dev-master 76b1621): Cloning 76b1 - Installing dingo/api (v2.2.3): Loading from cache league/fractal suggests...installing pagerfanta/pagerfanta (Pagerfa league/fractal suggests installing zendframework/zend-paginator...( dingo/api suggests installing tymon/jwt-auth (Protect your API wi Writing lock file Generating optimized
- Installing nesbot/carbon (2.32.1): Downloading (100%) symfony/polyfill-mbstring suggests...installing ext-mbstring (For best performance) symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/config...symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/yaml symfony/translation suggests installing psr/log-implementation
解决方法: The error message suggests that the script you're invoking has embedded \r characters, which in...turn suggests that it has Windows-style \r\n line endings instead of the \n-only line endings bash expects
tidyr (>= 1.3.0), tidyselect (>= 1.2.0), utils, vctrs (>= 0.6.3), withr (>= 2.5.0) Suggests...> Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2023-10-26 07:40:02 UTC DESCRIPTION文件中有依赖项的描述:Depends、Imports、Suggests...Suggests一般是用于帮助文档渲染时使用的依赖项。 Suggests依赖项的包可以缺失,而Depends和Imports中的依赖项是需要先于当前包安装的。
Downloading: 100% - Installing laravel/installer (v1.2.2) Downloading: 100% symfony/console suggests...installing symfony/event-dispatcher () symfony/console suggests installing psr/log (For using the console
But research suggests that social interactions have a ripple effect that extends far beyond household...An important study suggests that answer is yes....A 2009 study from the University of Chicago suggests that isolation may have that effect — at least in
Loading from cache - Installing intervention/image (2.4.1): Loading from cache intervention/image suggests...installing ext-imagick (to use Imagick based image processing.) intervention/image suggests installing
,彼此之间采用逗号隔开; Pre-Depends:软件安装前必须安装、配置依赖性的软件包和库文件,它常常用于必须的预运行脚本需求; Recommends:这个字段表明推荐的安装的其他软件包和库文件; Suggests...Version: 2016-02-26 Section: free Priority: optional Depends:, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 Suggests
finding was that …. 4Surprisingly, no differences were found in …. 5This finding was unexpected and the hypothesis that … 11Hence, it could conceivably be hypothesised that … 12The value of X suggests...specifically to … 6 7These findings may help us to understand … 8This finding, while preliminary, suggests...that .… 9This finding has important implications for developing … 10This observational study suggests
vars: ● _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_REMOTE_: FALSE ● _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_ : FALSE ● _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS...这个函数做了这些变动: 在DESCRIPTION中加入了suggests:testthat: Package: toypackages Title: learn how to bulid a package...: Imports: pkgname Suggests: pkgname 两者的区别: Imports描述的是包工作所必需的包,在我们的包被安装的时候,如果这些包之前没有被安装,这个时候会被安装...Suggests不是必需安装的,可能在示例数据,运行测试,创建vignettes或者包里面只有少量函数使用这些包,所以我们要在需要这些包的函数里面检查这些包是否安装(requireNamesapce(...", min_version = NULL) type参数指定是Imports还是Suggests,min_version参数指定包的最低版本 还有其他的fields可以用来表述依赖: Depends
As the name suggests, they extend the class. A class continuation is another name.
Manage Accurate, a multi-tenancy controller no advise-policy advise-psp Suggests PodSecurityPolicies for cluster.
为了使用vdiffr,你需要将testthat[6](通过usethis::use_testthat()初始化)和vdiffr加入DESCRIPTION的Suggests条目。...output of ggplot() is stable", { vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("A blank plot", ggplot()) }) ggplot2在Suggests...如果你想要将它列入Suggests,那么你不能使用#' @importFrom ggplot2 ...载入函数,但是如果你仍然想要使用ggplot2的像%+replace%这样的中缀操作符号,你可以在函数中进行赋值...如果出于一些原因你想要将其保留在Suggests,那么可以利用vctrs::s3_register()仅当ggplot2被安装时才注册你的泛型函数。
.#012#012***** Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests **************************#012#012If you
If this value is high, it suggests that the server is doing a lot of full index scans; for example, SELECT...Generally this suggests that your tables are not properly indexed or that your queries are not written
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Pediatric Coeliac Disease Patients Suggests...Single-Cell RNA Sequencing of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Pediatric Coeliac Disease Patients Suggests
Their ranking suggests that more data is particularly helpful for problems that people are really excited
for i in $(apt-cache depends iperf3 | grep -E 'Depends|Recommends|Suggests' | cut -d ':' -f 2,3 | sed...lijun@lijun-ubuntu:~/Downloads/test$ for i in $(apt-cache depends iperf3 | grep -E 'Depends|Recommends|Suggests...found 启用选择的架构后,运行以下命令下载特定的架构相关包 for i in $(apt-cache depends python:i386 | grep -E 'Depends|Recommends|Suggests
Nguyen, Manfred Eppe, Stefan Wermter Cognitive science suggests that the self-representation is critical
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