报错 org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.UnnecessaryStubbingException: Unnecessary stubbings detected in test class: XXXTest Clean & maintainable test code requires zero unnecessary code. Following stubbings are unnecessary (click to navigate to relevant line o
此规则标记源中不必要的 pragma 和 SuppressMessageAttribute 特性抑制。 源抑制旨在抑制特定部分源代码与编译器和分析器规则的冲突,但不会在代码的其他部分禁用规则。 添加抑制通常是为了抑制误报或用户不打算修复的不重要冲突。 抑制可能会频繁过时,原因包括:修复规则以防止这些误报,或重构用户代码以呈现冗余抑制。 此规则有助于识别此类可删除的冗余抑制。
Apps nowadays are all about fancy animations, complex transitions and custom views,and the user experience must be intuitive and similar as possible in any device. These patterns gonna help you build an app that’s smooth, responsive, and uses as little battery as possible, it covers micro-optimizations that can improve overall app performance.
flake8-bugbear是一个用于查找程序中可能存在的 bug 和设计问题的插件,错误码以B开头
If you are reading this post, it is probably because you are finding issues with the performance of your app. As developers we don’t think about the performance until we notice it. But don’t worry, in the following paragraphs you will find some advice that I hope will guide you and help to identify and, hopefully, fix them.
divide(BigDecimal divisor, int scale, int roundingMode)
SDK切换存储介质需要修改board.dts、sys_config.fex、内核配置、TINA系统配置。另外,在spinor 存储介质下,通过 u-boot-sun8iw21p1.bin 进行烧录,u-boot-spinor-sun8iw21p1.bin 启动,使用sys_partition_nor.fex作为分区表。在非spinor介质(spinand、emmc、sdnand),通过u-boot-sun8iw21p1.bin进行烧录和启动,使用sys_partition.fex作为分区表。下文将介绍spinor切换spinand、spinand切换spinor、spinor切换emmc、spinor切换sdnand四种切换方式。
登陆 WordPress 建站后台,打开【设置】-【媒体】,然后里面的数值全部设置为0,保存即可。
It is often appropriate to reuse a single object instead of creating a new functionally equivalent object each time it is needed. Reuse can be both faster and more stylish. An object can always be reused if it is immutable (Item 15).
在提交了若干更新,又或者克隆了某个项目之后,你也许想回顾下提交历史. 完成这个任务最简单而又有效的工具是 git log 命令。
release相比reset流程,多了一些处理 MediaPlayer层将MediaPlayer的各种listener置为null jni层减少了对surface的引用 jni层销毁了mediaplayer的实例 这里先偷懒,没详细分析 /** * Releases resources associated with this MediaPlayer object. * It is considered good practice to call this method whe
newScale: 保留newScale位小数 roundingMode: 舍去规则(0 <= roundingMode <= 7)
There are over one million Dockerfiles on GitHub today, but not all Dockerfiles are created equally. Efficiency is critical, and this blog series will cover five areas for Dockerfile best practices to help you write better Dockerfiles: incremental build time, image size, maintainability, security and repeatability. If you’re just beginning with Docker, this first blog post is for you! The next posts in the series will be more advanced.
如何安装:golangci-lint 使用文档 go linter如何与GoLand联动
借助于WordPress强大的社区生态,有各式各样的插件可供选择。 这里主要基于优化、功能拓展这两大方面展开,可以一定程度上提高博客访问速度以及优化使用体验,SEO类插件本文暂不涉及 大部分插件可以直接在WordPress官方应用市场内搜到,少数下架插件会单独说明
String 是 Java 语言非常基础和重要的类,提供了构造和管理字符串的各种基本逻辑。它是典型的 Immutable 类,被声明成为 final class,所有属性也都是 final 的。也由于它的不可变性,类似拼接、裁剪字符串等动作,都会产生新的 String 对象。由于字符串操作的普遍性,所以相关操作的效率往往对应用性能有明显影响。 StringBuffer 是为解决上面提到拼接产生太多中间对象的问题而提供的一个类,我们可以用 append 或者 add 方法,把字符串添加到已有序列的末尾或者指定位置。StringBuffer 本质是一个线程安全的可修改字符序列,它保证了线程安全,也随之带来了额外的性能开销,所以除非有线程安全的需要,不然还是推荐使用它的后继者,也就是 StringBuilder。 StringBuilder 是 Java 1.5 中新增的,在能力上和 StringBuffer 没有本质区别,但是它去掉了线程安全的部分,有效减小了开销,是绝大部分情况下进行字符串拼接的首选。
最近在学习Mybatis和jdbc,按照网上教程使用 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 注册驱动时,会输出警告语句
Double 转 BigDecima l并保留两位小数出现异常: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Rounding necessary 。
Mixing a type definition and the definition of another entity in the same declaration is confusing and unnecessary.
Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoided by marking the component with `markRaw` or using `shallowRef` instead of `ref`.
Darkest Dark 如果你也是那种讨厌白色背景的人,那么肯定不会问我为什么黑屏更好,也不会觉得使用“darkest”修改“dark”是多余的。我相信你一旦用了 Darkest Dark(http
Deon用半开玩笑的方式,分享了他认为“怎样才是一个好的程序员”。 “我一直在跟我认为很棒的程序员们一起工作,可是他们真的很好吗?他们怎么做到这么好的?(或者,他们水平也是一般而已?)” I recently read a blog post by Mark Pearl titled “Programming, a Subset of Writing.” As much as I agree with the underlying message of this post, something really
LB11将TR转成TO单据的时候,我们常常发现,生成的TO单据里的数量并不是等于TR里的数量,而是系统自动根据目的地storage type 100下的库存数量自动扣减之后的数量作为生成的TO的数量。原因何在?
spring常用dataSource配置如下: spring: datasource: username: root password: root url: jdbc:my
在java平台使用的mysql jdbc驱动为:mysql-connector-java。 在项目中添加如下依赖:
Ease of comprehension. If data is related (for fundamental reasons), that fact should be reflected in code.
1. BigDecimal num1 = new BigDecimal(2.225667);//这种写法不允许,会造成精度损失
注意: 运行第一遍,会出现 copy sucess; 运行第二遍, copytree 会报错,因为 目标目录已存在
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