= null){ Soundcard soundcard = computer.getSoundcard(); if(soundcard !...= new Soundcard(); Optional sc = Optional.of(soundcard); 如果soundcard为null,NullPointerException...而不必记得做一个空检查,如下所示: SoundCard soundcard = ...; if(soundcard !...= null){ System.out.println(soundcard); } 您可以使用以下ifPresent()方法: Optional soundcard = ......为空): Soundcard soundcard = maybeSoundcard.orElse(new Soundcard("defaut")); 类似地,您可以使用该orElseThrow()方法,
,format = “i2s”; //根据tp9930的输出格式选择dsp模式或者i2s模式 soundcard-mach,frame-master = ; soundcard-mach...,bitclock-master = ; /* soundcard-mach,frame-inversion; / / soundcard-mach,bitclock-inversion...; / soundcard-mach,slot-num = ; //tp9930默认配置16声道slot soundcard-mach,slot-width = ; //声道位深16bit...,主机配置为daudio1_cpu soundcard-mach,pll-fs = ; / pll freq = 24.576M or 22.5792M * pll-fs / soundcard-mach...,mclk-fs = ; / mclk freq = pcm rate * mclk-fs */ //不需要mclk时钟 }; daudio1_codec: soundcard-mach,codec
= null){ Soundcard soundcard = computer.getSoundcard(); if(soundcard !...> sc = Optional.empty(); 包含非空值的Optional SoundCard soundcard = new Soundcard(); Optional sc...= Optional.of(soundcard); 一旦soundcard是null,这段代码会立即抛出一个NullPointException(而不是等你以后你访问这个空的soundcard对象的时候...) 可能为空的Optional Optional sc = Optional.ofNullable(soundcard); 如果soundcard是null那么这个Optional...= null){ System.out.println(soundcard); } 现在,可以使用ifPresent()方法,如下: Optional soundcard =
/** * 计算机 */ @Data class Computer { private Optional soundCard; } /** * 声卡 */ @Data...class SoundCard { private Optional usb; } /** * USB */ @Data class Usb { private String...soundCard = new SoundCard(); Usb usb = new Usb(); usb.setVersion("2.0"); soundCard.setUsb...(Optional.ofNullable(usb)); Optional optionalSoundCard = Optional.ofNullable(soundCard...(usb=Optional[Usb(version=2.0)]) SoundCard(usb=Optional[Usb(version=2.0)]) ----------------- 9.
); private: std::string mName; };驱动访问者是具体的访问者类,其会实现VisitGpu、VisitSoundCard但是其只关心Gpu和SoundCard的驱动属性...而功能访问者只关心Gpu和SoundCard的功能属性。 访问者基类统一访问配件的接口,在CComputePartBase的Accept()接口的实现中会被使用到。...) { if (NULL == soundCard) { DRV_LOGE("soundCard is NULL!...\n"); } if (soundCard->CheckDriver() <= 0) { DRV_LOG("%s of SoundCard Failed!...\n", this->GetName().c_str()); } else { DRV_LOG("%s of SoundCard Success!
private String memory; /**主板*/ private String mainBoard; /**声卡*/ private String soundCard...= " + soundCard + "]"; } } 再创建一个建造类,也就是负责组装电脑,内容如下: /** * 建造者类 */ public class ComputerBuilder...) { isSoundCard = soundCard; return this; } public Integer getAddMemory() {...= "英特尔声卡"; }else{ this.soundCard = "不配置声卡"; } //默认4G 内存...= " + soundCard + "]"; } } 最后,编写一个客户端,测试一下,内容如下: public class BuilderClient { public static
); private: std::string mName; }; 驱动访问者是具体的访问者类,其会实现VisitGpu、VisitSoundCard但是其只关心Gpu和SoundCard...而功能访问者只关心Gpu和SoundCard的功能属性。...) { if (NULL == soundCard) { DRV_LOGE("soundCard is NULL!...\n"); } if (soundCard->CheckDriver() <= 0) { DRV_LOG("%s of SoundCard Failed!...\n", this->GetName().c_str()); } else { DRV_LOG("%s of SoundCard Success!
