FreeBSD 开发者正在考虑允许在 FreeBSD 基础系统中使用 Rust 编程语言的好处和成本。
邮件写道,在 FreeBSD 基础系统使用 Rust 的主要缺点是构建时间加倍。这是因为需要编译基于 LLVM 的 Rustc 编译器和 Rust 的所有附加功能,这些操作使得基础系统的构建时间大约是当前的两倍。
如果 FreeBSD 基础系统采用了 Rust,开发者可以重新 Rust 重写许多组件 —— 而不是使用 C++,例如 ZFS 守护进程 (zfsd)、重写 devd、WiFi 用户空间代码也可以受益于用 Rust 编写,等等。列举部分如下:
* ctl-exporter (I started this, but discovered that the CTL stats API is
unstable, so it can't live in ports. Instead, I had to do it in C).
* fusefs tests. Absolutely impossible to do in C. I considered Rust, but went
with C++ so they could live in base. They are too closely coupled to
fusefs(5) to live out-of-tree.
* devd. Currently C++, but imp suggested a rewrite.
* zfsd. Currently C++, but I've long pondered a rewrite. Using Rust would
make it more testable.
* nscd. Currently C, but confusing and with no test coverage. I've
contemplated a rewrite myself, but I don't want to do it in C.
* The userland portion of the 802.11ac and Lightning stacks. scottl suggested
that these were good candidates for Rust.
* freebsd-kpi-r14-0 .
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