


Go With AI!

SSP Staff Writer: Larry White

China's Ke Jie, the world's number one Go player, looked across the table at his opponent. Ke was nervous. He had lost the first match, but his confidence grew as his first hundred moves in this second match placed him in a solid position. Then, things started to go wrong. His opponent began to gain an advantage. Half way through the match, Ke realized he had been beaten ... again ... by a machine!

Ke was beaten by AlphaGo, a computer programmed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) which enables it to learn while it's performing a task instead of just computing information stored in its memory. AlphaGo's win was a stunning example of how far AI has progressed. We will all have to adapt to and learn to live with this new technology.

With AI systems thinking more and more like human beings, many people are concerned with its effect on the future of work. Automation has already replaced many manufacturing jobs and AI is expected to replace many white-collar jobs. Jerry Kaplan, an AI researcher, says, "The new coming wave of automation is blind to the color of your collar." So, will AI make work by humans redundant? Not necessarily.

Instead of eliminating jobs, AI is expected to change the nature of work. At the recently- concluded World Internet Conference, Apple's CEO Tim Cook said he worried more about people thinking like machines rather than about machines thinking like people.AI, in the end, will open up jobs that require new skills — such as empathy, persistence andmanymore which are not yet defined — that are difficult for machines to learn.What you have to do as studentsisto prepare for these changes.This makes education more important than ever since a four-year college degree may not ensure you a lifetime of employment.

One person who is aware of this and is doing something about it is Andrew Ng, the former head of AI at Baidu. Ng teaches a MOOC at Stanford University on Machine Learning — the uses of AI. Ng says courses such as his will be common in the future as people change jobs or update their skills. However, he says, "One of the biggest challenges is motivation" — you must have the desire to learn throughout your life.

AI is changing our lives and will continue to do so. It will also improve our lives, so we should embrace the challenges posed by this new technology ... even if it sometimes beats us at Go!

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