): secrets is forbidden: User “system:node:master” cannot create resource “secrets” in API group “” in...the namespace “kube-system”: can only read resources of this type export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes...kubectl delete -f kubernetes-dashboard.yaml 重新apply The Service “kubernetes-dashboard” is invalid: spec.ports...[0].nodePort: Forbidden: may not be used when type is ‘ClusterIP’ kubectl -n kube-system describe $(kubectl...-n kube-system get secret -n kube-system -o name | grep namespace) | grep token 更改ClusterIP 为NodePort
However, some of the services may need to be exposed to external networks as well....Run the following command to create a NodePort type service. kubectl apply -f nodeport.yaml Display the...:KUBE-NODEPORTS - [0:0] # Chain for Service :KUBE-SERVICES - [0:0] # Chains used by both th NodePort...- [0:0] # Capture external traffic sent to NodePort 30080 and jump to chain KUBE-SVC-J2DWGRZTH4C2LPA4...Any node may crash or be removed from a Kubernetes cluster.
1/1 Running 0 86s istio-tracing-7cf5f46848-xpxmq 1/1 Running 0...1/1 Running 0 84s prometheus-57b7b99577-9r4rj 2/2 Running 0...-o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?...get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?...(@.name=="http2")].nodePort}') e=="https")].nodePort}')[root@master01 istio-1.11.0]# export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT
.❗ This container is having trouble accessing https://k8s.gcr.io To pull new external images, you may...bookinfo-productpage createddeployment.apps/productpage-v1 created 2.服务启动情况 $ kubectl get servicesNAME TYPE...ClusterIP 9080/TCP 4d2hratings ClusterIP created 4.分析istio配置信息 $ istioctl analyze✔ No validation issues found when...-o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?
如果设置 type 的值为 "NodePort",Kubernetes master 将从给定的配置范围内(默认:30000-32767)分配端口,每个 Node 将从该端口(每个 Node 上的同一端口...该端口将通过 Service 的 spec.ports*.nodePort 字段被指定,如果不指定的话会自动生成一个端口。...需要注意的是,Service 将能够通过 :spec.ports_.nodePort 和 spec.clusterIp:spec.ports_.port 而对外可见。...官方信息为: "None" can be specified for headless services when proxying is not required....HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 15647 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0,
namespace: labels: - name: label name annotations: - name: annotations name spec: selector: [] type...string yes service 的类型- ClusterIP虚拟服务的 ip,用于 K8S 内部 的pod 相互访问- NodePort使用的是宿主机的端口,外部可以通过访问 node 的 ip...和 NodePort spec.ClusterIP string no 虚拟服务的 ip 地址如果 spec.type 指定的是 loadBalancer ,那么这个 ip 就需要写,其他的情况,...都转发到同一个后端 pod spec.ports[].port int no 内部服务监听的端口 spec.ports[].targetPort int no 需要转发到 pod 的端口号 spec.ports...[].nodePort int no 指定映射到物理机的端口号,这个时候需要 spec.type=NodePort spec.status object no 属于外部均衡器,status 下面的都是
Set the type as "ingress", # "clusterIP", "nodePort" or "loadBalancer" and fill the information # in...Only needed when notary.enabled # is set to true notaryPort: 4443 nodePort: # The name...nodePort: 30002 https: # The service port Harbor listens on when serving with HTTPS..."# 2) if "expose.type" is "clusterIP", the "domain" should be# the value of "expose.clusterIP.name"#...3) if "expose.type" is "nodePort", the "domain" should be# the IP address of k8s node## If Harbor is
: NodePort clusterPort: 7077 webPort: 80 ## Specify the NodePort value for the LoadBalancer and...NodePort service types. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport...application to the cluster: To submit an application to the cluster the spark-submit script must be used...ClusterIP None 22h sulky-selection-spark-master-svc...Type :help for more information.
以下是 k8s 中的四种 Service Types: ClusterIP: 默认的 Service 类型。为 Service 分配一个内部 IP,只有在集群内部可以访问该 Service。...使用案例 ClusterIP apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-clusterip-service spec: selector:...: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-nodeport-service spec: type: NodePort selector: app:...apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-loadbalancer-service spec: type: LoadBalancer...ExternalName externalName: example.com 对于每个 Service 类型,你都可以在 spec.selector 字段中定义哪些 Pod 被选为该 Service 的后端,以及 spec.ports
[0].nodePort}" services k8spacket) export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace k8spacket -o jsonpath...: ClusterIP port: 8080 nodePort:resources: requests: memory: "1000Mi" cpu: "250m" limits:...memory: "1500Mi" cpu: "500m"tolerations: []k8sPacket: metrics: ## Hide source port when 'true'...[0].nodePort}" services k8spacket) export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace k8spacket -o jsonpath...NodePort 80:30973/TCP 4m37skubernetes ClusterIP
admin.conf get nodes or you can manually copy the content of this file to ~/.kube/conf if scp can’t be used...vfc-vfc-zte-vnfm-driver-59d4756fbc-rpn9v 2/2 Running 0 2d NNAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE...NodePort 9005:30294/TCP 1h service/vfc-catalog ClusterIP 8806...Note: There may be some delays due to caching and other propagation overhead....Note: There may be some delays due to caching and other propagation overhead.
