本期活动我们邀请到了腾讯游戏AI研究中心的高级研究员Dr. Su Bolan, 也就是我们前两个月强推的游戏AI读书笔记的主要作者Fled!
游戏人工智能 读书笔记 (一) 前言与介绍
本期分享的主题是“游戏与AI”。Bolan本科毕业于复旦大学,2012年在新加坡国立大学获得博士学位。他曾就职于A*SATR,目前在腾讯Interactive Entertainment Group (IEG)担任高级研究员。
The game and A.I. are close to each other since the beginning of the game industry and A.I. research.In this talk, Dr. Su will show:
1. The relations between Game and A.I -How to use A.I. technologies in different area of games.
2. As the world's biggest game company, Tencent also puts a lot efforts in Game A.I.In this talk, Dr. Su will show somerecent progress developed by Tencent and other groups.
3. Share some information aboutShenzhen and Tencent Games.
Anyone who are interested in AI, Game or Tencent are welcomed. We alsoaccept CVsafter the talk.
Dr. Bolan Su is a
senior researcherinTencent Game AI Research Center.He works on the development of game A.I. technologies for Tencent Games, the largest game company in the world. Prior to Tencent, Dr. Su was the research scientist inI2R, A*Star.
Dr.Su's research interests includes Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning. He has1100+ google citations, and is the reviewer for many top journals and conferences.
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