
638:Why I’m excited about crypto collectibles


Why I’m excited about crypto collectibles


Why I’m excited about crypto collectibles


By John Gordon

People laugh at Crypto Kitties. They “broke” Ethereum. They show thefrivolityof the crypto space (Beanie Babies! Still a thing, by the way). But I'm super excited about andintriguedby crypto collectibles, and the reason is simple: provablescarcity.

人们嘲笑Crypto Kitties,他们“打破”以太坊,他们显示出加密空间的可笑无聊(顺便说一句,Beanie Babies的收藏依然很热门)。但我对加密收藏品感到非常兴奋和好奇,原因很简单:可证明的稀缺性。

(注:1.Crypto Kitties:链养猫,一款建立在区块链以太坊上的虚拟宠物养成社区游戏。


3.Beanie Babies:豆宝宝,一款由Ty Warner创办的毛绒玩具。在上世纪90年代后半期,由于其能作为一种具有高转售价值的金融投资,收集这种玩具成为时尚。)

As a kid, I collected baseball cards andStarting Lineupfigures (yes, I'm making ananalogyhere). I still have them in a box somewhere at my parents’ house, and I have so many fun memories of buying and trading cards and figures with friends growing up. I’m a much less active sports fan now than I was back then (I think that moving to China and not having easy access to live sports for a long time played a big part in this change), but at the time I knew all the players’ names and for many of them couldrecitestats from multiple years.


We placed value on the cardsin large partdue to scarcity, as some cards were harder to get and some sets had limited runs. At some point after my personalobsessionwith the cards and figuresdied down, though, Ebaycame alongand addedliquidityto the market, and prices crashed (the popularity of collecting cards had also increased print runs).Previously, you were essentially limited to what you could find at your local baseball card store (or the occasionalconventionthat came through town), but with Ebay you had access to the supply of the whole world, and in that market prices went way down.


But with crypto collectibles, there are no questions about scarcity. You know that your item is unique (or how many of it exist). And I think that we’ll see cryptographically secured digital collectibles become more and more popular over the next few years.


So, yeah, Crypto Kitties aren’t baseball players, but they may end up having a special place in the crypto-collectible space just because they were the first one to be somewhat popular. And I’m actually quite excited to see what can happen just with Crytpo Kitties. Right now they can be mated together to produce new kitties, but someday there will probably be a Street Fighter-esque Crypto Kitty fighting game. Or maybe I can take my kitty for a walk in Decentraland? Or maybe I can use my kitty as my Decentralandavatar? Differenttokenscould be combined to create new collectibles. Or multiple digital items can be combined together to create digital art. Or art could be issued as tokens. Why not?

The possibilities are endless.



Collectibles related to gaming are especially exciting. Just as I treasured my Upper Deck Ken Griffey Jr.rookiecard, I can imagine a kid someday soon treasuring the sword that their favorite e-sports player used in a certain game in a certaintournamentin a certain city on a certain date.

与游戏相关的收藏品尤其令人兴奋。就像我无比珍视我Upper Deck出品的那张Ken Griffey Jr. 的新秀球星卡一样,我完全能够想象,有一天一个孩子会有多么地珍惜他最喜爱的电子竞技玩家在某个日期某个城市举办的某个特定的游戏锦标赛上的一场决胜局上所使用的那把剑。

(注:Upper Deck是一家顶级的体育和娱乐出版公司,为收藏家、体育和娱乐发烧友提供相关联、有创意、多角度的产品组合体验。)

I don’t know what types of collectibles will be popular, but I have a hard time imagining a world in which crypto collectibles are not extremely popular.



1.frivolity/frɪˈvɑːləti/ n. 轻浮;轻薄

e.g.I dislike her frivolity.


2.intrigued/ɪnˈtriːɡd/ adj. 好奇的

e.g. I would be intrigued to hear others' views.


3.scarcity/ˈskersəti/ n. 不足;缺乏

e.g....an ever increasing scarcity of water.


4.analogy/əˈnælədʒi/ n. 类比;类推;类似

e.g.The analogy between music and fragrance has stuck.


5.recite/rɪˈsaɪt/ vt. 背诵;叙述;列举

e.g.All he could do was recite a list of government failings.


6.obsession/əbˈseʃn/ n. 痴迷;

e.g.She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.


7.liquidity/lɪˈkwɪdəti/ n. 流动性;流动资产

e.g.I say that because it gives tremendous liquidity to the markets.


8.previously/ˈpriːviəsli/ adv. 以前;预先;仓促地

e.g.He had first entered the House 12 years previously.


9.convention/kənˈvenʃn/ n. 大会;集会;惯例

e.g. ...the annual convention of the Society of Professional Journalists.


10.avatar/ˈævətɑːr/ n. (Avatar) 电影《 阿凡达》

11.token/ˈtoʊkən/ n. 表征;代币;

e.g....slot-machine tokens.


12.rookie/ˈrʊki/ n. 新手

e.g.I don't want to have another rookie to train.


13.tournament/ˈtɜːrnəmənt/ n. 锦标赛,联赛;比赛

e.g....the biggest golf tournament to be held in Australia.



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in large part很大程度上

died down逐渐消退

come along出现

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