: ClusterIP tolerations: [] EOF 修改deployment.yaml demo]# cat > templates/deployment.yaml <<EOF apiVersion...="{.<em>spec.ports</em>[<em>0</em>].<em>nodePort</em>}" services {{ include "demo.fullname" . }}) export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get...nodes --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.items[<em>0</em>].status.addresses[<em>0</em>].address}")...: ClusterIP ports: - port: 80 targetPort: http protocol: TCP name: http selector...=NodePort ..
Set the type as "ingress", # "clusterIP" or "nodePort" and fill the information in the corresponding...Only needed when the type is "ingress"....the type is "clusterIP" or "nodePort" and "secretName" is null commonName: "" ingress: hosts...Only needed when notary.enabled # is set to true notaryPort: 4443 nodePort: # The..." # 2) if "expose.type" is "clusterIP", the "domain" should be # the value of "expose.clusterIP.name"
ClusterIP 9080/TCP 2m5s ratings ClusterIP created 确保配置文件没有问题: [root@centos7 istio-1.14.3]# istioctl analyze✔ No validation issues found when...root@centos7 istio-1.14.3]# kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-systemNAME TYPE...get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?...(@.name=="https")].nodePort}')[root@centos7 istio-1.14.3]# docker psCONTAINER ID IMAGE
概述 ---- 我们知道pod的ip不是固定的,是根据所在宿主机的docker0网卡生成的,每次重启,更新,调度等情况IP都会变,那pod与pod之间需要互相调用,肯定不能用ip的,因为地址不是固定的,...service现在分为以下类型 ClusterIP 集群内部容器访问地址,会生成一个虚拟IP 与pod不在一个网段。 NodePort 会在宿主机上映射一个端口,供外部应用访问模式。...比如一个nginx应用需要能被外部访问,就需要配置类型为type=NodePort,并且需要配置下nodePort: 30002(指定固定端口),这样的话外部使用http://ip:30002就可以访问这个应用了...spec.ports[*].nodePort 找到具体的值 如果我们指定一个端口,我们可以直接写在nodePort上,系统就会给你指派指定端口,但是这个值必须是指定范围内的。...基本上,NodePort 服务与普通的 “ClusterIP” 服务 YAML 定义有两点区别。 首先,type 是 “NodePort”。
集群内通过 ClusterIP 的访问2.NodePort: 集群内外通过 NodePort 的访问3.ExternalIP: 集群外通过 external IP 的访问4.LoadBalancer:...服务: $ kubectl expose deployment my-nginx --type=NodePort --port=80 service/my-nginx exposed 查看 NodePort...Frontend Service Type Backend ... 32 NodePort 1 =>我们可以使用 curl 对 NodePort ClusterIP PodIP 等进行测试: node_port=$(kubectl get svc my-nginx -o=jsonpath='{@.spec.ports...[0].nodePort}') # localhost+NodePort curl$node_port # eth0+NodePort curl$node_port
: NodePort #外网访问方式 NodePort 或者 LoadBanlace 默认是ClusterIP selector: app: apple ports: - port...: 5678 # Default port for image 集群内部访问 #The Service "apple-service" is invalid: spec.ports[0].nodePort...The range of valid ports is 30000-32767 nodePort: 30080 #外部访问 这里采用NodePort的方式,方便我们在外网测试服务是否ok,启动服务后我们验证下...NodePort 5678:30080/TCP 29m 可以看到NodePort的方式方式做了端口映射,我们访问外部端口是通的...value: "": must be a DNS name, not an IP address #Error from server (InternalError): error when
Service 类型 Kubernetes 中可以通过不同方式发布 Service,通过 ServiceType 字段指定,该字段的默认值是 ClusterIP,可选值有 ClusterIP: 默认值。...通过集群内部的一个 IP 地址暴露 Service,只在集群内部可以访问 NodePort: 通过每一个节点上的的静态端口(NodePort)暴露 Service,同时自动创建 ClusterIP 类型的访问方式...,同时自动创建 NodePort 和 ClusterIP 类型的访问方式 在集群内部通过 (Port) 访问 在集群外部通过 (NodePort) 访问 在集群外部通过 (Port) 访问 ExternalName...如使用 ExternalName 类型的 Service,CoreDNS 版本不能低于 1.7 ClusterIP ClusterIP 是 ServiceType 的默认值。...可通过 Service 的 .spec.ports[*].nodePort 字段查看该 Service 分配到的节点端口号。
=ClusterIP 类型 Services 的 Source IP 如果你的 kube-proxy 运行在 iptables 模式下,从集群内部发送到 ClusterIP 的包永远不会进行源地址 NAT...Type=NodePort 类型 Services 的 Source IP 对于 Kubernetes 1.5,发送给类型为 Type=NodePort Services 的数据包默认进行源地址 NAT...80 --target-port=8080 --``type``=NodePort``service ``"nodeport"` `exposed``$ NODEPORT=$(kubectl get -...o jsonpath=``"{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}"` `services nodeport)``$ NODES=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath...(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address }'``) 如果你的集群运行在一个云服务上,你可能需要为上面报告的 nodes:nodeport 开启一条防火墙规则。
-o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?...*" #使用这个命令后 kubectl expose deployment/productpage-v1 --type="NodePort" --port=9080 --name=productpage-v1...*" # 这样也可以 kubectl expose deployment/productpage-v1 --type="NodePort" --port=9080 --name=productpage-v222...="NodePort" --port=80 --name=nginx kubectl expose deployment/ productpage-v1 –type=NodePort kubectl...expose deployment/productpage-v1 --type="NodePort" --port=9080 --name=productpage-v1 echo $(kubectl
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