今天MINMIN有空手道训练,来不及写本周的推送了,只能由我救急了~正好最近处理了好几个客户报的bug,搞得我焦头烂额,乘此机会分享一下trouble shooting的经历。...话说之前在爱奇艺上班,也经常处理客户Trouble Shooting的事情,但是之前所谓的客户都是公司内部的同事,需要排查的程序也都部署在公司内部的服务器上,而我们有服务器的root权限,因此Trouble...程序都部署在对方公司的机房,条件好的可以给我们开一个远程界面,可以远程操作,条件不好的连一个Error Stack也不能拷贝出来,只能拍个模模糊糊的照片发给我们,哭~~ 本文主要分享一下我在PingCAP的一些Trouble...01 文件权限问题 有天某个客户跟我说 用tispark无法读取tidb的表,但是能正常读取hive的表 于是开始了我一下午的Trouble Shooting之旅,先要到了客户远程的控制权限 1.
The trouble of Xiaoqian Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others
本期精读的文章是:When You “Git” in Trouble - a Version Control Story 1 引言 git 作为目前最流行的版本控制系统,它拥有众多的用户并管理着数量庞大的实际软件项目
参考资料 https://www.jianshu.com/p/e6363a02d437 https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/...
= random_array(len, v); let ans1 = most_min1(a, b, &mut value, &mut trouble); let ans2...= most_min2(a, b, &mut value, &mut trouble); if ans1 !...// 返回 : 奖金最高的员工获得的、尽可能少的奖金数额 fn most_min1(a: isize, _: isize, value: &mut Vec, trouble: &mut...(value, trouble, i, index); } return ans; } } fn swap(value: &mut Vec, trouble...[i as usize]; trouble[i as usize] = trouble[j as usize]; trouble[j as usize] = tmp; } fn get_max
trouble) { if(resolve(trouble)) { done(trouble); } else if (next !...= null) { next.support(trouble); } else { fail(trouble); }...trouble); protected void done(Trouble trouble) { System.out.println(trouble + " is...trouble) { if(trouble.getNumber() < limit) return true; return false;...trouble) { if(trouble.getNumber() == number) return true; return false;
使用ant debug -d得到的信息如下 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 [dx] trouble processing:...network/a.class [dx] ...while processing com/solo/adsdk/network/a.class [dx] [dx] trouble...network/b.class [dx] ...while processing com/solo/adsdk/network/b.class [dx] [dx] trouble...AdsLoader.class [dx] ...while processing com/solo/adsdk/network/AdsLoader.class [dx] [dx] trouble
Installation $ pip install retry Examples from retry import retry @retry() def make_trouble(): ''...'Retry until succeed''' @retry(ZeroDivisionError, tries=3, delay=2) def make_trouble(): '''Retry...@retry((ValueError, TypeError), delay=1, backoff=2) def make_trouble(): '''Retry on ValueError or...@retry((ValueError, TypeError), delay=1, backoff=2, max_delay=4) def make_trouble(): '''Retry on...@retry(ValueError, delay=1, jitter=1) def make_trouble(): '''Retry on ValueError, sleep 1, 2, 3,
PrintWriter流的输出流.不自动刷新. 2.内部变量 protected Writer out; private final boolean autoFlush; private boolean trouble...—-是否抛出异常的内部标识.当PrintStream流内部抛出异常时会捕获异常,然后将trouble的值设置成true. formatter—-用于数据格式化的对象Formatter. psOut—-字节打印流...private final boolean autoFlush; //是否抛出异常的内部标识.当PrintWriter流内部抛出异常时会捕获异常,然后将trouble的值设置成true....private boolean trouble = false; //用于数据格式化的对象Formatter....() { trouble = false; } //将单个字符c写到PrintWriter流中.
代码清单 1 forexamle="You are you are,you are the trouble I'm in" forexample = forexamle.lower() words =...word_frequence[word] = 1 #如果不存在则创建键,并赋值为一 print(word_frequence) #get()实现 forexamle="You are you are,you are the trouble...; print(word_frequence) #内置库 from collections import Counter forexamle="You are you are,you are the trouble
比如“Don't trouble trouble”,可翻译为“别烦恼了”,其中trouble这个词就属于一词多义。...如果用word2vec模型训练后,trouble只对应一个向量,显然无法区别这个trouble的两个含义。而一词多义,不论是在英语、中文还是在其他语言中,都是普遍存在的问题。
查看运行结果 除了控制台打印的输出,默认的,还会在d:\\目录下,生成filepath_of_urls_visited.txt, d:/filepath_of_urls_in_trouble.txt文件...main.py中找到代码行“reptile = Reptile()”,显示指定要生成的文件,如下: reptile = Reptile('d:/xxxxx_visited.txt', 'd:/xxxxx_in_trouble.txt
/bin/bash # trouble: script to demonstrate common errors number=1 if [ $number = 1 ]; then echo ".../home/me/bin/trouble: line 10: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' /home/me/bin/trouble: line.../home/me/bin/trouble: line 9: syntax error near unexpected token `else' /home/me/bin/trouble: line 9.../home/me/bin/trouble: line 7: [: =: unary operator expected Number is not equal to 1....拿我们之前的 trouble 脚本为例,给该脚本的第一行语句添加 -x 选项,我们就能追踪整个脚本。 #!
在 DeepFlow 平台中,从宏观到微观有序调阅可观测性数据,逐步回答如下 5 个问题,可以快速、有效诊断出问题根因,称之为“5W 故障诊断方法”:Who is in trouble?...When is it in trouble?Which request is in trouble?Where is the root position?What is the root cause?...Step 1:确定首个观测对象故障诊断的第一步,首先要回答 “Who is in trouble” 的问题,从而确定首个观测的对象。...Step 2:RED 指标监控,找出时间点故障诊断的第二步,要回答 “When is it in trouble” 的问题。...Step 3:调用日志检索,找出慢响应当确定问题发生时间点之后,第三步便要回答 “Which request is in trouble” 的问题。
Trouble Shooting WARNING!...The MacType's hooks are detected at 0x00007FF8E9D10000 Alias Add Alias Optional Parameters Trouble
folke/trouble.nvimhttps://github.com/folke/trouble.nvim Stars: 4.6k License: Apache-2.0 picture trouble.nvim
現象:windows update 後、共有フォルダーアクセスできない(不能访问共享文件夹)※remote server: backlog图片图片解决案:1,控制面板:trouble shooting...2022/8/12追記------------------------------------------------------------详细1,control panel:trouble shooting
*/ public final void support(Trouble trouble) { if (resolve(trouble)) {...abstract boolean resolve(Trouble trouble); /** * 解决 * @param trouble */ protected...void done(Trouble trouble) { System.out.println(trouble + " is resolved by " + this + ".");...*/ protected void fail(Trouble trouble) { System.out.println(trouble + " cannot be...[Trouble 33] is resolved by [Bob]. [Trouble 66] is resolved by [Bob].
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