近日,Python语言作者Guido van Rossum在邮件列表上宣布 Python 2.7将于2020年1月1日终止支持。用户如果想要在这个日期之后继续得到与Python 2.7有关的支持,则需要付费给商业供应商。
Let's not play games with semantics. The way I see the situation for2.7 is
that EOL is January 1st, 2020, and there will be no updates, not even
source-only security patches, after that date. Support (from the core devs,
the PSF, and python.org) stops completely on that date. If you want support
for 2.7 beyond that day you will have to pay a commercial vendor. Of course
it's open source so people are also welcome to fork it. But the core devs
have toiled long enough, and the 2020 EOL date (an extension from the
originally annouced 2015 EOL!) was announced with sufficient lead time and
fanfare that I don't feel bad about stopping to support it at all.
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