraged the uptake of these systems on a wider scale...Liveness is a system ability to detect whether a biometric is from a live person or a spoof, so artefact...match what is presented to the enrolled data and so granting or denying authentication....Liveness will not match but will look for other markers that ‘prove’ live presentation and so significantly
Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network for Face Detection in the Wild CVPRW2017 上一篇文献的姊妹篇吧,如何能够快速的实现多尺度人脸检测了
SSPNet:从无人机图像中检测微小目标的尺度选择金字塔网络,其由上下文注意模块(CAM)、尺度增强模块(SEM)和尺度选择模块(SSM)组成,在Tiny-Person上表现SOTA!...在本文中提出了一个用于Tiny-Person检测的尺度选择金字塔网络(SSPNet),它由3个组件组成: 上下文注意模块(CAM):CAM 考虑上下文信息以生成分层 Attention Heatmap。...Tiny-Person测试表明,本文所提方法优于其他SOTA检测器。 2本文方法 SSPNet主要是基于Faster R-CNN的框架,包括CAM、SEM、SSM,如图2(a)所示。...2.2 Scale Enhancement Module 采用SEM增强特定尺度物体的线索。...3实验 可视化结果: 4参考 [1].SSPNet: Scale Selection Pyramid Network for Tiny Person Detection from UAV Images
reflection of natural images, in this paper we propose a novel feature learning framework for large-scale...appearance and geometric features from RGB-D images while the multi-layer prediction utilizes multi-scale...Tiny SSD: A Tiny Single-shot Detection Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Real-time Embedded Object...Detection(Tiny SSD:一种用于实时嵌入式目标检测的微型Single-shot检测深度卷积神经网络方法) ---- ---- 作者:Alexander Wong,Mohammad Javad...Tiny SSD, a single-shot detection deep convolutional neural network for real-time embedded object detection
7月下半部分汇总 001 (2020-07-30) Unsupervised Disentanglement GAN for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification...//arxiv.org/pdf/2007.09635.pdf 042 (2020-07-19) Symbiotic Adversarial Learning for Attribute-based Person...and Model Interpretability https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.09448.pdf 044 (2020-07-17) XingGAN for Person...Paintings with Sequential GANs https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.04383.pdf 020 (2020-07-8) Journey Towards Tiny...https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.01200.pdf 036 (2020-07-2) Weakly Supervised Segmentation with Multi-scale
However, training object detection models on large scale datasets remains computationally expensive and...the training of state-of-the-art detection models on consumer grade hardware at large scale....---- 【15】R2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-scale Remote Sensing Images Recently, the convolutional...However, detecting tiny objects in large-scale remote sensing images still remains challenging....Global attention block is built upon Tiny-Net to inhibit false positives.
Quantization Mimic 《Quantization Mimic: Towards Very Tiny CNN for Object Detection》 Tsinghua University1...发布在arXiv(热乎乎的还烫手) Abstract:In this paper, we propose a simple and general framework for training very tiny...Due to limited representation ability, it is challenging to train very tiny networks for complicated...the best of our knowledge, our method, called Quantization Mimic, is the first one focusing on very tiny...We suggest the operation of quantization can help student network to match the feature maps from teacher
Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a 3D Model ECCV2016 Joint Face Detection and...3 人脸检测中的尺度问题 Recurrent Scale Approximation for Object Detection in CNN ICCV2017 这篇文献首先用一个 scale-forecast...的检测器对 小的人脸检测率低的问题进行了分析和改进,主要改进的地方位于 anchor-associated 网络层 Scale-Aware Face Detection CVPR2017 本文首先用一个...Scale Proposal Network (SPN) 估计出图像中人脸的尺度分布,然后按照该尺度归一化图像,再进行人脸检测 Face Detection through Scale-Friendly...另一种理解方式是在尺度上采用级联检测器来检测多尺度人脸 4 针对小人脸的检测 Finding Tiny Faces CVPR2017 本文的检测效果好,但是速度慢 本文主要探讨了小目标周边信息对于检测小目标的重要性
Detection PASCAL VOC 2009 datasetClassification/Detection Competitions, Segmentation Competition,...imagesH3D Dataset3D skeletons and segmented regions for 1000 people in imagesHRI RoadTraffic datasetA large-scale...population gait datasets composed of 4,016 subjects.Pedestrian Attribute Recognition At Far DistanceLarge-scale...Multiview Football Dataset IIThis dataset consists of 8000+ images of professional footballers during a match...clapping) performed several times by 25 subjects in four different scenarios: outdoors, outdoors with scale
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