





Apache Kafka

See our web site for details on the project.

You need to have Gradle and Java installed.

Kafka requires Gradle 4.7 or higher.

Java 8 should be used for building in order to support both Java 8 and Java 11 at runtime.

Scala 2.12 is used by default, see below for how to use a different Scala version or all of the supported Scala versions.

First bootstrap and download the wrapper

Now everything else will work.

Build a jar and run it

Build source jar

Build aggregated javadoc

Build javadoc and scaladoc

Run unit/integration tests

Force re-running tests without code change

Running a particular unit/integration test

Running a particular test method within a unit/integration test

Running a particular unit/integration test with log4j output

Change the log4j setting in either or

Generating test coverage reports

Generate coverage reports for the whole project:

Generate coverage for a single module, i.e.:

Building a binary release gzipped tar ball

The above command will fail if you haven't set up the signing key. To bypass signing the artifact, you can run:

The release file can be found inside .

Cleaning the build

Running a task with a particular version of Scala (either 2.11.x or 2.12.x)

Note that if building the jars with a version other than 2.12.x, you need to set the variable or change it in to run the quick start.

You can pass either the major version (eg 2.12) or the full version (eg 2.12.7):

Running a task with all scala versions

Append to the task name:

Running a task for a specific project

This is for , and

Listing all gradle tasks

Building IDE project

Note that this is not strictly necessary (IntelliJ IDEA has good built-in support for Gradle projects, for example).

The task has been configured to use as Eclipse's build directory. Eclipse's default build directory () clashes with Kafka's scripts directory and we don't use Gradle's build directory to avoid known issues with this configuration.

Publishing the jar for all version of Scala and for all projects to maven

Please note for this to work you should create/update (typically, ) and assign the following variables

Publishing the streams quickstart archetype artifact to maven

For the Streams archetype project, one cannot use gradle to upload to maven; instead the command needs to be called at the quickstart folder:

Please note for this to work you should create/update user maven settings (typically, ) to assign the following variables

Installing the jars to the local Maven repository

Building the test jar

Determining how transitive dependencies are added

Determining if any dependencies could be updated

Running code quality checks

There are two code quality analysis tools that we regularly run, spotbugs and checkstyle.


Checkstyle enforces a consistent coding style in Kafka. You can run checkstyle using:

The checkstyle warnings will be found in and files in the subproject build directories. They are also are printed to the console. The build will fail if Checkstyle fails.


Spotbugs uses static analysis to look for bugs in the code. You can run spotbugs using:

The spotbugs warnings will be found in and files in the subproject build directories. Use -PxmlSpotBugsReport=true to generate an XML report instead of an HTML one.







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