extends Colleague{ public SoundCard(Mediator mediator) { super(mediator); } /** * 播放音频数据...MainBoard extends Mediator{ private CDDevice cdDevice; //光驱设备 private CPU cpu; //CPU private SoundCard...soundCard; //声卡设备 private GraphicsCard graphicsCard; //显卡设备 @Override public void changed(Colleague...声卡设备 */ public void setSoundCard(SoundCard soundCard){ this.soundCard = soundCard; } /*...sc = new SoundCard(mediator); //将各个零件安装到主板 mediator.setCDDevice(cd); mediator.setCPU(cpu
数据结构 声卡的主要数据结构struct snd_card struct snd_card { int number; /* number of soundcard (index to...string of this card */ char driver[16]; /* driver name */ char shortname[32]; /* short name of this soundcard...*/ char longname[80]; /* name of this soundcard */ char mixername[80]; /* mixer name */ char components...space */ struct module *module; /* top-level module */ void *private_data; /* private data for soundcard....number: soundcard的序号,通常为0。 .id: card的标识符,通常是字符串形式。
= null){ Soundcard soundcard = computer.getSoundcard(); if(soundcard !...= null){ USB usb = soundcard.getUSB(); if(usb !...} } } // ** 正确示范 String version = computer.map(Computer::getSoundcard) .map(Soundcard
mb.startPCICard(nc); //停止网卡 mb.stopPCICard(nc); //创建声卡对象 SoundCard...sc=new SoundCard(); //启动声卡 mb.startPCICard(sc); //停止声卡 ...; //创建网卡对象 mb.startPCICard(nc); //启动网卡 mb.stopPCICard(nc); //停止网卡 SoundCard...sc=new SoundCard(); //创建声卡对象 mb.startPCICard(sc); //启动声卡 mb.stopPCICard(sc)...网卡启动 ..."); } public void stop(){ System.out.println("网卡停止..."); } } class SoundCard
varchar(50) default NULL, `display` varchar(50) default NULL, `memory` varchar(50) default NULL, `soundcard... not-null="false" length="50" /> <property name="<em>Soundcard</em>..." column="<em>soundcard</em>" type="string" not-null="false" length
Library will play music directly to soundcard. Simple and easy....Simple, simple, simple … With version 2.00 you can record music from your soundcard.
_cpu>; /* soundcard-mach,frame-inversion; */ /* soundcard-mach,bitclock-inversion; */ soundcard-mach,...slot-num = ; soundcard-mach,slot-width = ; status = "okay"; daudio0_cpu: soundcard-mach,cpu {...*/ soundcard-mach,mclk-fs = ; /* mclk freq = pcm rate * mclk-fs */ }; daudio0_codec: soundcard-mach..._cpu>; /* soundcard-mach,frame-inversion; */ /* soundcard-mach,bitclock-inversion; */ soundcard-mach,...,name = "snddmic"; soundcard-mach,capture_only; status = "disabled"; soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai =
新版本接口为: 老版本接口说明: /** * snd_card_create - create and initialize a soundcard structure * @idx: card...* @module: top level module for locking * @extra_size: allocate this extra size after the main soundcard...structure * @card_ret: the pointer to store the created card instance * * Creates and initializes a soundcard
#include #include #include #include #include <sys/soundcard.h
alternative Linux Getty alias Create an alias for Linux commands alsactl Access advanced controls for ALSA soundcard.... amidi Perform read/write operation for ALSA RawMIDI ports. amixer Access CLI-based mixer for ALSA soundcard...Display print machine hardware name. arecord Just like aplay, it’s a sound recorder and player for ALSA soundcard
sys/stat.h> #include #include #include #include <sys/soundcard.h
include #include #include #include #include <linux/soundcard.h
... yeschecking for NEON in current arch/CFLAGS... nochecking for ELF visibility... yeschecking sys/soundcard.h...usability... yeschecking sys/soundcard.h presence... yeschecking for sys/soundcard.h... yeschecking
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