目录 Smell-O-Vision 的起源 Smell-O-Vision 的标准 Scratch and Sniff 卡片 Smell-O-Vision 的意义 Smell-O-Vision 的未来 Smell-O-Vision...Smell-O-Vision 的标准 在二十世纪六十年代,关于 Smell-O-Vision 的格式讨论非常激烈,两种参与竞争的电影院“叙事性气味”标准被广泛讨论:1)Smell-O-Vision,由Hans...Smell-O-Vision装置及其发明者 Scent of Mystery是第一个应用到Smell-O-Vision系统的电影。...对Smell-O-Vision的合理使用很重要,经过不断地发展,人们对Smell-O-Vision的使用变得多元化: 节约地释放气味,在一次事件中释放一次或两次即可 不要刻意地以“叙事”的目的释放气味,...而是让其成为一种”潜意识“ 在剧情的高潮中使用 人们不但在电影中使用Smell-O-Vision,在剧院等场所也开始应用这一技术 Smell-O-Vision 的未来 如何设计出一个装置将 Smell-O-Vision
文件中短语 “the stale smell of old beer lingers” 在是很大钻墙声的背景音中被念出来。 尝试转录此文件时会发生什么?...smell like old beer vendors'}, {'transcript': 'the stale smell of old beer vendors'}, {'transcript...': 'the snail smell like old beermongers'}, {'transcript': 'destihl smell of old beer vendors'},...{'transcript': 'the still smell like old beer vendors'}, {'transcript': 'bastille smell of old beer...vendors'}, {'transcript': 'the still smell like old beermongers'}, {'transcript': 'the still smell
a_function_requiring_decoration(): print("I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...a_function_requiring_decoration() #outputs: "I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...boring work before executing a_func() # I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...print("I am the function which needs some decoration to " "remove my foul smell") a_function_requiring_decoration...boring work before executing a_func() # I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell
相关 issue:https://github.com/krallin/tini/issues/180 后面又查到另外一个第三方的组件 smell-baron 能实现等待子进程优雅关闭后在关闭本身功能。...ADD start.sh /root/ ADD smell-baron /bin/smell-baron RUN chmod a+x /bin/smell-baron && chmod a+x start.sh...ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/smell-baron"] CMD ["/root/start.sh"] 构建镜像 $ docker build -t app:v1.0-smell-baron..../ 测试 $ docker run -itd --name app-smell-baron app:v1.0-smell-baron $ docker stop app-smell-baron.../krallin/tini[3] 脚注 [1] https://github.com/insidewhy/smell-baron: https://github.com/insidewhy/smell-baron
文件中短语 “the stale smell of old beer lingers” 在是很大钻墙声的背景音中被念出来。 尝试转录此文件时会发生什么?...Beer Mongers'}, {'transcript': 'the still smell of old beer vendors'}, {'transcript': 'the snail smell...snail smell like old beermongers'}, {'transcript': 'destihl smell of old beer vendors'}, {'transcript...': 'the still smell like old beer vendors'}, {'transcript': 'bastille smell of old beer vendors'},...{'transcript': 'the still smell like old beermongers'}, {'transcript': 'the still smell of old beer
a_function_requiring_decoration(): print("I am the function which needs some decoration remove my foul smell...a_function_requiring_decoration(): print("I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...a_function_requiring_decoration() #outputs: "I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...before executing a_func() # I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell
Smell(i)=-5+S(i)^2; (5) 找出此果蝇群体的中味道浓度最低的果蝇(求极小值)。...[bestSmell bestindex]=min(Smell); (6) 保留最佳味道浓度值与x、y 坐标,此时果蝇群体利用视觉往该位 置飞去。...Smell(i)=-5+S(i)^2; end %***找出此果蝇群体的中味道浓度最低的果蝇(求极小值)。...[bestSmell bestindex]=min(Smell); %***保留最佳味道浓度值与x、y 坐标,此时果蝇群体利用视觉往该位 置飞去。...Smell(i)= -5+S(i)^2; end %***找出此果蝇群体的中味道浓度最低的果蝇(求极小值)。
michael 3 adam 4 monica Task 从文本中删除标点符号并将最终产品转换为列表: On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell...and she showed me the way (加州旅馆) In [3] text = '''On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell...and she showed me the way''' In [4] print(text) On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell...: text = text.replace(char,' ') print(text) On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair Warm smell...On', 'a', 'dark', 'desert', 'highway', '', 'cool', 'wind', 'in', 'my', 'hair', 'Warm', 'smell
以下是一些常见的 Xcode 预处理器宏,以及如何替换它们: 1、#include 让我们从传统 C 中的一个简单例子开始: Smell #include "foo.h" 除非您提供的是平台无关的 C...2、Macros - 宏 Smell #define WIDTH(view) view.frame.size.width 使用 Objective-C 并不意味着不能使用普通的 C 语言函数!...Smell #define kTimeoutInterval 90.0 如果一个常量只在单个文件中使用,则应将其设置为静态常量。我们赋予常量一个明确的类型,增加了它的语义。...Smell #if 0 … #endif 在以前的 C 语言中,唯一的注释形式是 /* ... */。要注释一段代码,可以在前面加上 /*,在后面加上 */。...但通常情况下,这些代码会被丢在那里任其腐烂...... 7、条件编译:在实验之间切换 Smell #if EXPERIMENT … #else … #endif 有时,您需要进行实验性编码。
The “god object” smell (万能对象) class OnlineStore: def search_product(self, query: Query):...The “duplicate code” smell (重复代码) class ReportGenerator: def generate_sales_report(self, sales_data...The “long method” smell (方法太长) def handle_customer_request(request: CustomerRequest): # Validate...The “magic numbers” smell (神奇数字) def calculate_shipping_cost(distance: float) -> float: return distance...The “nested conditionals” smell(嵌套过深) def approve_loan(application: LoanApplication) -> bool: if
1,用组合代替继承 示例1 class Eye { public: void Look(void); }; class Nose { public: void Smell(void); };...Listen(void); }; // 组合方式 class Head { public: void Look(void) { m_eye.Look(); } void Smell...(void) { m_nose.Smell(); } void Eat(void) { m_mouth.Eat(); } void Listen(void) { m_ear.Listen
a_function_requiring_decoration(): print("I am the funciton which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...a_function_requiring_decoration() # outputs: "I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...work before executing a_func()" "I am the funciton which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...print("I am the funciton which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell") a_function_requiring_decoration...print("I am the funciton which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell") print(a_function_requiring_decoration
膜拜下 Martin Fowler 大神 , 开始学习 圣经 重构-改善既有代码设计 .
crates/ccdb/1.5.0 soa_derive: 自动生成 struct 的数组 #[derive(StructOfArray)] pub struct Cheese { pub smell...pub with_mushrooms: bool, pub name: String, } // 会生成类似下面代码. pub struct CheeseVec { pub smell
a_function_requiring_decoration(): print("I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...a_function_requiring_decoration() #outputs: "I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...before executing a_func() # I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell...print("I am the function which needs some decoration to " "remove my foul smell") a_function_requiring_decoration...before executing a_func() # I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell
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