
SZ releases guidance for intelligent driving 深圳出台自动驾驶道路测试指导意见

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➤SZ releases guidance for intelligent driving


➤An exhibition of collections reflecting Guangdong’s reform and opening up to commence in SZ


➤GZ to see less rain but more high temperature days


SZ releases guidance for intelligent driving

(Image via diandong.com)

Shenzhen released draft guidelines regarding regulating intelligent vehicle road tests on Monday(Mar 19th). The draft guidance stipulates that cars used for road tests should belong to enterprises, organizations or universities that possess either intelligent vehicle technologies and product R&D capacities or the capacity to produce such technologies. Those used for tests should also be fully insured for motor vehicle accident liability with a minimum coverage of at least 5 million yuan per car. Recently, Uber stopped tests on its autonomous vehicle in the United States following the death of a pedestrian.An exhibition of collections reflecting Guangdong’s reform and opening up to commence in SZ

(Image via diyitui.com)

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. Chen Hang, Deputy Director-General of the Guangdong Culture Department yesterday stated that the Department is currently collecting items which reflect the history of China’s reform and opening up in Guangdong. Over 20,000 such items have been collected so far. It is expected that an exhibition that displays the collection will be launched in Shenzhen, a signature place representing the achievements of China’s reform and opening up process, in October.

GZ to see less rain but more high temperature days

(Image via xinhuanet.com)

Guangzhou will experience up to five typhoons this year but see less precipitation overall, according to a municipal meeting yesterday regarding flood prevention and control work.

According to the meeting, Guangzhou is predicted to have up to 30% less rain than usual this year, however during the period around Dragon Boat Festival from May 21st through to June 20th, intensive precipitation is predicted for Guangzhou. The city will also see a maximum of five typhoons this year and the number of days with high temperatures are expected to amount to 35.

News written, edited and presented by Michelle and Hazza,posted by Sinny.

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