

So thatall readers areon the same page, let’s beginby installing or updating yourversion of Python.

为了让所有读者都能理解,让我们从安装或更新 Python 版本开始。

Checking Your Version of Python

In order to use PyQt, youwill first need to have Python 3.7 or higher installed.

要使用 PyQt,首先需要安装 Python 3.7 或更高版本。

Note when pyQt6 was first released, it was compatible with python 3.6.1or higher. however, that was scheduled to be discontinued at some pointin the future. you shouldhave python 3.7 or higheron your systemjust to be on the safe side.

注意,在 pyQt6 发布之初,它兼容 Python 3.6.1 或更高版本。

To check which versionof Python 3 you haveinstalled on yoursystem, open your system’s shell, and run the command

要查看系统中安装的 Python 3 版本,请打开系统 shell 并运行以下命令

$ python3 –version

Change python3to python on Windows. This will returnyour system’s Python 3 version.If yours happensto be lower than Python3.7 or youdon’t have Pythoninstalled, then have a lookat www.python.org/downloads/ to get the latestversion.

在 Windows 上将 python3 更改为 python。这将返回系统的Python 3 版本。如果您的系统版本低于 Python 3.7 或没有安装 Python,请访问 www.python.org/downloads/ 获取最新版本。

Tip For those readersthat might notwant to removetheir current versionof python and wouldlike to managemultiple python versions on their system,have a look at the python versionmanagement tool, pyenv.

提示 如果读者不想删除当前的 python 版本,但又想在自己的系统上管理多个python 版本,可以参考 python 版本管理工具 pyenv。


Since PyQtdoes not come included with your Pythoninstallation, the next step is touse pip to install the PyQt6 packagefrom the PythonPackage Index (PyPI).To create the bindings betweenPython and C++,the SIP bindinggenerator tool is used. When downloading PyQt6 from PyPI,the sip modulewill automatically be downloaded too.

由于 Python 安装中不包含 PyQt,下一步是使用 pip 从 Python 包索引(PyPI) 中安装 PyQt6 包。要在 Python 和 C++ 之间创建绑定,需要使用 SIP 绑定生成器工具。从 PyPI 下载PyQt6 时,也会自动下载 sip 模块。

To install PyQt6, enter thefollowing command into your shell:

要安装 PyQt6,请在 shell 中输入以下命令:

$ pip3 install PyQt6

If you are usingWindows, you willprobably need to change pip3 to pip.To make sure PyQt is downloaded properly, open up the Python 3 interpreter by entering python3 (python for Windows)into the commandline. Then enterthe following command:

如果您使用的是 Windows,可能需要将 pip3 改为 pip。要确保 PyQt 已正确下载,请在命令行中输入python3 (Windows 版的 python),打开 Python 3 解释器。然后输入以下命令:

>>> import PyQt6

Tip throughout the courseof this book,you’ll create a number of pyQt GUis.For those readerswho are interested in managing theirdifferent pyQt projects and their dependencies, havea look at using virtualenvironments and thepython module, venv.

在本书的整个学习过程中,你会创建大量的 pyQt GUis。如果读者对管理不同的 pyQt 项目及其依赖关系感兴趣,可以参考使用虚拟环境和 python 模块 venv。

If no errors are returned, we can now move on and learna little bit more aboutuser interfaces.


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