2017年12月,IDC发布研究报告IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Cloud 2018 Predictions,对2018年全球云计算趋势做了10点预测,分别涉及多云管理、API经济、云支出、应用支持重组、开发生命周期自动化、资产以行业云为导向、安全一致性、行业标准API、云原生以及行业云数据的增长。
Prediction 1: By 2020, over 90% of enterprises will use multiple cloud services and platforms — a transition supported by investments to manage resources across platforms — with more than one-third of these organizations having established mechanisms to operate their multi-cloud environments.
Prediction 2: In three years, 75% of organizations will have core cloud API trategies as part of their DX architectures to enable an API-driven economy, with new roducts built on digital platforms that orchestrate information exchange between ultiple organizations in their ecosystems.
Prediction 3: Over the next 12 months, enterprises will see a shift in IT operations spend from on premises to public cloud, with over 30% of enterprises spending more on public cloud operations than on their other datacenter IT operations combined (if applicable).
Prediction 4:By 2020, 25% of enterprises will reorganize to separate support for SaaS solutions from development and delivery of custom applications, which will primarily use cloud native technology.
Prediction 5:Within the next three years, automation will improve development efficiency by up to 25%, supported by analytics-based real-time decisions in configuring IT environments and a low/no code approach to building business solutions.
Prediction 6:By 2019, more than 40% of industry clouds serving manufacturers, oil and gas companies, and utilities will include data from operational assets, supporting these companies' increasing maturity in operational transformation and their ability to monetize such data.
Prediction 7:In two years, enterprises will be able to execute 50% of core security actions, such as policy setting and monitoring, with consistent workflows across all major public cloud platforms.
Prediction 8:Within 2 years, at least one-third of Industry Clouds will support industry standard APIs, helping companies connect more easily and securely, accelerating the DX Econommy.
Prediction 9:By 2021, 80% of application development using PaaS will include microservices and cloud functions —essentials in making real-time decisions in response to events emanating from asset-intensive digitalbusiness.
Prediction 10:Industry-cloud-stored data shared between enterprises will more than double over the next 24 months— from the current 300 exabytes to over 700 exabytes — as sole reliance on internal proprietary enterprise data becomes increasingly insufficient to combat industry-wide problems.
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