After the launch of Sora by OpenAI sparded a craze around the world, a spoof image titled the “AI titans of China and US” became widely circulated online. It featured OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman on one side, and a Chinese self-media blogger Li Yizhou, who sells AI courses online, on the other. Riding on the viral popularity of Sora, Li released an AI course, originally priced at 999 yuan but now 199 yuan. Reportedly, 250,000 sets of this course were sold within a year, raking in a revenue of 50 million yuan. However, some students exposed that the course content was very superficial and taught nothing substantial. Those wanting to actually gain knowledge would be prompted to upgrade to the so-called “advanced course” that cost 1980 yuan. Some students also claimed that they were immediately blocked and removed from the discussion group after expressing their opinions about the course.
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