总部位于北达科他州大福克斯市的Sharper Shape公司使用无人机来监控国家重要基础设施的日常运行状况,包括电网、输电线路、太阳能和风能设施、石油、天然气的传输和储备,并将公用事业的敏感数据安全地存储在云端...Sharper Shape首席执行官伊尔卡·希登海默是无人机网络安全方面公认的专家。此前,他曾是英特尔MacAfee收购的网络安全公司Stonesoft的创始人。...Sharper Shape的首要任务是保护信息并防止未经授权使用数据。现在,它是极少数拥有在视距外运行商业无人机经验的公司之一。...本地数据与云数据处理 Sharper Shade在云端处理捕获的数据,包括处理并用于无人机飞行计划的数据。云端保护与一般的公司数据保护不同。...Sharper Shape云只运行用户的软件,用于传送用户的解决方案,用户的服务所在的服务器内不会使用其他额外信息。
The resulting images appears sharper.
高频价格与每日价格 HF return - significantly smaller mean and variance, but sharper peak and fatter tail(肥尾) 代码展示
step=2) kernel = st.sidebar.slider('Tune the sharpness of the image (the lower the value, the sharper...kernel = st.sidebar.slider('Tune the sharpness of the sketch (the lower the value, the sharper...step=2) kernel = st.sidebar.slider('Tune the sharpness of the image (the lower the value, the sharper
Singla 机器之心编译 参与:黄小天、路雪 近日,Sahil Singla 在 Medium 上发表了一篇题为《A new kind of pooling layer for faster and sharper...原文链接:https://hackernoon.com/a-new-kind-of-pooling-layer-for-faster-and-sharper-convergence-1043c756a221
versus a HiDPI or Retina display, which use more screen pixels to draw the same objects, resulting in a sharper
Experimental evaluations demonstrate that the proposed framework produces sharper reconstructed images
operations at multiple rates and multiple effective fields-of-view, while the latter networks can capture sharper
facial sketch from attributes using a CVAE architecture, (2) Enhancement of coarse sketches to produce sharper
We empirically find that the adjusted perceptual loss provides sharper edges and more visually pleasing...In Sec. 4.4, we will show that this modification of discriminator helps to learn sharper edges and more...We can further observe that using features before activation helps to produce sharper edges and richer...RaGAN uses an improved relativistic discriminator, which is shown to benefit learning sharper edges and...For example, in the 5th column of Fig. 8, the generated images are sharper with richer textures than
# shrink: antialias else: # grow: bicub sharper
前者包含了物体内部低频的平滑表示,而后者则有高频的sharper细节信息。 ? 图1.说明本文的模块和监督框架。(a) 提出的框架的动机。本文的方法在将自然图像解耦为低频和高频时共享相同的分割。
also controls what type of region the algorithm converges two: wider regions for small batches and sharper
Why don't you use a sharper knife? 46. She is more sad than angry. 47.
这种技术在Tobias Ahlin的精彩博客文章”Smoother and Sharper Shadows with Layered box-shadow“中进行了详细描述。
the principle that the \textit{flatter} minima has a better generalization ability than the \textit{sharper
limitation, we show close relation between noise distribution and the sharpness of spectrum where a sharper
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