由于 ego 太大,或者容易自己感动自己,很多人不知道自己长期坚持的设想,其实是不切实际的想象。
Slack 最初是一家名为 Tiny Speck 的游戏公司;
Twitter 最初是一款名为 Odeo 的播客应用;
Instagram 最初是一款名为 Burbn 的提供定位服务的应用。
I want to talk about, since it's come up a few times, pivoting or ending projects, because there's a, in some aspects, a fantasizing of perseverance, in a lot of places, including Silicon Valley and the world of tech. And yet, if you look at a lot of the largest public successes, many of them had some type of pivot or shutting down of something that wasn't working. How do you know it's the right time to stop? And when, how does one go about making that difficult decision? Like, are there telltale signs that it's not that another 50% of effort is required and another x number of hours per day, but like this is fundamentally flawed in some way that is going to prevent it from working.
I think let's take this question in two parts. First is, let's just talk about the premise that most successful things are pivot, which I believe is true. One of the really fun things to do is actually, do know the way back machine? I do. Right, I think it still exists. I haven't tried it a long time, but you can go and type in any web address. And then I think it allows you, like select the date of that website.
【"The Wayback Machine" 是互联网档案馆(Internet Archive)提供的一项服务,允许用户查看以前日期的网页快照。用户可以输入特定的网页地址,然后选择查看该网页在过去某个日期的快照,以便了解网页在不同时间点的变化和发展。这个服务允许用户追溯网页的历史记录。】
So you can basically see the history of the web. It's super interesting. Go to YouTube and figure out when YouTube was founded. I can't remember, but like you can look it up on wikipedia, right? And go to that date, like around the beginning. You will see YouTube as a dating site before it became YouTube, what we know as YouTube, right? Do that for most major things that you get excited about?
Or like, look up the history of Facebook when it was facemash before, and it was something before that. The only one that I don't think was a pivot was Google, and they've done pretty well. So that's the one counter example. Like that literally was their project, and they made it a company and it worked really well. So I don't know.
But most other projects are pivot from an original idea. I think that's because, one, it's really hard to tell what works, a priority, like doing it before anything, before you actually put it into people's hands. It's really difficult, like, you don't know if it's gonna work. The key to entrepreneurship is failing really quickly. So putting it out there, seeing if it works, if it doesn't, then diagnosing why and then like focusing on how to improve it from there.
So one, I agree with the premise that most things are, in fact, like second runs, and then two, the importance of pivot, I think, is that most of the time you get it wrong. So the question is, knowing you're going to get it wrong, how equipped are you to deal with that failure really quickly before you run out of money?
The entrepreneurs that I have seen do very well are the ones that are equipped and engaged on the change from something that's not working to something that is. Far too many people because of ego or whatever, stick with ideas far too long. I think it ends up really poorly.
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