一夜爆火的AI项目!Pika 1.0 文字转视频工具,斯坦福美女博士出手,出道即顶流!
美国AI初创公司Pika Labs日前发布了其首款视频生成产品Pika1.0。据其介绍,Pika1.0能够生成和编辑3D动画、动漫、卡通和电影。《环球时报》记者发现,在官网发布的宣传片中,Pika1.0生成的视频效果非常惊艳,让人称奇。
根据Pika官网的介绍,Pika Labs成立于今年4月,整个团队目前只有4个人。郭文景和联合创始人兼首席技术官Chenlin Meng均为斯坦福高材生。尤其是95后的郭文景一夜间成为舆论关注的焦点。
一个精神高度集中的程序员在努力解决问题 A highly focused programmer is working hard to solve problems
一个在讲课的老师 A teacher giving a lecture
一个在卖货的主播 A live streamer selling goods
一个上学路上的学生 A student on their way to school
Although he was born in modern times, he embodies the compassion of Du Fu, the romantic and heroic spirit of Li Bai, the optimistic and unrestrained spirit of Su Dongpo, the warmth and understanding of Wang Wei, the self purification and integrity of Tao Yuanming, and the unity of knowledge and action of Wang Yangming. He is not a celebrity, not an internet celebrity, nor a god. He is a down-to-earth teacher who conveys simple truths in the most down-to-earth way: eat healthy food, read rich books, understand a little bit of truth, and live a good life. If there is spare energy, love every specific person around him, he is worthy of being loved by millions of people. Do not rejoice in things, do not grieve for oneself
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