Spring Cloud Finchley 的第 9 个里程碑版 M9 已发布。需注意的是,自上个 M8 版本开始,项目已与 Spring Boot 2 兼容,不过不兼容 Spring Boot 1.x.y 。本次主要更新内容如下:
Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud Netflix
- Upgraded to Eureka
to address thread pool issue when Eureka health check is enabled
Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Bug Fixes
- Further Alignment With Brave
- Fixed interop with Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud Contract
- Added byte array for DSL
- Better support for RestDocs parametrized names
- Added exposure of multiple versions of the same artifact in the same test
- Added verbose messages for collection assertions in the generated tests
- Allows to keep unpacked stubs after the stubs got downloaded and test finished
- Added new overview sections to documentation
Spring Cloud Commons
Spring Cloud Config
Spring Cloud Stream